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Love D'Amour Essay


Submitted By badbtch
Words 2206
Pages 9
Victoria Wright Wright 1 WRT 102 10190 Erin Armstrong
“Most of the shadows of this life are caused by standing in one's own sunshine.”
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
A Life of Crime Isn’t Hard to Find The movie Crime d'amour, (or Love Crime), exemplifies the human ability to manipulate and so deceive oneself of morality, as does O' Connor in "A Good Man is Hard to Find". In regards to the subject of moral judgment, psychologists and scientists alike have been baffled at the way human beings rationalize what behaviour is ‘moral’ or ‘immoral’. Are the things our society encourages us to see as bad concrete rights and wrongs, or does everyone develop their own right and wrongs based on their beliefs? When seeing Love Crime and reading “A Good Man is Hard to Find” I saw prime examples of human beings choosing to react irrationally, and immorally, with cruelty, deception, manipulation, and unfairness. I had the privilege of seeing Love Crime on the big screen at the Loft cinemas, and the experience definitely affected how I was able to picture the movie. First of all, I felt pretty comfortable there, which allowed me to really dive in to the movie instead of worrying about comfort. It was like

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