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Low Back Pain


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Low back pain by young athletes; is practicing sports, prevention or a risk factor to develop low back pain?

Ziva Tavcar, Msc Human Movement Science
Clinique Valmont, Switzerland

Low back pain is a common problem in a modern society and is present also among pre- and adolescents as well by young athletes. Relationship between low back pain and physical activity shows that physical and psychical factors of over active or inactive life-style lead among genetically predisposed individuals to a higher risk for low back pain. Thus better understanding of a problem, earlier diagnostic and right management prevent earlier apparition of recurrences and chronicity in adulthood.

Spinal pain
Spinal pain appears due to variety of symptoms, which are experienced at least once in a lifetime by approximately 80% of a general population [1]. Classification of spinal pain concerns affected region (cervical, thoracic, lumbar, or irradiation in the limbs), duration (acute, sub-acute, chronic), or level of functional disability [1]. Lumbar pain is determined as a pain, muscle tension or stiffness that occurs between the last thoracic vertebra and the lower gluteal folds, with or without leg pain [1–3]. Chronic low back pain appears more often by working population in adulthood [1] and fluctuates during time, appears at different occurrences with different intensities and disability [4]. The complexity of symptoms could be associated with physical, psychical and recently genetic factors, as well most efficiently managed using multidisciplinary approach [5].

Spinal pain is common problem also among children and adolescents [3,6]. A cross-sectional study of 806 pupils in Denmark shows that children between 8-10 years suffer more from thoracic pain and 14 to 16 old adolescents equally from thoracic and low back pain, all together with a monthly prevalence of 39% [6]. Another cross-sectional study done on 29.424 individuals shows that a lifetime prevalence of low back pain could increase between 12 to 18 years old for 49%, and appears 2 years earlier by girls than boys [3]. Pre-adolescent and adolescent population seems to be more susceptible to acute low back pain, due to macro- or micro-traumatic injuries mostly correlated to some specific sports disciplines [7,8].

Physical activity, inactivity and sport
At the beginning of human evolution men - hunter was looking for a food and he was highly active during a day. With farming and technological revolution, this habitude change. Today the food is only few meters away and it is not necessary to hunt and spent a day to find a food as millions years ago [9]. This becomes a main problem of today’s society, as the amount of daily physical activity proportionally drops and it is sometimes even neglected. Therefore it is important to understand what it is physical activity or inactivity and in what manner the first one could be applied on a regular basis.

Physical activity is defined as any body movement, provoked by muscles that for this use the energy from nutriments, metabolic changes boost also cardio-respiratory system [10]. Physical activities are all kinds of daily occupational, household, conditioning or sports activities. It could be daily commute with a bike, play with a child or spontaneous exercise during leisure time without rules [11]. In the contrary, inactivity determines postures or activities that require no or very little movement. A person does not move and body metabolism is not or it is minimally stimulated [11]. For example inactivity is sitting or lying for a long time, watching TV, spending time on the computer, use of vehicles to travel from one part to another.

However any kind of regular physical activity, performed and planned in advance, practiced or individually or collectively, at the known location with applied rules and competitions is known as sport. Sport could be practiced on a recreational or more competitive - performance basis [12].

Correlation between low back pain and physical activity
It seems that the important amount of competitive sports provokes low back pain and in the contrary to the excess of exercise, also inactivity, could be a risk factor of appraisal of low back pain [13]. Physical activity and low back pain are correlated in continuum U shape [14]. The highest or the lowest amount of physical activity, situated at the right or at the left extremity of U shape represents higher risk to develop low back pain in all populations; as well in non-athletes and athletes [14,15].


Nevertheless there are contradictory evidences of positive or negative effects of physical activity or sports on low back pain and depend also from definitions used for both variables as well used measurement instruments [15,16].

This phenomenon has been further observed in a following part, where two 3-years longitudinal studies were analyzed and correlated with several protective and/or risk factors. The first study brings ahead a protective role of high intensity physical activity among schools children [6] and the second exposes risk factors of physical activity on apparition of low back pain symptoms with anatomical modifications observed by young athletes or non-athletes [7].

Wederkopp et al [16] measured the intensity of physical activity with MTI-accelerometers in a population of 9-year schoolchildren. It was observed that after 3 years 33% of children move in average 4.4 minutes per day, what represents low amount of daily physical activity. In the contrary 34% of children were high physically active and were moving 36 minutes per day. Low back pain was assessed with stratified interview and followed-up during 3-years. If comparing groups with low and high amount of physical activity after 3 years, the first group experienced increase of pain in any body parts for 27%, low back pain for 46% and decrease of pain in middle back for 25%, with overall 58% of experienced pain in more than one region. The authors conclude that a higher amount of physical activity in 9-year schoolchildren prevented low back pain 3-years later in the contrary those with lower amount of daily physical activity were 68% more exposed to develop low back pain.

Actually certain sports disciplines apply important mechanical loads on the spine that could be a risk factor for apparition of low back pain. Kujala et al [7] exposed this risk factor within 3-year longitudinal study on a population of 98 adolescents, aged around eleven. Additionally among girls participants they observed anatomical changes in lumbar spine. Young non-athletes practiced non-organized activity less than 2 times per week and athletes practiced sports in average 4.5 years before baseline, for at least 2 times per week. After 3 years of sports practice and competitions, it is showed that athletes were as twice as more fragile than non-athletes; acute spine injury occurred in 68% of cases during own sport event. Personal contact and pushing to the edge of the ring were the most often reported causes of low back pain by ice hockey players. Falling during game was a main cause of low back pain by young soccer players. Girl gymnasts incited spine injuries during landing on floor or jumping off or on gymnastics apparels. Figure ice-skaters were more vulnerable when falling down to the floor. These overload events occurred more frequently within girls’ athletes. MRI observations show more degenerative changes of vertebral endplates and discs with higher risk for disc protrusion, mostly between L4-L5 and L5-S1 region. However Purcell and Micheli [8] observed rare occurrences of disc degeneration by young athletes. All authors agree that repetitive minor trauma lead to spine fragility and higher risk for ring aphophysis [7,8] or spondylolysis or spondylolisthesis [16].

Young athletes are exposed to a wide range of factors that could provoke low back pain during sports’ carrier, thus in further part some of this risk factors were detailed.

Risk factors of sports on low back pain
Some evidences [17–20] expose that certain sport disciplines could cause low back pain because of high impact and high amount of repetitions, specially in sagittal (flexion-extension) and transversal (rotation) plane or in a combination of both (torsion). Risk factors are not only a type of discipline and biomechanical characteristics but also spine fragility during growth period, high volume of physical training, frequent level of sport practice and competitions with neglected time for recuperation and regeneration as well insufficient technique and more fragile personality that expose young athlete to musculoskeletal injuries and increased risk to develop low back pain [8,15,20]. Recently it is also showed that a genetic predisposition plays an important role in low back pain [5].

i) A type of discipline and biomechanical characteristics
As mentioned in previous paragraph every sports discipline produces different loading forces on the spine and vertebral discs. Every individual reacts differently on these forces; furthermore has different capacity to absorb applied forces what depends also from individual morphological composition and maturity [15,20]. Actually applied forces on the spine could be classified in three larger groups: (i) dynamic, (ii) static and (iii) axial. The first type of force is present in most of sports and could be seen in sports like tennis, golf or football. Static load force appears more often during speed skating or cycle. Axial forces are rare and more typical for weight lifting sports [15].

Understanding of biomechanics of spine and characteristics of movement of different sports helps to treat efficiently low back pain and prevent further occurrences. For example in team sports, as soccer, rugby or volleyball; body contact and high impact of landing are frequent causes for more traumatic and acute injuries [8]. Corporal expression sports - as artistic gymnastics, rhythmic, dancing, figure skating, etc - demand repetitive movement and high range of motion of trunk in sagittal or transversal plane [7,8,15,20]. Endurance sports like cross-country skiing with more forward flexion or rowing with backward extension will provoke more repetition loadings on the spine [21]. Corporal expression and endurance sports provoke more overuse injuries [8]. Orienteering or walking are sports disciplines with no or very little specific loading [21,22].

ii) Growth period
Through the life cycle low back pain progress and at different ages [23] causes different physiological changes [24]. The spine reaches maximum growth around 12 years by girls and 14 years by boys (Purcell and Micheli 2009, ref 13). It seems that this period of growing spine in pre-adolescence and adolescence is particularly fragile [8]. During this period, spine hard tissue (bones) overpasses soft tissues (ligaments and muscles) what could lead in muscles imbalance and higher risks for structural injuries, particularly of posterior elements of the spine [8,25]

iii) High amount of physical training
In 10-years longitudinal study Foss et al [21] compared low back pain of former cross-country skiers, rowers and orienteers, aged at the baseline 22. Authors observe that a high quantity of training in previous years and past occurrences of low back pain were more predictable for low back pain than the years of repetitive loading forces of flexion or extension movements in endurance sports. For example athletes practicing sports for more than 9.57 hours per week (equal to 550 hours per year) were more exposed to low back pain than those practicing 3.44 hours per week (equal to 200 hours per year). Rowers were most exposed to apparition of low back pain and after 10 years were looking for less physically demanding job, ask more often for a medical assistance and to adaptation of their work place.

Based on previously mentioned 3-year longitudinal study, Kujala et al [26] reported training hours of 11-years old athletes and compared boys and girls training hours one year before baseline and during intervention at 1st, 2nd, 3rd year of follow-up. In average boys playing ice hockey or soccer trained 3.77 hours per week less than girls practiced gymnastics or figure skating. Figure skating athletes spent 9.77 hours per week on training. At 1st year of follow-up they attain a peak with 11.57 hours per week and 3rd year their training quantity decrease for 4.86 hours per week. In the contrary ice-hockey players, gymnasts and figure skaters decrease amount of hours per week at 1st year of follow-up.

Moreover in a cross-sectional study of Sato et al [27] shown that a high weekly amount of sports practice have negative effect on low back pain among Japanese school children, aged between 9 and 15 years. At 9 years average of observed sports practice is 6.6 hours and at age of 15 this amount doubled to 12.2 hours per week. Weekly average time of sports practice is 9.8 hours. The authors report that participants practicing for a longer time are two times more exposed to low back pain.

All studies demonstrate that higher weekly dose of physical activity could be important risk factor for appraisal of low back symptoms. Whatever higher frequency of risk factors earlier in childhood could lead to more complex pain symptoms later in adulthood and present higher risk for chronicity [17–20]. Actually combination of moderate, physical activities based on power, endurance, flexibility and coordination exercises, practiced between 1 - 2.5 hours per week has positive impacts on low back pain [28]. Thus correlation between physical activity and low back pain seems to be optimal in the middle part of U shape.

The relationship between physical activity and low back pain is based on contradictory evidences. U shape relation between both variables of over active or inactive life-style lead by predisposed young individuals to a higher risk for low back pain [5,15,16]. Contradictory evidences depend not only from definition of both variables and use of measurement methods [16], but also from individual perception of pain (varies among age), maturity as well differences’ in socio-cultural backgrounds [29]. Multidimensional relation of this parameters’ should be taken into account, especially in the studies that are based on a population of children or adolescents [29].

In this analysis most frequent risk factors that provoke low back pain in young athletes were exposed within objective to review and improve earlier recognition of low back pain problematic and help to apply best evidence based solutions. Recommendations would be to control the amount of physical exercise and equalize time of overuse with sufficient time of recuperation [15], combine the main sports discipline with other sport, for example cross-country skiing with biking [30] or have individual strength programme; for example like rowers that strengthen multifidus muscles [31], etc.

In conclusion biomechanical and functional understanding of sports discipline [20], knowledge about risk factors, low back pain evolution and history as well taking in account complaints about low back pain would help young athletes to prevent low back pain and avoid aggravation of symptoms in adulthood [17,18,18,19].


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Table 1:
|Author |Wedderkopp et al |
|Year |2009 |
|Type of study |3-yr longitudinal, prospective cohort |
|Aim |PA in childhood, LBP in early adolescence |
|Population |School children |
|Number (n) |265 |
|Gender |B |
|Group (n) |G |
|Age at B (yr) | |
| |124 |
| |141 |
| | |
| |≅ 9 |
| | |
|Instrument of |MTI – accelerometer |
|measurement |Structured interview about BP at B |
|Outcome |1-month period prevalence of BP |
|Results |BP observed during 3-yr |
| |PAA: ( 27% |
| |LB: ( 46% |
| |MB:( 25 % |
| |More than one region: ( 58% |
| |PA measured at B and observed from childhood to early adolescence |
| |HPA: 34% ≅ 36 min/day |
| |MPA: 33% ≅ 15.2 min/day |
| |LPA: 33% ≅ 4.4 min/day |
|Conclusion |LPA children ( probability of PPA, LBP, MB 3-yr later |
| |LPA 68% probability for LBP and ( in odds of having LBP 3-yr later |
| |HPA protective factor |
| |Treatment with PA - WHO recommendations are at least 30 min/day |
| |Negative effect of specific sports (repetitive minor trauma could cause spondylolysis and |
| |spondylolisthesis) |

Legend: B-baseline; PAA-pain present anywhere; BP-back pain; MBP-mid back pain; LBP-low back pain; yr-year; B-boys; G-girls; PA-physical activity; HPA-high physical activity; MPA-mid physical activity; LPA-low physical activity.

|Author |Kujala et al |
|Year |1996 |
|Type of study |3-y longitudinal |
|Aim |LBP, Anatomic changes, Loading injuries |
|Population |Non athletes (NA) : athletes (A) |
|Number (n) |98 (33 NA, 65 A) |
|Gender |B |
|Group (n) |G |
|Age at B (yr) | |
| |16 NA, 34 A |
| |17 NA, 31 A |
| | |
| |≅ 11.9, 11.9 |
| |≅ 11.9, 11.7 |
| | |
|Non-Athletes |Recreational sports sporadically |
| |≤ 2*/week |
| Girls (n) |16 included in Lx MRI study at B-FU |
|Athletes | |
| Training |≥ 2*/week, for 2-yr |
| |B |
| |G |
| | |
| |17 ice-hockey |
| |17 ice-skating |
| | |
| |17 soccer |
| |14 gymnasts |
| | |
| Intervention |Strength training |
| |Individual training with different jumps |
| | |
| Girls (n) |27 included in Lx MRI study at B-FU |
|Instrument of |Questionnaire |
|measurement |MRI of lumbar spine (Lx) |
|Outcome |Occurrence of LBP and anatomic changes |
|Results |LBP |
| |at 3-yr FU more than 1w: 45% A, 18% NA |
| |at 2-yr of FU: 17% A, 3% NA |
| |at each of 3-yr: 3% A |
| |BP lasting more than 1 month: 20% A, 9% NA |
| |Acute LBP at 3-yr FU |
| |19: 8 BA, 7 GA, 4 NA ( 68% occurred at own sport event |
| |Raisons |
| |GA: ice skating – falling on buttock; gymnastics – dismount |
| |BA: hockey – tacking against rink board; soccer – falling during a game |
| |MRI |
| |43 (GA+GNA) ( 37% abnormalities: 10 A, 6 NA |
| |Number of cases after 3-yr FU |
| |DD: ( 11 (7 A, 4 NA) |
| |DP: ( 5 (4 A, 1 NA) |
| |VE: ( 2 (3 A) |
| |Most often presented (N) |
| |L5-S1: 8 |
| |L4-L5: 7 |
| |L1-L2: 4 |
| |New acute LBP 5 G (2 figure skaters, 3 gymnasts) ( ring apophysis |
|Conclusion |Certain sports demand extreme movements and apply high forces on the spine that is in adolescence |
| |at the time of growth very sensible. Overload can lead to the soft tissue injuries or to acute LBP |
| |and could later in adulthood provoke higher exposure to LB problems as well higher risk of spine |
| |degeneration. |

Legend: N-number; B-baseline; FU-follow-up; LBP-low back pain; BP-back pain; yr-year; B-boys; G-girls; A-athletes; NA-non-athletes; BA-boy athletes; GA-girl athletes; GNA-girl non-athletes; DD-disc degeneration; DP-disc protrusion or prolapse; VE-vertebral endplate changes;

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Unit 23, Task 3, P5 M3 D2

...been successful in helping her and is still suffering from persistent pain. Prescribed medication has been tried to see if that would help Eileen’s condition but she claims to experience awful side effects and would rather not take any medication, because of the side effects Eileen has been experiencing they have started to make Eileen feel overly stressed for no real reason, due to this Eileen has been considering a couple of different complementary therapies which have been recommended by some close friends and family. The two therapies that Eileen has been researching and considering are acupuncture and osteopathy. * Acupuncture is said to help relieve pain by either diverting or changing the painful sensations that are sent to the brain to then alert you to the pain within the body. (Arthritis Research UK) * Osteopathy is also said to help relieve pain that individuals experience for a number of different reasons, this is done by improving mobility and reducing inflammation by using gentle, manual osteopathic techniques. (Hoddesdon osteopathic & sports injury clinic , 2016) Case study – Eileen is a 68 year old pensioner who suffers with arthritis, her arthritis has been getting worse since she turned 65 and has tried everything within the orthodox health system to try and ease the condition but unfortunately nothing has been successful in helping her and is still suffering from persistent pain. Prescribed medication has been tried to see if that would help Eileen’s...

Words: 2801 - Pages: 12

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...Assignment 1 - Semester Plan (60 points total) NAME: Ethan Deane Date: [pic] General Instructions 1. All fitness testing protocols and charts can be found in the “Fitness Testing” file in the “Assignments” folder on the Blackboard website. Read each protocol carefully before completing the fitness testing. 2. Be sure to respond to all questions with thorough, detailed answers. 3. Type all responses. 4. Staple all of the materials listed in the table in the specified order. [pic] Assignment 1 CHECKLIST [pic] | |Requirement |Pts | |1 |Personal Fitness Data Sheet |/2 | | |*Include scores and ratings for “beginning of semester” only | | |2 |Cardiorespiratory Fitness Lab |/7 | | |Perform one of the following tests: | | | |1. PACER | | | |2. 12-Minute Run ...

Words: 2557 - Pages: 11

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...Question- Low back Pain Student’s Name Institution Discussion Question- Low back Pain The discussion question that I am handling in this paper is related to low back pain. Most patients report having encountered low back pain at one time or another. Most of low back pain cases are not related to physical injury (Dagenais, 2012). My interest in this paper is to come up with a Comprehensive Teaching Plan for a patient diagnosed with low back pain that cannot be traced to any particular injury. My teaching program will comprise of three sections, these are general information concerning acute back pain, how to diagnose back pain and how patients can manage back pain (Ferguson, 2009). The primary cause of low back pain cannot be identified. Acute back pain is mostly encountered in primary care practices. Acute back pain is a symptom that is mainly caused by injury or disease to the bones, muscles and the nerves (Swezey & Calin, 2006). Pain arising from other organs in the chest, pelvis, and abdomen may also be felt at the back. The medical term for this type of pain is referred pain as it emanates from other body organs onto the back. Other disorders of the abdomen such as kidney disease, fibroids, urinary tract infections, ovarian infections, endometriosis and pelvic also causes pain that is referred to the back (Szpalski, 2010). Expectant mothers also experience back pain that is manifest in many ways. These include irritating nerves, strains in the low back...

Words: 906 - Pages: 4

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Spinal Manipulative Therapy (SMT)

...Nearly 80% of the entire population at some point in their lives will experience some form of low back pain. It is a relatively common disorder that can incapacitate and interrupt an individuals quality of life, highlighting the great burden its presents to society.1 Low back pain often translates to a decrease in daily activity, time lost from work and substantial medical expenses. Treatment for said ailments however are available. Chiropractic manipulation is one of the available rehabilitations used to combat this disorder with Spinal manipulative therapy (SMT), a widely practiced health intervention, being the main source of mediation administered by chiropractors (healthcare professionals dedicated to the non-surgical treatment of disorders...

Words: 1182 - Pages: 5

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The Oswestry Disability Index

...questionnaire ● To compare the scores obtained in studies of different patient population both before and after treatment ● To review the methodology of outcome measurement ● To consider what is actually measured by this and similar instruments ● Study Design. The Oswestry Disability Index (ODI) has become one of the principal condition-specific outcome measures used in the management of spinal disorders. This review is based on publications using the ODI identified from the authors’ personal databases, the Science Citation Index, and hand searches of Spine and current textbooks of spinal disorders. Objectives. To review the versions of this instrument, document methods by which it has been validated, collate data from scores found in normal and back pain populations, provide curves for power calculations in studies using the ODI, and maintain the ODI as a gold standard outcome measure. Summary of Background Data. It has now been 20 years since its original publication. More than 200 citations exist in the Science Citation Index. The authors have a large correspondence file relating to the ODI, that is cited in most of the large textbooks related to spinal disorders. Methods. All the published versions of the questionnaire were identified. A systematic review of this literature was made. The various reports of validation were collated and...

Words: 12598 - Pages: 51

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...acute low-back pain. The study was conducted by comparing comprehensive massage therapy, two components of massage therapy, which are soft-tissue manipulation and remedial exercise with posture education, and placebo of sham laser therapy for the treatment of sub acute low-back pain. The subjects for each group were given six treatments within a month. After a month of study, most of the subjects in the comprehensive massage therapy group reported that their sub acute low back pain is completely gone, while majority of the subjects from the other treatment groups reported that they still have pain. Thus, it was concluded that massage therapy is an effective remedy for patients with sub acute low back pain. INTRODUCTION The introduction clearly states its objective which is to compare the effects of comprehensive massage therapy, soft-tissue manipulation, remedial exercise with posture education, and a placebo of sham laser therapy for treating sub acute low back pain. The researcher states that this study is relevant as many people experience low back pain but no studies were conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of massage therapy as its treatment. METHODS AND PROCEDURES The article clearly stated how the subjects were recruited and the criteria they used in selecting their subjects. They recruited their subjects through email, flyers, and advertisements. They screened the subjects by telephone using the following criteria: existence of sub acute low back pain, absence...

Words: 749 - Pages: 3

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Clbp Case Studies

...Introduction Chronic low back pain (cLBP) is generally recognized as a complex musculoskeletal symptom involving dynamic, fluctuating conditions with multi-factorial etiology (Helene, 2006). Low back pain is defined as chronic after 12 weeks (3 months), since most normal connective tissues self-repair within 6-12 weeks (Anderson, 1995). Nowadays, chronic low back pain has become a serious medical and social problem in the industrial world, and a common cause of early age disability in Americans younger than 45 years old (Kelsey, 1980). From a recent review, 40% of all population around the world have low back pain sometime in their lives, and as high as 80% of people in developed countries (Hoy, 2012). Around 9% to 12% (roughly 632...

Words: 844 - Pages: 4

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The Purpose and Function of Lumbar Brace

...person’s back. The information provided includes those who would be recommended to use the brace by doctors. There are explanations to why athletes and others who are consistently involved in strenuous physical activity are recommended to use the Lumbosacral brace when experiencing lower back pain. The Evolution and the Function of a Lumbosacral brace. Lumbosacral belts are back braces that help treat pain in the lumbar spine and sacrum. There are many spinal braces for different parts of a person’s spine which doctors may call orthotics or orthoses. Lumbosacral belts are designed to provide pressure on the patient’s abdominals, thereby giving the patient lower back support. The Lumbosacral belt is also used to reduce weight and stress on the patient’s lower back. The brace is made of sturdy cotton and has small rectangular bars that are placed vertically on the back side of the brace. These bars act as the main support on the patients lower back when it is wrapped around the waist. You can adjust it by using the strings or the Velcro straps that are located on either the side or the back of the brace. There are a variety of sizes to the belt that any patient can have to support their back. It is important that the patient follows the directions that the doctor has given. In the article “Sacroiliac and Lumbosacral Belts: A Type of Spinal Brace” written by Nicola Hawkinson, she said “if the patient does not treat their back pain correctly, they will have frequent back pain for...

Words: 852 - Pages: 4

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Back Pain Research Paper

...Title: 4 Ingredient Elixir That Can Eliminate Back Pain Category: Health & Wellness Tags: UTI, pain relief Snippet: Back pain is the leading cause of disability for Americans under the age of 45. And with that often comes prescribed meds that may cause potentially harmful side effects. This article discusses a simple four ingredient tonic that may eliminate back pain, naturally. Article: Each year 13 million Americans visit the doctor for chronic back pain. While about 2.4 million are left chronically disabled, another 2.4 million are temporarily disabled. Back problems can affect the spine's flexibility, stability and strength, causing pain, discomfort, and stiffness. Before you resort to taking potentially dangerous NSAIDS, relaxants and...

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