...Windward Commons: East side VS. West side Moving on from high school to college can be difficult for any teenager. College and high school are different for many reasons. College students are not only away from their parents but they are also able to make their own decisions and able to do what they want to do when they want to do it. The decisions they make in college usually have a bigger impact on their lives than the decisions they made in high school. Although, all these things are difficult for any new college student; being able to fit in socially is the hardest part of all according to many freshman. My job was to explore the freshman dorm at Armstrong, Windward Commons. Windward is split into two different sides, east and west. The reason for the observations is to see what side most people rather stay and visit. I decided to do this because many freshman claim that they are more social in the dorm than outside of it. Windward Commons is a beautifully designed building that houses around a thousand people. The co-ed dorm is for freshman only. The fact that it is co-ed may turn the heads of many parents. According to Sarah, “My parents didn’t like the fact that my next door neighbors on both sides are males. They thought the eastside was for males while the west side was for females until move in day. They claimed that if they didn’t already pay for me to live on campus then I wouldn’t because they are totally against co-ed dorms” (Sarah). After my interview with Sarah...
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...An apology and explanation of my thought process: I want it to be known firstly that my statement that the Emancipation Proclamation "lowkey ain't doin' shit" was not made out of a desire to say that the declaration was not important (as I said). It was also not made out of a desire to exclude the Native American experience of Euro-American chattel slavery in any way shape or form. I will admit that the statement does and can seem that way without the rest of what I wanted to say, which I will list here. I humbly beseech you all, pardon my brashness at the time. I did not know that what was a one-off statement to me could be socially impeding. For that, I apologize. As I explained, it was only exaggerated. Quite honestly, it was meant to be taken a bit humorously....
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...Robert Wise’s The Haunting has been one of the most haunted house films ever produced.I've seen this film with my classmates during my english class. This film is a black and white picture. The picture was once the most fearful film in the early 60’s. This film takes place in New England, in a big haunted mansion. Dr. Markway, does research to prove the existence of ghosts, at the Hill House, a large mansion with a history of violent death. Luke, who stands to inherit the house, Theodora and Eleanor, with psychic abilities make her feel somehow there are spirits around the old mansion. Julie Harris, Claire Bloom, Richard Johnson, Russ Tamblyn, and Rosalie Crutchley. The Haunting is a story about Eleanor Lance (Julie Harris), a lonely woman...
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...blocked off too. So whatever. I did my best. The Meridian Winter Blast is basically a winter festival that features winter activities, live entertainment, food trucks, local restaurants, etc. They had zip-lining, a snow slide, ice skating, an ice garden, and hockey shoot out. Its a small but fun event to spend a few hours at. We all decided to just go ice skating zip-lining because it was pretty cold and we were all hungry. Ice skating was pretty traumatic for me. When I was younger I slipped on ice and my tail bone swelled up really bad and I was basically on bed rest because I could hardly move. Ever since that, I avoid ice like the plague, thus I never learnt how to ice skate as a kid. As you can clearly see, I suffer with a lot of lowkey PTSD. One of my friends forced me and my other friend to go against our will. For one, while putting on my skate, I pulled a nerve which was a bad start already and then walking on the ground required balance, which I lack. Literally, I have no motor coordination skills and I mean that I legit trip over flat, solid, non-slippery ground so this was clearly going to be a struggle. When we got to the ice, it was so slippery! I obviously knew it was going to be slippery, but not that slippery. I help the railing for dear life the whole way through and had to hug people from behind because I refused to fall by letting go. It was so pathetic. I really do want to learn though. Everyone looked so graceful and then there we me and my other friend...
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...his dream leading him to spare Algren. It is also showed from Algrens point of view by demonising the samuri in this scene after they kill Sergaent Gant sending Algren into a furry to revenge his friend. Characters : This scene identifys helps Identify Katsumoto as a main character by him leading the samuri into battle and the respect that his troops have for him. Algren was already previously identified as a main character because the story leading up to this point soly followed him. Front lighting, close ups, zoom and soft focus are all used on both characters which creates emphasis on the importance of both men. Tones : During this scene the tone changes; it starts out as eerie caused by the setting in the middle of the woods and the lowkey lighting. It then goes to panic and confusion as the samuri rip through the ranks of the imperial troops slaughtering everyone in thier path; which is helped caused by contatnt fast paced cutting from shot to shot of killing. The tone finally ends on rage and anger after Algrens friend was killed causing him to go into a rage killing several samuri to revenge his fallen comrade. ...
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...didn’t mean that to be a pun. I don’t think they’re very funny, especially in polite company- Do you? It all ties together with what we’ve been talking about, this bombing in Central Europe, because when you come down right to it the school is involved with everything that happens in the war, it’s all the same war and the same world and I think Devon ought to be included. I don’t know whether you think the way I do on that” (27) Although Gene had nothing but envy towards Finny- Finny had no intentions of making Gene jealous. For all the skills Finny attracted mentally and physically, he was still killed because of his character. The entire story is based on jealousy. Gene Forrester the protagonist of the story wants to be like Finny, his lowkey rival who’s the antagonist. So, he tries to prove to himself he’s just as good as Finny but everytime he does Finny takes one step ahead. Gene tries to do things to show himself and Finny he’s capable of doing like jumping out of a tree into the river. Eventually, Gene lets his jealousy get the best of him and when him and Finny plan on jumping into the river together one day and Gene jounces the limb. As a result, Finny falls out the tree, breaking his leg, and never being able to play sports again. Gene wanted to eventually tell Finny that the cause of his accident was his fault, but was to afraid of his outcome. Gene finally ends up admitting to Finny his mistake but Finny doesn’t want to hear the truth. At one point, it crosses his mind...
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...heaven. Who wouldn’t want their loved ones going up there to spend all eternity with our heavenly father. At this point the narrator has yet to be given a straight answer from the bird. Why is the bird even indoors at this point you may ask, I don’t know the answer to that like I said before I would’ve got it already. The narrator wants even the slightest hint that she may have gone to heaven. “Clasp a rare and radiant maiden whom the angels name Lenore”. Again, “Nevermore”, is all the bird repeats to say. The man begins to become upset and very worried, he starts to believe the bird may be the devil. He has every right to believe the bird was sent from the devil himself. Edgar A. Poe did good with this poem, some of his work is suspenseful. Lowkey this poem gave me chills. His poem “Annabel Lee’ was also a very good one. “ It was many and many a year ago, In a kingdom by the sea, That a maiden there lived whom you may know By the name of Annabel Lee; And this maiden she lived with no other thought Than to love and be loved by me. I was a child and she was a child, In this kingdom by the sea, But we loved with a love that was more than love— I and my Annabel Lee— With a love that the wingèd seraphs of Heaven Coveted her and me. And this was the reason that, long ago, In this kingdom by the sea, A wind blew out of a cloud, chilling My beautiful Annabel Lee; So that her highborn kinsmen came And bore her away from me, To shut her up in a sepulchre...
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...Country Information: Canada ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● The Canadian Mindset Characteristics of Society Lifestyle & Aspirations The Essentials (10 Key Tips) Working with the Canadians Making a Good Impression Business Etiquette Business Meeting Culture Motivating Others Effective Presentations Managing Relationships The Canadian Mindset Canadians are friendly and open with a practical cast of mind which befits a people who inhabit one of the largest - and in many places one of the most physically challenging countries on earth. They are traditional in their thinking and habits, modest and low key in attitude but enjoy a good sense of humour. They pride themselves on being honest and direct and are not given to prevarication or displays of rhetoric or emotion. With one of the most multicultural societies in the world, Canadians are tolerant and egalitarian in outlook. Despite their innate conservatism, they are also very progressive on some controversial social issues. Although they enjoy the trappings of success, Canadians are not ostentatious by nature. Canadians are sensitive about being taken for Americans. While enjoying a warm relationship with their neighbour, with whom they share a vast boundary and vigorous trade links, they are proud of the differences between the two countries and their peoples. They are often more subdued and measured than Americans. The majority of Canada is English-speaking although in the eastern part of the country, French is widespread...
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...TAGBAR Literature Problems Encountered by Irregular College Students Background of the Study Academic performance really means three things: this means the ability to study and remember facts, it also means being able to think in relation to facts and thirdly, it further means being able to communicate one’s knowledge verbally or practically (www.google.com). A marching band is a company of instrumental musicians performing outdoors for the purpose of entertainment and sometimes in competition. Instrumentations typically include brass, woodwinds and percussion instruments (en.wikipedia.com). The marching band at Partido State University was one of the competing units among the marching bands. They joined military parades, concerts, street parades and many more. It means that joining in marching bands had a lot of trainings and practices to be done. In this regards the academic performance of the band members maybe sacrifice because of double priorities. In addition, the society may have different expectations of the performance of the band members according to their own perspectives. It was observed that there are band members who had incomplete or failing grades. It all depends on how they personally addressed problems as a student and as a band members who got failing grades and incomplete grades faced a consequence of termination as a band scholar. http://www.termpaperwarehouse.com/essay-on/Problems-Encountered-By-Irregular-College-Students/134394 Factors...
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...A Corporate Giant Or A Corporate Beast Introduction This case discusses: • • • • • • Introduction to Wal-Mart History of Wal-Mart The Road to Success - Corporate Strategy The Criticism and the Challenges Wal-Mart’s PR strategy The Road ahead Wal-Mart – An Introduction • American public corporation that runs a chain of large, discount department stores • World's largest public corporation by revenue • Largest private employer in the world • Fourth largest utility or commercial employer • Largest grocery retailer in the United States ( 20% ) • Largest toy seller in the United States ( 22% ) Wal-Mart at a Glance • • • • • • • • • Founded - Arkansas, USA(1962) by Sam Walton Headquarters - Bentonville, Arkansas, U.S.A. Products - Discount Stores, Super centers, Neighborhood Markets Revenue - US$ 351.1 billion (2007) (Ranked # 1 on Fortune 500 list) Net income - US$ 11.3 billion (2007) Total assets - US$ 151.193 billion (2007) Total equity - US$ 61.573 billion (2007) Employees - 1.9 million (2007) Slogans - The Lowest Prices. Guaranteed! - Save Money, Live Better (U.S.) - WE SELL FOR LESS every day! (Canada) Wal-Mart at a Glance (contd..) • • • • • List of Assets In U.S.A.Wal-Mart Stores Division U.S. (3,900) Wal-Mart Discount Stores (1,033) Wal-Mart Super centers (2,349) Wal-Mart Neighborhood Markets (124) Sam’s Clubs(585) Internationally• Stores in 14 countries outside U.S. (2980) • Joint venture with Bharti Enterprises to enter India(2006) History of Wal-Mart • Sam...
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...UVA-F-1537 INVESTURE, LLC, AND SMITH COLLEGE In January 2004, Alice Handy’s new investment advisory firm, Investure, LLC, was attempting to land its first client, Smith College, an elite liberal arts college located in Northampton, Massachusetts with a $913 million endowment. Handy, fresh from her previous position as chief executive officer of the University of Virginia Investment Management Company (UVIMCO), had 25 years of experience managing money and a track record of success. Over her career, Handy had directed increasing amounts of funds to a class of investments known as “alternative assets,” which included a range of investments other than publicly traded stocks and bonds. She had also developed a philosophy about their use and principles that she hoped would guide her new company to success. Mindful that in the investment world “past returns were no guarantee of future returns,” Handy knew she would face challenges from the unprecedented flow of funds into alternative assets and competition from other advisors. Building a business would also require time, energy, and persistence. All of these concerns, however, were in the back of her mind. In the forefront was Smith College’s endowment. She and her partner, Bruce Miller, were eager to review Smith’s current portfolio and prepare asset allocations that would position the endowment for future success. Handy’s Career Handy began her career at Travelers Insurance in 1970 after receiving a bachelor’s ...
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...Executive Summary:_________________________________ Jute is a versatile, natural fiber that has been used for thousands of years to make things such as rope, twine, hessian bags, rugs, and much more. While it is still being used extensively around the world, it is not as popular as it could have been. Given the increasing focus on environmental issues these days, jute good products can be put into the lime light, as they are environment friendly. Taking in view the prospects, this is the high time to promote the export of the jutediversified products using limited resources. Although Bangladesh is famous for jute and allied fibers, garments industries swept in and have developed due to relative advantage and cheap labor cost. As there is the Multi fiber concept of merger jute with other natural and synthetic fibers, jute has bright future for using them in the various textile areas. It needs wide support for production and marketing of such diversified products. As a result, the Govt. of Bangladesh initiated policy programmed for the production of diversified jute goods through private sector. The government’s new jute policy is expected to focus on enhancement of the country’s production capacity, diversification of the product base and growth of export earnings. It would be good if it were complemented with good corporate governance practices within the remaining BJMC (Bangladesh Jute Mills Corporation) mills to ensure that both public and private mills can compete on equal...
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...bog56269.app.qxd 7/23/03 1:01 PM Page A-1 APPENDIX Writing a Film Analysis Films are made to be seen and heard, to appeal to our visual and aural senses. Like any art form, however, films are also meant to be felt and understood, to appeal to our emotions and minds. One of the best ways to determine whether a film has succeeded in any or all of these goals is to analyze the elements that make up the whole work. To write an analysis of a film, you must study the film carefully. Your critical analysis should be derived from your personal encounter with the film, not from published criticism. Access to a videocassette recorder or DVD player is essential if you are going to perform a critical analysis of any depth. It is not enough to like or dislike the movie; you must determine why it succeeds or fails in reaching out and encompassing the viewer. The first step is to view the film in its entirety. From this viewing you can get an initial reaction to the many parts of the film that you will have to explore in more depth. When you first view the film, it is best not to try to take notes or separate the parts of the film; you should be familiar with the textbook in order to know what to look for. After you have formulated a thesis and have begun the process of supporting that thesis, you should view the film at least once more in its entirety and two or three times in segments in order to review scenes of major importance. The thesis statement is the element around which to...
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...LEARNING AND ASSESSMENT A GUIDE TO ASSESSMENT FOR THE NATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS FRAMEWORK © New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2001 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced by any means without the prior permission of the New Zealand Qualifications Authority. ISBN 0-90892751-7 ii LEARNING AND ASSESSMENT Assessment for the Qualifications Framework Introduction to 2001 edition Learning and Assessment was first published in 1996. It has been in demand ever since and reprinted many times in its original format. The 2001 edition retains the text of the original. The photographs have been omitted to reduce costs and the original Foreward was no longer relevant. We are delighted and a little surprised that there is sufficient demand for a reprint five years on. When we were researching for Learning and Assessment late in 1995 only 40,000 learners were being assessed for the Framework. There were 4,800 registered unit standards and 109 national qualifications. Only 414 providers were accredited and 16 ITOs were able to register workplace assessors. Sixty schools were trialling mathematics and geography standards. There was little practice of any kind, let alone proven successful practice, on which to base advice to assessors. Our scenarios and case studies in computing, small business management, commercial fishing and economics reflected hope and expectation rather than experience. There are now 626,000 learners registered on the Framework; about 200...
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...Case 29 Starbucks’ Global Quest in 2006: Is the Best Yet to Come? Arthur A. Thompson The University of Alabama Amit J. Shah Frostburg State University Thomas F. Hawk Frostburg State University n early 2006, Howard Schultz, Starbucks’ founder, chairman of the board, and global strategist, could look with satisfaction on the company’s phenomenal growth and market success. Since 1987, Starbucks had transformed itself from a modest nine-store operation in the Pacific Northwest into a powerhouse multinational enterprise with 10,241 store locations, including some 2,900 stores in 30 foreign countries (see Exhibit 1). During Starbucks’ early years when coffee was a 50-cent morning habit at local diners and fast-food establishments, skeptics had ridiculed the notion of $3 coffee as a yuppie fad. But the popularity of Starbucks’ Italianstyle coffees, espresso beverages, teas, pastries, and confections had made Starbucks one of the great retailing stories of recent history and the world’s biggest specialty coffee chain. In 2003, Starbucks made the Fortune 500, prompting Schultz to remark, “It would be arrogant to sit here and say that 10 years ago we thought we would be on the Fortune 500. But we dreamed from day one and we dreamed big.”1 Having positioned Starbucks as the dominant retailer, roaster, and brand of specialty coffees and coffee drinks in North America and spawned the creation of the specialty coffee industry, management’s long-term objective was now to establish...
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