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Marketing Plan- Rfl Plastic Ltd.


Submitted By Mahadi0013
Words 6919
Pages 28
Executive Summary:_________________________________
Jute is a versatile, natural fiber that has been used for thousands of years to make things such as rope, twine, hessian bags, rugs, and much more. While it is still being used extensively around the world, it is not as popular as it could have been. Given the increasing focus on environmental issues these days, jute good products can be put into the lime light, as they are environment friendly. Taking in view the prospects, this is the high time to promote the export of the jutediversified products using limited resources. Although Bangladesh is famous for jute and allied fibers, garments industries swept in and have developed due to relative advantage and cheap labor cost. As there is the Multi fiber concept of merger jute with other natural and synthetic fibers, jute has bright future for using them in the various textile areas. It needs wide support for production and marketing of such diversified products. As a result, the Govt. of Bangladesh initiated policy programmed for the production of diversified jute goods through private sector. The government’s new jute policy is expected to focus on enhancement of the country’s production capacity, diversification of the product base and growth of export earnings. It would be good if it were complemented with good corporate governance practices within the remaining BJMC (Bangladesh Jute Mills Corporation) mills to ensure that both public and private mills can compete on equal footing. In France, there are many types of products in terms of Cloths, Bags, Wallets, Purses, Mats, Rugs, Carpets, Decoration Pieces, Gifts & Crafts, Sacks, Hessian Cloths, and Burlap Bags in today’s market. As variety in such products is accepted there, we sense the opportunity to create a niche market here for biodegradable jute products, which will not only be eco friendly but also be less

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