...– Local product but of international standard. AMCL was launched in 1985 as an agri-business venture to: * Serve small farmers with inputs. * Marketing farm produce for profits. * Organizing contract growers to grow specific crops. * Exports of agricultural products. Soon it was apparent that a processing facility was imperative for a sustainable venture. AMCL therefore set up a factory on 8 acres in Ghorasal with machinery for bottling and canning in May 1991. The factory has expanded substantially over the last 9 years in all spheres of food processing e.g. bottling, canning, pulping, pickling, concentrating as well as installation of Bangladesh’s first Tetra-Pack facility and a modern Extrusion plant for snack food. Machinery for all these lines are being installed, expanded, modified and fabricated continuously. AMCL are very keen to adopt a new technology as it is discovered because of being in such a competitive market. PRAN’s R & D are always working hard for a better technology of production. All departments’ administrative works are done through connected computers using the best software and hardware. Being a major exporter PRAN has to communicate a lot with outside suppliers, retailers or consumers. Therefore this section is very important for AMCL. PRAN has taken this communication issue very seriously. They often have to do meetings by doing teleconferences, internet shopping, video conference etc. AMCL provides with good quality products...
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...Term Paper Topic- Value Chain Organization – PRAN Product – PRAN Choco Choco Submitted to Shawkat Kamal Assistant Professor BRAC BUSINESS SCHOOL, BRAC University. Submitted By Anesat Jahan MD. Shahidul Islam Sumaiya Hossain Khawza Moinuddin Zannat Tahera Lamia Shafiqul Islam Sutirtha Letter of Transmittal July 26, 2011 Shawkat Kamal Assistant Professor BRAC BUSINESS SCHOOL, BRAC University. Subject: Submission of Project Report Dear Sir, With great pleasure we are submitting our report on “The Value chain management of PRAN CHOCO CHOCO”, that you have assigned us as an important requirement of MGT401 course. We have found the study to be quite interesting & beneficial. We have tried our best to follow your guidelines in every aspect on our report. We have collected what seems to be most important information to make our report as specific and coherent as possible. We are earnestly thankful to you for your guidance during the preparation of this report. We hope you will appreciate our combined effort put forth hereby. Thanking You. Anesat Jahan MD. Shahidul Islam Sumaiya Hossain Khawza Moinuddin Zannat Tahera Lamia Shafiqul Islam Sutirtha ACKNOWLEDGEMENT First of all we are graceful to almighty Allah for giving us the power to finish our term paper with a well established way and at a perfect or schedule time period. To make a report it needs a lot of information, effort, link, members’ coordination and so on...
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...mature on optimism, and die on euphoria.†For our investment simulation project, we started out with TK. 10, 00,000 cash at our disposal which we invested in the trading of Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE) stocks, which is a bullish market. However, investing in such a volatile market required good initial research, investment strategies, and a well-diversified portfolio .Since this was a three-phase project, some adjustments were made to offset market downturns and ultimately increase the portfolio value in our account. As the market was unpredictable, our strategies were focused on risk minimization as well as loss minimization by diversifying our portfolio & by observing other measurement tools like Sharpe ratios, Jensen alpha, correlations & others. In addition our portfolio management was not intensified into these formulas as we also considered some of our predictions about this volatile market & companies. 2. Objective: The main objective of our project is to build up strong investment strategies to cope up with this volatile market with maximizing after tax wealth. To do this we realized that diversifying our portfolio would be the best strategy & that’s why we tried to invest in more than ten industries so that downturn in one sector can be offset by the rise in another sectors stock return. Therefore, while determining our investment mix, we allocated our asset among investments in various industries. Thus, in our asset allocation process, we included investments...
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...TRANSMITTAL June 11, 2012 Tahmina Akter Lecturer Department of Finance Faculty of Business Studies University of Dhaka Dear Madam, It is an immense pleasure for us to submit the term report on “Market and Demand Analysis”, which is prepared as a partial fulfillment of the requirement of course - “Capital Budgeting and project Management” of BBA program under Department of Finance of the Faculty of Business Studies, University of Dhaka. We would like to convey our special thanks and gratitude to you for patronizing our effort & giving us proper guidance. We have tried our best to cover all the relevant fields. We earnestly request you to call us if you think any further work should be done on the topic of the report. Sincerely yours, Name | Roll | FARHANA RAHMAN | 16-04 | FARHA FARZANA | 16-06 | MD. RASEL MIAH | 16-68 | SADIA KAMAL SANCHITA | 16-70 | MARUFA AKHTAR | 16-132 | 16th Batch, Sec: B Department of Finance, Faculty of Business Studies, University of Dhaka Table of contents SerialNo. | Description | Page No. | 01 | Executive Summary | 3 | 02 | Introduction | 4 | 03 | Company Description | 5 | 04 | Product Description | 6 | 05 | Situational Analysis | 7 | 06 | Market Survey | 10 | 07 | Characterization of Market | 14 | 08 | Demand Forecasting | 15 | 09 | Uncertainties | 20 | 10 | Marketing Plan | 21 | 11 | References | 27 | EXECUTIVE SUMMARY __________________...
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...Agricultural Marketing Co. Ltd (PRAN GROUP) was established in 1980. PRAN stands for Programme for Rural Advancement Nationally. Now they are the largest processors of fruits & vegetables in Bangladesh. The Group comprises of 10 companies. The head offices are located at Dhaka with production facilities around the country. AMCL (PRAN) Group ("The company") belongs to Food and Beverage Industry. The food and beverage industry faces the insatiable demands of retail consumers. To meet their constantly evolving requests the industry must continually update existing product lines as well as new products to be identified as the next craze. The profit potential of each of the industries in which the firm is competing is important because the profitability of various industry differs systematically and predictably over time. The average profitability of an industry is highly influenced by the “5 forces”. • Competitive Force 1: Rivalry among Existing Firms: The average level of profitability is primarily influenced by the nature of rivalry among existing firms in the industry. The competitors of the industry are fighting intensely to grab their market share. Industry Growth Rate - Industry is growing rapidly as the consumers both in rural and urban areas are becoming habituated more and more gradually on processed food than home made food items. Concentration and Balance of Competitions - The number of firms in the industry is large. As there is no unique dominant firm or several...
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...Table of Contents Chapter 1 Introduction & Conceptual Framework of The Study 2-4 1. Background of the Report 2 2. Objectives of the Report 2 3. Coverage of the Report 3 4. Source and Methodology of Data Collection 3 5. Limitations of the Report 4 Chapter 2 Investment Corporation of Bangladesh (ICB) 6-11 1. Background of ICB 6 2. Objectives of ICB 6 3. Business Policies of ICB 6 4. Functions of ICB 7 5. Capital Structure of ICB 7 6. Shareholding Position of ICB 8 7. Management of ICB 9 8. Share Price 10 9. Transfer of Shares 10 10. Milestone of ICB 10 Chapter 3 Organizational Features of ICB 13-14 3.1 Regulatory Framework of ICB 13 3.2 Institutional Framework 13 3.3 Manpower 13 3.4 Number of Branches of ICB 14 3.5 Training of Employees 14 Chapter 4 Functions of Various Departments of ICB 16-27 4.1 Administrative Division 17 4.2 Merchandising Division 18 4.3 Funds Division 19 4.4 Accounts and Finance Division 20 4.5 Computer Division 22 4.6 Loan Appraisal Division 22 4.7 Implementation & Recovery 24 4.8 Legal Affairs Division 24 4.9 Audits and Method Department 25 4.10 Secretary’s Division 25 4.11 Branch and Subsidiary Control Division 26 4.12 Activities of Subsidiary Company’s 26 Chapter 5 Introduction of ICB Mutual Funds 29-36 5.1 Introduction 29 5.2 What Is Mutual Fund 29 5.3 Types of...
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...INTERNSHIP REPORT Dept. of Business Administration Shah Jalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet. i INTERNSHIP REPORT Role of ICB in the Development of Capital Market in Bangladesh: A Performance Evaluation of ICB Sponsored Mutual Funds COURSE CODE: BAN 400 COURSE TITLE: INTERNSHIP SUPERVISOR MS. NAFSANIATH FATHEMA Lecturer Department of Business Administration Shah Jalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet. SUBMITTED BY MUHAMMAD ABUL LYSE 4th Year 2nd Semester (2nd Batch) Reg No: 0099730014 Dept. of Business Administration Shah Jalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet Date of Submission: July 09, 2006 ii LETTER OF CERTIFICATE Date July 09, 2006 It is an immense pleasure for me to certify that this internship report entitled “ Role of ICB in the Development of Capital Market in Bangladesh: A Performance Evaluation of ICB sponsored Mutual Funds” submitted to the department of Business Administration, Shah Jalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet is an original work done by Muhammad Abul Lyse, a student of BBA 2nd Batch of Department of Business Administration, bearing the Registration number 0099730014. He has successfully completed the internship program at Investment Corporation of Bangladesh (ICB) and prepared this report on the aforesaid title under my supervision. I wish him every success in his endeavors. Signature: ………………………… Ms. Nafsaniath Fathema Lecturer, Dept. of Business Administration...
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...Marketing plan for Pran juice “Pran” is currently the most well-knowncompany in Bangladesh and abroad also. PRAN is in Bangladesh since 1980. It is involved in contract farming and procures raw material directly from the farmers and processes through state of the art machinery at our several factories into hygienically packed food and drinks products.“PRAN” has established every category of food and beverage they are Juices, Carbonated Drinks, Confectionery, Snacks, and Spices to even Dairy products. Executive Summary: Pran group of companies is one of the leading business institute of Bangladesh.Pran has brought this juice to keep our skin smooth and healthy and letting us avoid harmful chemicals enter our skin. Pran mango juice is ready to guard our skin from winter effect.Mango juice is fast becoming their top selling products in the country, growing at over 20 per cent rate year-on-year as they make foray in markets outside the main cities and top district towns.Pran juice has also won hearts in scores of Asian and African nations, forcing the company to ramp up production every year. They offer different packages at a very reasonable price to the customers. If we research their market growing demand, we will find they are in the top position. Pran group of company’s main goal is to product quality leadership and market share leadership. Current market situation: PRAN’s primary target was only the young generation where the age may vary from 16-27. But it is not limited...
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...many challenges. Along with this they are also very much concerned about the products of the company and their position in the market. The Mutual fund is one of them who are performing their works very effectively. As we are the students of BBA department, we have to learn about the mutual fund investment system analysis of a firm. That’s why we have decided to analysis on mutual fund that renown in the world. 1.1 Origin of the Report This report is a part of “Investment Management” course under the BBA curriculum. As we are the students of BBA department, we have to learn about the financial system analysis of financial firms. That’s why we have decided to analysis on mutual fund. 1.2 Objectives • To improve our knowledge • To make us experienced • To develop our skill. • To provide brief information about our analysis 1.3 Problem and Purpose 1.3.1 Problem Statement This report seeks to address the following requirement: “To study about the mutual fund, its overall process analysis followed by firm. 1.3.2 Purpose of the Report The objective of the report is- “To acquire the practical knowledge of Mutual fund analysis followed by the firm. 1.4 Scope and Limitation 1.4.1 Scope This paper includes financial system in Bangladesh. Then Structure of Financial System, History of Bangladesh Capital Market, mutual funds, types of mutual fund schemes, set up of mutual fund, invest in mutual fund and rights of a mutual funds holder...
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...Fin433 Final Project: Mutual Funds in Bangladesh and ICB Submitted to: Hasan Mamun Senior Lecturer, School of Business North South University Date of Submission: April 13, 2014 Submitted by: The A-Team Oishee Rimi Mondal - 1130279030 Rakin Al-Mahmood – 1030442030 Syeda Amara Alam - 1110199030 S.M Ami Islam -1111061030 Sifat Abir - 1110978030 Table of Contents What is a Mutual Fund……………………………………………………………..4 History of Mutual Funds……………………………………………………………4 Mutual Funds in Bangladesh……………………………………………………… 4 Growth of Mutual Funds in Bangladesh……………………………………………5 What Mutual Funds Offer…………………………………………………………..5 Open Ended Funds………………………………………………………………….6 Close Ended Funds…………………………………………………………………6 Unit Investment Trusts……………………………………………………………..7 Advantages of Investing in Mutual Funds………………………………………….7 Types of Mutual Funds……………………………………………………………..8 Formation of Mutual Funds………………………………………………………...9 Valuation and Dividends of Mutual Funds………………………………………..10 Roles of a Portfolio Manager……………………………………………………...11 ICB………………………………………………………………………………...12 Vision of ICB……………………………………………………………………...12 Mission of ICB……………………………………………………………………12 Objectives of the Organization……………………………………………………13 Who Runs ICB…………………………………………………………………….14 Organizational Chart of ICB………………………………………………………14 Main Functions of the Organization………………………………………………18 Functions of Each Subsidiary……………………………………………………..18 ICB CAPITAL MANAGEMENT LIMITED (ICML)...……………………….18 ICB ASSET MANAGEMENT COMPANY...
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...------------------------------------------------- Top of Form Bottom of Form full version Pran Essay Pran Category: Business Autor: jessica85 05 April 2010 Words: 4938 | Pages: 20 We would like to thank our faculty Ameer Yusuf Khan for his splendid support and guideline during our completion of this report. We are grateful for the patience and the time he gave us to solve the problems we faced in making the project. We would also like to express our gratitude to the management and all the individuals of PRAN Group who have taken part by assisting us with details on their company, especially to Mr. Chowdhry Kamruzzaman Kamal who is the General Manager (PRAN Sales-Marketing) of PRAN Group. He helped us a lot by giving his valuable time and lots of information which was very essential for us to make our project a superior one. We would also like to take the opportunity to thank our families, friends and classmates for being so generous, friendly and helpful and assisting us with both major and minor details. We in Bangladesh are blessed with a climate ideally suited to agriculture, specially fruits and vegetables-rich in taste and flavor: sweet, mellow and juicy. Our deltaic plains are among the most fertile in the world created and drained by the mighty rivers-the Padma, Jamuna & Meghna. There is plenty of water. And farming is a way of life to our people. Our comparative advantage as an economy lies in agriculture. We believe the way to economic...
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...[pic] [pic] [pic] Today “Agricultural Marketing Co. Ltd (AMCL)” is the largest processors of agricultural marketing sector in Bangladesh. Their product is branded as “PRAN”. Now it is usually recognized to the consumers by “PRAN Group”. The full meaning of PRAN is… P = Programme for R = Rural A = Advancement N = Nationally “Agricultural Marketing Co. Ltd” was born in 15th May 1985. Keeping in view the corporate mission of the group they have over the years diversified their activities. It consisted as a “Private Limited Company” which is registered 1985 under the authority of Bangladesh government. They encourage contract farmers and help them to grow quality crops with increased yields and to obtain fair prices. Basically Agricultural Marketing Com ltd. was setup in 1980 initially for farming and marketing of agricultural products for local and exports markets. The company was engaged in agronomic (Contact farming) business and cultivated many types of fruits and vegetables. Now the company processes the major fruits produced in Bangladesh like mango, pineapple, guava and several types of vegetables. The plant facilities include canning, pulping, juice making, bottling aseptic packing and also making jam, jelly, pickle, dehydrated fruits etc. The company now solidly established in local market utilizing its available production capacity and facilities with an established brand name, reliable product quality, wide spread...
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...Educarnival PediaAssignment, Internship Report, Term Paper * ------------------------------------------------- Home * ------------------------------------------------- Rules and Regulations * ------------------------------------------------- Educarnival Home ------------------------------------------------- Top of Form Bottom of Form ------------------------------------------------- A project paper on: “Performance in Pooling of funds, making of portfolios and Dividend policy of Investment Corporation of Bangladesh (ICB)”. March 19, 2013 | Author: Farzana | Posted in Featured Article Table of Contents * ------------------------------------------------- 1 Chapter 1 * ------------------------------------------------- 1.1 Overview * ------------------------------------------------- 1.2 Statement of the problem * ------------------------------------------------- 1.3 Rationale of the study * ------------------------------------------------- 1.4 Objective of the study * ------------------------------------------------- 1.5 Methodologies * ------------------------------------------------- 1.6 Expected outcome of the study and its use: * ------------------------------------------------- 1.7 Limitation of the study * ------------------------------------------------- 2 Chapter 2 * ------------------------------------------------- * ------------------------------------------------- 2.0.1 Background * -------------------------------------------------...
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...Assignment on Nescafe Course: MGT 480 Section: 5 Submitted To: Leo V Dewri Lecturer, Department of Business Administration East West University Submitted By: Date of Submission: 26.08.2013 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL 25 August, 2013 LeoV Dewri Senior Lecturer Dept, of Business Administration East West University. Dhaka-1212 Subject: Submission of the Nescafe Tram paper Dear Sir, I am very pleased to submit my Tram paper on Nescafe. After finishing this research, we think that we had gathered some knowledge about the main point of view regarding this work. This research report helped us to extent our knowledge and may help us in future. Thank you very much for giving us such kind of opportunity to enrich our knowledge. We would like to thank you for your valuable guidance in every problem we found and the precious time that you gave us. We hope our work will come up to the level of your expectations. We will be available for any further clarification if required. Best Regards Sincerely yours, ------------------------------------------------- Aparna Biswas ID:2009-2-10-209 Md. Shahinur Hossain Chowdhury ID: 2009-2-10-054 Department of Business Administration ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Writing this tram paper has been very effective, Instructive and sometimes hard. Many hours have been spent during this semester working on this research and therefore it...
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...their role in society and the world, with turning a profit only one of many criteria by which performance is measured. Rising in importance is the impact a company has on its stakeholders, society, and even the planet. Integrated reporting, which encompasses elements of traditional financial reporting, sustainability reporting, and governance reporting within a single presentation, represents a growing trend that reflects these new expectations. The core concept underlying the term “integrated reporting” is providing one report that fully integrates a company’s financial and non-financial (including environmental, social, governance and intangibles) information. Integrated reporting offers the opportunity to centre business reporting on strategy and value creation, to demonstrate how the business uses capital and the extent to which they should continue to be invested in business. Integrated reporting is a journey. Organizations are unlikely to achieve perfection in the first year. In the absence of a generally accepted framework, companies that wish to move toward integrated reporting may encounter several dilemmas around relevance, scope, assurance and other issues. However, as reporting processes for the production of the supporting information are designed and improved and as the executive team begins to benefit from a more informed implementation of the governing structures’ decision, reporting will improve. This paper considers the rationale behind the move towards...
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