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Lying In Michael J. Sandel's Justice

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Kant believes that lying, in any shape or form, is completely wrong and immoral. In the book Justice, by Michael J. Sandel, a certain scenario was shown to display Kant’s view on lying. The scenario talks about a situation in which you are faced with the decision on whether or not to lie to a murderer in order to save your friends life. In most cases, the answer would be an obvious yes to people. According to Kant’s views on lying, however, he says that you should tell the murderer the truth even if you are risking the life of your friend. Kant offers an alternative to lying, which he says are true yet misleading statements. Kant is okay with these misleading statements because he says that these follow the categorical imperative. The categorical imperative says, according to Sandel, “act only on that maxim whereby you can at the same time that it should become universal law.” (120) Kant believes that the only good way of acting or thinking is by this technique. This applies to the murder scenario because Kant believes that you should tell the truth because it’s the right thing to do, not because of the consequences or …show more content…
When a company is experiencing either truly good times or genuinely bad times they will use the technique called “The Big Bath.” This is a method in which a company will pay huge costs all at one time to avoid paying them in the future. This helps the company to be in a better and safer condition when hard times approach in the future. In class, we learned that new CEOs would sometimes use this strategy in order to blame the past CEO and also take credit for the high earnings that are soon to come for that specific company. Earnings management is a lot similar to “The Big Bath” management. The difference is that earnings management is purposely producing financial reports to make the company look better or to reach some kind of earnings

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