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M&M Project Part 4


Submitted By sturd55
Words 1046
Pages 5
Successful FDI

Brenda’s Fine Furniture is a very successful and becoming a household name around the Unites States and in foreign countries because of the innovative and creative structure that suits families and businesses. The furniture gives customers the ability to be elaborate in small dwellings as well as large ones. Many European countries are impressed with the western styles. It has been determined by this company that it would be beneficial to become global. In order to Brenda’s Fine Furniture can enter the Europe market through FDI. The multinational enterprise can invest directly in the production or other facilities in Europe over which has effective control. Manufacturing FDI requires an establishment of production facilities in Europe. Horizontal FDI approach would be use because the same product (furniture) produce in the U.S. will be produce in Europe. This represents a geographical diversification of the MNE domestic product line. Sharing experiences, resources, and knowledge can be shared to reduce risk and cost. Horizontal FDI enables a MNE to quickly establish its competitive advantage in the host country because a company’s key competencies are more transferable. According to Journal of US-China Public Administration (2010), there are relatively specific advantages within given industries between developed countries are exchanged in horizontal or intra-industry. Most FDI is horizontal. In order for the new MNE furniture to benefit from FDI and be successful, it must realize their advantages through international trade and FDI. FDI is can leverage endowment differences between home and Europe the host country. Through FDI the company owns and controls actual operation overseas and can capture the entire profit margin that otherwise must be shared between and an exporter. Location advantages are very important and

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