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M4 Cranefield


Submitted By bezaellen
Words 670
Pages 3
Executive Summary..........................................................................................
Business Description
Projects classification………………………………………………………….6
2.1 Project Classification by using NPV…………………………………6
2.2 Project Priority using IRR……………………………………………..8
2.3 Ranking using Payback Period……………………………………...9
2.4 Earnings per share and Net income for 1993……………………..10
3.0 Strategic Project Selection…………………………………………………...11
3.1 Project selection tools………………………………………………...11
4.0 Researchers’ recommended projects………………………………………12
4.1 Profit-driven projects………………………………………………….13
4.2 Legislation/ Brand protection project……………………………….14
4.3 High Risk project analysis…………………………………………...15
5.0 Recommendations…………………………………………………………....17

Executive Summary
Ellen’s College is a unique undergraduate institution. It was established in 2010 with the goal to building a reputation as a leading educational service that produces good skills. Its key business activity for the past two years has been to educate and promote excellent students with good passing marks that are ready to make a difference in the corporate world of today. Its Operational business plan for 2013 is to promote good quality educational programs that equip students with the skills and knowledge needed to be marketable for employment. The focus of the college is based on excellence and community engagement. The guide has been the vision to be a great learning institution with its mission to meeting the learning needs of the community.
Assessment conducted in 2010 on Market and Competitors gave a clear indication of the success of the business. The college’s activities include the offering of undergraduate certification and online

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