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Maasai Tribe Research Paper

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One of the most well-preserved African cultures is that of the Maasai tribe, who have held on to their traditional way of life despite the widespread westernization and globalization of Africa. The culture of the Maasai tribe has become a popular tourist attraction, and is a symbol of overall Kenyan culture. It is believed that the Maasai tribe began in Northern Africa, and migrated south over several centuries. Along the way they attacked their neighbors, and would steal their cattle. By the end of their southern migration, they had conquered a large portion of the Rift Valley. Many years later, disease struck, greatly reducing the size of the tribe, as well as the size of the tribe’s cattle. Today, they are located in Kenya and are a very …show more content…
According to a Kenyan information guide about the Maasai tribe, “to be a Maasai is to be born into one of the world’s last great warrior cultures.” This culture is a patriarch, in which males are trained from a young age how to protect their land and animals, how to build kraals, or Maasai homes, and how to provide security to their families. The teaching of young boys revolves around the responsibilities included in being a man and a warrior. These boys are taught by their father and other male elders of the tribe, with the ultimate goal of becoming a warrior and teaching his own children the same practices one day. At the end of this intensive training is an elaborate ceremony called Eunoto and signifies the transformation from a boy to a man and warrior. Following this ceremony, the males are expected to build a home, settle down, and start a family. Once the male is middle-aged, he goes through another ceremony called Olng’eshere in which he is promoted from man to elder, and takes the responsibility of teaching the young boys in the tribe, just as he was once …show more content…
The construction is not ideal, and when the home collapses, the family will pick up and build another home elsewhere. The Maasai tribe also has a very important relationship with their cattle. They believe that god created cattle just for them and that they are the sole custodians of cattle on Earth. This close relationship has led to this semi-nomadic way of life, as they follow the patterns of rainfall and food for their large herds of cattle, building new mud-huts along the way. Wealth in Maasai culture is commonly measured in how many cattle and children a family

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