...WITH ST AEROSPACE SYSTEMS PREPARED BY: ZHANG ZHIRONG 054535B06 CE Table of Contents Page Abstract Acknowledgement List of Figures i ii iii Chapter One: Introduction 1.1 Background 1.2 Purpose 1.3 Scope 1 Chapter Two: Approved Certified Holder Test System 2.1 Background, Purpose and Scope 2.2 Admin Menu Items 2.2.1 Login Page 2.2.2 Admin.’s Menu 2.3 Admin operations 2.3.1 Assign Examinee Paper 2.3.2 Generate Report 2.3.3 Set Questions 2.3.4 Set Paper Type 2.3.5 View Examinee answer archive 2.4 Examinee operations 2.4.1 Confirm Particulars 2.4.2 Take Test 2.4.3 View Results 2.5 Security 2 2.5.1 Direct Question Bank Access 2.5.2 Linked tables 2.5.3 User application Chapter Three: Incident Reporting System 3.1 Background, Purpose and Scope 3.2 Menus 3.3 Handling Forms 3.3.1 Enable Data Entry 3.3.2 Refreshing Forms 19 Chapter Four: Library Loans System 4.1 Background, Purpose and Scope 4.2 New Loan Record 4.2.1 Using Sub Forms 4.2.2 Borrower Friendly Design 4.2.3 Clean Records 4.3 Return of Manual 4.3.1 Design Methods 24 Chapter Five: Roster Database System 5.1 Background, Purpose and Scope 5.2 Report Viewing Methods 5.2.1 Order by 5.2.2 Group by 5.2.3 Search by 29 5.3 Keeping track of Last Update Chapter Six: Approved Certified Holder Database System 6.1 Background, Purpose and Scope 6.2 Manipulating Records 6.3.1 Deleting Single Record 6.3.2 Detecting overdue and prompting 35 Chapter Seven: Swift Database System 7.1 Background...
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...Macro Systems Angelica Bever BSHS 325 June 18, 2015 Maria Perrotta Macro Systems According to Netting, Kettner, McMurtry, & Thomas (2012), “macro practice is a professionally guided intervention designed to bring about planned change in organizations and communities.” This paper will be discussing the concept of personal, interpersonal, and political, the ways individuals react in a macro, mezzo, and micro environment. As well as the macro system in response to child maltreatment, sexual abuse, crime and delinquency. The paper will also compare and contrast the functionalism and interactionist theory to poverty. Lastly, the role and responsibility of the human service worker in the macro environment will be discussed. Personal, Interpersonal, and Political Empowerment “…Personal, interpersonal, and political power enables individuals to gain greater control over their environments and attain their aspirations to enable them to gain greater control over their environments and attain their aspirations” (Gutierrez & Lewis, 1999). The concept of personal empowerment comes within you. It is self-reliance and making your own decisions, following responsibilities. You understand and know where you are headed. It is coming to the realization that something must change. An example of personal empowerment is a wife leaving her abusive husband because she is tired of being abused. She has come to the realization that something must be changed. Interpersonal empowerment...
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...can be found at the ENTCS Macro Home Page. An Example Paper My Name 1,2 My Department My University My City, My Country My Co-author 3 My Co-author’s Department My Co-author’s University My Co-author’s City, My Co-author’s Country Abstract This is a short example to show the basics of using the ENTCS style macro files. Ample examples of how files should look may be found among the published volumes of the series at the ENTCS Home Page http://www.elsevier.nl/locate/entcs. Key words: Please list keywords from your paper here, separated by commas. 1 Introduction This short note provides a guide to using the ENTCS macro package for preparing papers for publication in your conference Proceedings. The Proceedings may be printed and hard copies distributed to participants at the meeting; this is an option to Conference Organizers may choose to exercise. The Proceedings also will be par of a volume in the series Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science (ENTCS), which is published under the auspices of Elsevier Science B. V., the publishers of Theoretical Computer Science. It’s home page is http://www.elsevier.nl/locate/entcs The ENTCS macro package consists of two files: entcs.cls, the basic style file, and 1 2 3 Thanks to everyone who should be thanked Email: myuserid@mydept.myinst.myedu Email: couserid@codept.coinst.coedu c 2003 Published by Elsevier Science B. V. Please list Your Lastname Here entcsmacro.sty, a macro file containing the definitions...
Words: 3473 - Pages: 14
...found at the ENTCS Macro Home Page. An Example Paper My Name 1,2 My Department My University My City, My Country My Co-author 3 My Co-author’s Department My Co-author’s University My Co-author’s City, My Co-author’s Country Abstract This is a short example to show the basics of using the ENTCS style macro files. Ample examples of how files should look may be found among the published volumes of the series at the ENTCS Home Page http://www.elsevier.nl/locate/entcs. Key words: Please list keywords from your paper here, separated by commas. 1 Introduction This short note provides a guide to using the ENTCS macro package for preparing papers for publication in your conference Proceedings. The Proceedings may be printed and hard copies distributed to participants at the meeting; this is an option to Conference Organizers may choose to exercise. The Proceedings also will be par of a volume in the series Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science (ENTCS), which is published under the auspices of Elsevier Science B. V., the publishers of Theoretical Computer Science. It’s home page is http://www.elsevier.nl/locate/entcs The ENTCS macro package consists of two files: entcs.cls, the basic style file, and 1 2 3 Thanks to everyone who should be thanked Email: myuserid@mydept.myinst.myedu Email: couserid@codept.coinst.coedu c 2003 Published by Elsevier Science B. V. Please list Your Lastname Here entcsmacro.sty, a macro file containing the...
Words: 3426 - Pages: 14
...found at the ENTCS Macro Home Page. An Example Paper My Name 1,2 My Department My University My City, My Country My Co-author 3 My Co-author’s Department My Co-author’s University My Co-author’s City, My Co-author’s Country Abstract This is a short example to show the basics of using the ENTCS style macro files. Ample examples of how files should look may be found among the published volumes of the series at the ENTCS Home Page http://www.elsevier.nl/locate/entcs. Key words: Please list keywords from your paper here, separated by commas. 1 Introduction This short note provides a guide to using the ENTCS macro package for preparing papers for publication in your conference Proceedings. The Proceedings may be printed and hard copies distributed to participants at the meeting; this is an option to Conference Organizers may choose to exercise. The Proceedings also will be par of a volume in the series Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science (ENTCS), which is published under the auspices of Elsevier Science B. V., the publishers of Theoretical Computer Science. It’s home page is http://www.elsevier.nl/locate/entcs The ENTCS macro package consists of two files: entcs.cls, the basic style file, and 1 2 3 Thanks to everyone who should be thanked Email: myuserid@mydept.myinst.myedu Email: couserid@codept.coinst.coedu c 2003 Published by Elsevier Science B. V. Please list Your Lastname Here entcsmacro.sty, a macro file containing the...
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...Macro System Paper Mike Jones June 7, 2015 BSHS 325 The macro system is the culture of an individual and relates to a person surroundings. In this paper will discuss the concepts of personal, interpersonal, and political empowerment, the way individuals are involved in multiple social systems. I will also discussing the macro systems response to child maltreatment sexual abuse and delinquency and compare and contrast the application of functionalism and interactionist theory to poverty. Lastly, I will discuss the role and responsibility of the human service worker in the macro environment. Personal empowerment can be defined as the power within a person. It consequences in self-confidence, which means an individual is assuming his or her responsibilities; you have enough confidence to make decisions, and you realizes that you are in a position to change. The change could be anything, it could be to seek career advancement, work on a failing relationship or to become a better parent. Personal empowerment gives a person a better sense of responsibility and holds ourselves more accountable for the things we do. It is meant to make us better individuals. Interpersonal empowerment is when a organization or a person work together to meet their targets. The combined power of the group will help all of the members to achieve their goals. Each member will contribute, understand, and support their other group members to increase their collective empowerment. Empowerment can...
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...Front. Econ. China 2010, 5(1): 25–51 DOI 10.1007/s11459-010-0002-7 RESEARCH ARTICLE Huayi Yu China’s House Price: Affected by Economic Fundamentals or Real Estate Policy? © Higher Education Press and Springer-Verlag 2010 Abstract Many theory and empirical literature conclude that house price can reflect economic fundamentals in the long-term. However, by using China’s panel data of 35 main cities stretching from 1998 to 2007, we find that there is no stable relationship between house price and economic fundamentals. House price has deviated upward from the economic fundamentals since government started macro-control of the real estate market. We consider that the mechanism between the house price and economic fundamentals is distorted by China’s real estate policy, especially its land policy. Meanwhile the policy itself is an important factor in explaining the changes of China’s house price. Then we estimate the dynamic panel data model on house price and the variables which are controlled by real estate policy. The result shows: land supply has negative effects on house price; financial mortgages for real estate have positive effects on house price; and the area of housing sold and the area of vacant housing, which reflects the supply and demand of the housing market, has negative effects on house price. We also find some differences in house price influence factor between eastern and mid-western cities. Finally, we propose policy suggestions according to the empirical...
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...Macro Economy Systems Macroeconomics AIU Online Abstract In the following paper, I will be discussing the open and closed system of the two circular diagram presented in my textbook. I will explain what a closed system and open system is and provide examples for the both. Next, I will discuss the inner and outer flows of both systems. Then I will define the leakage and injections in an open system. Lastly, I will provide personal examples of the leakage and injection and describe and explain them both. Following the end of this paper, the reader should have a better understanding of and open and closed flows in the macro-economy. Macro Economy Systems It is very imperative that one understands the flows in the macro-economy. There are two flows: an open and a closed flow. In this paper I will be discussing and explain the two types of flows and how they affect the business world. By having this valuable information, consumers will now be aware of how their money is affecting the economic system in a certain way. Closed System A closed system is an economic system model that counts only domestic exchanges but not the foreign agents . This means that in a closed system, the money is built up inside a circular flow. In a closed system, there aren’t any leaks because there aren’t any foreign agents, governments, investments, or system of savings. Also there are not taxes, savings, or extra expenses that aren’t generated back into the economy. An example of a closed...
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...Management Kaplan University In this paper and assignment the four contemporary approaches to management will be explained. And the definition of open systems and the outline of internal, competitive, and macro environments of an organization. The contemporary approaches to management are sociotechnical system theory, quantitative management, organizational behavior, and systems theory. Sociotechnical system theory is a theory of management that believes technology merely constrains human action instead of rigidly determining behavioral outcomes. This can build good human relations into the technology workflow. Quantitative management relies on solely technology. The quantitative management approach involves the use of math modeling to find the right solutions to problems. Applied to workplace challenges, going from making decisions during product development to fix employee conflicts. Organizational behavior is like sociotechnical system theory when the focus is on people rather than technology. Organizational behavior is the study and knowledge of how people act in organizations. The goal is to build better relationships by achieving human objectives, organizational objectives, and social objectives. Similar the system theory does not look at individuals but the flow of business as a whole. It focuses on subdivisions within the organization and how it ties in with the big picture, the business. An open system is a system that interacts with its environment by exchanging...
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...Written Report MACRO COMPUTER SCIENCE What is a Macro Computer? A macro (short for "macroinstruction", from Greek μακρο- 'long') in computer science is a rule or pattern that specifies how a certain input sequence (often a sequence of characters) should be mapped to a replacement output sequence (also often a sequence of characters) according to a defined procedure. The mappings process that instantiates (transforms) a macro use into a specific sequence is known as macro expansion. A facility for writing macros may be provided as part of a software application or as a part of a programming language. In the former case, macros are used to make tasks using the application less repetitive. In the latter case, they are a tool that allows a programmer to enable code reuse or even to design domain-specific languages. Macros are used to make a sequence of computing instructions available to the programmer as a single program statement, making the programming task less tedious and less error-prone. (Thus, they are called "macros" because a big block of code can be expanded from a small sequence of characters). Macros often allow positional or keyword parameters that dictate what the conditional assembler program generates and have been used to create entire programs or program suites according to such variables as operating system, platform or other factors. The term derives from "macro instruction", and such expansions were originally used in generating assembly language code...
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...Skip to NavigationSkip to Content TermPaperWarehouse.com - Free Term Papers, Essays and Research DocumentsThe Research Paper Factory JoinSearchBrowseSaved Papers Search Criminology In: Social Issues Criminology Task 1: How would you define criminology? Criminology is a social science; its main aim is to research crime and individuals who commit crime, while also looking at the criminal justice system in the hope that this information can be transformed into policies that will be effective in handling, or even eliminating crime. Although it is a specialty, it's not a single discipline. It combines the efforts of sociologists, psychologists, psychiatry, biology, law and statistics. It produces findings that can support, judges, prosecutors, lawyers, probation officers, and prison officials, giving them a better understanding of crime and criminals, and to develop improved and more appropriate sentences and treatments for criminal behaviour. Criminology centres its attention on the criminal as a person, his or hers behaviour, and what has led him or her to a life of crime. It also looks at society's reaction towards breaking laws. Task 2: Explain the difference between macro and micro theories used by Criminologists. Macro theory and Micro theory are both detailed theories that pay close attention to different aspects of crime and criminal behaviour. The Macro theory of crime and criminal behaviour explains the larger scale of crime across the world...
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...Macro Systems Paper Amanda Swift BSHS 325 November 10, 2014 Johnetta Barnes Macro Systems Paper Empowerment understands your own strengths and resources available to you in order to solve your own problems. Empowerment has several dimensions including personal, interpersonal, and political understanding. Personal empowerment comes from within the self. It is closely related to self-worth. The idea of empowerment can push a person towards their personal goals. Interpersonal empowerment is more than one person working toward a goal. These people collectively contribute the strengths and knowledge to reach the goal. Lastly, political empowerment is government working to help communities by providing strategies for success on specific issues. It often includes funding and services provided by social work teams. Social work is defined as the work carried out by trained personnel with the aim of alleviating certain conditions of those in need. Social work, at its core, is divided into subcategories; micro, mezzo, and macro. The micro system refers to the individual and their specific needs, problems, and strengths. Micro systems focus on how the individual might address issues, generate solutions, and make the best effective choices (Zastrow, 2009). Micro systems look at different ways to enhance a person’s functioning in society. These include physical and psychological issues. In contrast to the micro system, the mezzo system consists of small groups. Families, work ties...
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...concepts in the Learning Team Weekly Reflection, the Fundamentals of Macroeconomics Paper, and the discussion topic. Aggregate Demand and Supply Models OBJECTIVE: Analyze the impact of various factors on aggregate demand and supply. Resource: Ch. 10 of Macroeconomics. Content • Ch. 10: “The Aggregate Demand/Aggregate Supply Model” o The Historical Development of Modern Macro o The AS/AD Model o The Aggregate Demand Curve o The Short-Run Aggregate Supply Curve o The Long-Run Aggregate Supply Curve o Equilibrium in the Aggregate Economy o Why Macro Policy Is More Complicate Than the AS/AD Model Makes It Look OBJECTIVE: Evaluate the effectiveness of changes in fiscal policies using Keynesian and Classical models Resource: Ch. 12 of Macroeconomics. Content • Ch. 12: “Thinking Like a Modern Macroeconomist” o Why It Is Important to Know about Modern Macro Theory o Engineering Models and Scientific Models o From the Keynesian Revolution to Modern Macro Models o A Beginner’s Guide to the DSGE Model o Policy Implications of the DSGE Model o How Relevant Are the Problems? o Modern Macroeconomic Policy and the Collapse of the Tacoma Narrows Bridge o The Complexity Approach to Macro: The Future of Modern Macro o The Underlying Dynamic Assumptions of the Standard DSGE, and Complex Systems Models o Macroeconomics, Learning, and Behavioral Economics o Agent-Based...
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...FUTURE OF TECHNOLOGY BY DEBRA JAMES WIU IT-330 Abstract Once before there was a business profit speed breaker called Macro Virus, and today it is still prevalent to a lesser extent, even though; Microsoft did do something about it, to where it is under control, but; still very much around. (Brightub articles 2011) .explains the well knows macro virus was a stark reminder of its disastrous power. In today’s world of technology computer viruses attack the software of a computer- the operating system usually attacks the software. (Microsoft /TechNet 2011), states the macro virus is known as a written virus in the internal macro language of applications. In some cases macro virus can cause no damage to the data, however; in other cases, macros viruses have been written that can cause damage to your work. This paper explains. What macro viruses are? How they spread. What affect they have? How to avoid a macro virus How to protect your computer What are Macro viruses…..? A macro virus is a computer infraction written in macro language, which is commonly built into word processing applications. (Goggle 2011, pg., 1) In general, Marcos viruses are a series of commands and executions that help automate specific tasks. Regardless of how many they create, they must be executed by a system that is able to interpret stored commands. There are some macro systems that are actually self-contained utilities while others are built into more advanced applications for users to easily...
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...Presented to: JIMA A. DE LEON, B.S.I.M., M.B.A School of Graduate Studies Central Philippine University Jaro, Iloilo City Chapter Two and Three of Mishkin’s The Economics of Money, Banking and Financial Market Chapter Review Faculty, College of Business and Accountancy Graduate Programs Central Philippine University Iloilo City In partial fulfilment Of the Course Requirements In Philippine Financial System MBA 612a Presented by: JOYNEN A. BALDEVARONA July 24, 2015 Chapter 2: An Overview of the Financial System This chapter gives an overview of the financial markets and institutions as well as explain the concept and role of financial intermediaries in the economy. According to Mishkin, there are six basic functions the Financial system performs. These functions are as follows: 1. Borrowing and Lending Financial Market can channel funds from savers to borrowers either through direct finance, in which borrowers borrow funds directly from the lenders by selling them securities or through indirect finance which involves financial intermediaries that stand between the lender (savers) and the borrower (spenders) and help transfer funds from one to another. Mishkin also pointed out in this chapter that firms in major developed countries have traditionally relied more on indirect than direct financing in obtaining their borrowed funds. 2. Price Determination 3. Information Aggregation and Coordination 4. Risk Sharing 5. Liquidity 6. Effiency In this chapter...
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