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Mademoiselle Reisz Analysis

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Mademoiselle Reisz announced in chapter ten at the request of Robert Leburn asking Edna Pontellier her wishes on hearing the pianist play. When Mrs. Reisz delivers the performance, it conveys an arousing emotion to Edna soul. The observation of the artist Mademoiselle Reisz reader’s examines the aspects in several ways, being a single woman during that era, in which she lived, having a profession and as a friend.
A brief description of her life one can say that she is living single during a time the expectation of men is women are to marry having spouses support. Generally speaking, the author’s interpretations of this character symbolize a time in history whenever women chase professions they expect one to be single. As a result, life for her produces a personality trait of offensiveness and having little respects for others. However, her physiques, age, being an older woman and displaying pride suggest the writer implies an artist’s path of sacrifice entitles her to act in such a manner. …show more content…
Although Mrs. Reisz economic status was simple livings dwelling in an apartment, the composer establishes money made from the profession was a minute. Of course, the role of having jobs at that present time encountered challenges with the male gender stereotypes and the concepts of considering what a proper social order is. For this reason, the knowledge of her being popular explained to the readers as only living alone until her friend Edna enters her life. This friendship w birthed out of love for the arts in a way Mrs. Reisz life was giving Edna a glance into her

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