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Compromise Act Of 1850 Essay

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The Compromise Act of 1850 was created to be a means of making everyone in the “United States” happy. However, while the majority of the country may have been content with this agreement, it certainly didn’t benefit me and my life. The compromise allowed California to be let into the northern states and be declared a free state, it gave New Mexico and Utah the decision to choose their position on slavery, and forced Texas to pay $10,000,000 to the federal government; to settle the battle over the Texas-New Mexico boundaries. In addition,Washington D.C. outlawed the buying and selling of slaves, but slavery itself remained legal, and the Fugitive Slave Act was also passed. The Fugitive Slave Act forced free states to assist in the capture and …show more content…
When I hear him discussing his disgustingly racist views, I often get the sudden urge to chuck something straight at his head. I don’t want to be known just as John’s wife, Catrina. I want to be seen and acknowledged as my own person with my own thoughts and opinions. I want the world to understand that slavery is unjust and cruel, and just downright despicable. I want John to know that his own wife fell into an interracial love. I want to scream it into his ear so loud and long that he’ll never forget it.
All my life I have been cast aside and ignored, and I simply can’t take it anymore. Why is it so awful to want equality for all, not depending on something as silly as the color of your skin? Why can I not just tell everyone who I really am? And why is it so hard to understand and accept that I’m different, but that doesn’t make me evil? I don’t belong in the South; I just can’t belong in the South. However, even if I did take action and tell the world of my seemingly impossible goals for a non-racial community, that would mean facing dire consequences. I’m not afraid to fly, but I am afraid to

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