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Historical Timeline and Essay


Submitted By hevenlyblue
Words 2306
Pages 10
Historical Timeline and Essay
Michael Meisenheimer
December 11, 2011
Kelly Cantrell

Historical Timeline and Essay

1793 Eli Whitney Invents the Modern Cotton Gin Slavery was becoming less and less profitable in the South prior to 1793. One reason was because cotton was not a profitable crop for farmers because preparing it for sale was so labor intensive. Eli Whitney's cotton gin turned cotton into a profitable crop and raised the demand of slaves in the South to grow it. This coincided with the North becoming a more industrialized region that didn't need to depend on slaves.

1819 Missouri Compromise
The Missouri Compromise was brokered by Senator Henry Clay to settle the dispute between the North and the South about if the Western territories would be slave or free. Under the terms of the Compromise, slavery would only be allowed in Missouri and south of the 36th parallel. The need for the Missouri Compromise illustrates how the North and the South were beginning to hold very different views on how allowable slavery was to the nation. Bitter feelings about the compromise persisted in both the North and the South.

1828 The Nullification Crisis The Nullification Crisis grew out of a protective tariff of 1828. The tariff was popular with the Northern states, because it provided protection for American made goods. Southern states traded heavily with Great Britain during this time, and felt it would damage their economies. With the support of Vice-President John C. Calhoun, South Carolina passed the Ordinance of Nullification. It stated South Carolina did not have to abide by the tariff, because the tariff was unconstitutional. It looked like force might be used by the national government against South Carolina, but instead the national government reached a compromise with South Carolina. There are strong parallels between

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