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Nursing Theory


Submitted By limorsmith
Words 831
Pages 4
Nursing is one of the oldest professions and its roots can be traced to ancient Greece. Nursing history Has evolved significantly since religion and the military days, which are relevant to nursing and are responsible for its development as a profession. Nursing role was recognised for thousands of years, demonstrated by an interactive timeline of education. Religious nuns and monks established the care as an identity rather then profession. Presents how p.xiii until the evolution of nursing as a separate profession, nursing wasn’t recognised as a profession; it was a spiritual, vocational, and probably considered more of a nursemaid relationship, based as holistic care rather than integrally providing care. The purpose of this essay is firstly, to explore those significant historical periods along historical characters and their theories which influence the way care is planned and delivered in today’s context. Furthermore, This essay will examine some of the key theories which came about from the war, and its evolutionary influence on future nursing practices and theories.
Before the Crimean War, unpaid, religious nuns and monks established the care for the sick, as mercy act, with no regular system. When the Crimean war began in 1853, the whole nature of nursing changed: the need in care increased, the requirement of help for the sick and injured people was growing rapidly. Nurses status change into saving life. Educated nurses served as army nurses since 1898. Therefore, the need for more than just spiritual care in the field increases and that is how nursing as a proper line of work began (Dossey, 2010). Battlefield needs such as care for the trauma, injuries, uncontrolled disease, wounded and infection all at the same time, led to advances in medicine and nursing as a profession (Winkelstein, 2009). Additionally, Dossey (2010) discusses the

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