...Title: Milkweed Author: Jerry Spenelli Genre:The genre of the novel Milkweed is realistic fiction. It is realistic fiction because it can happen in real life. Point of View:The story Milkweed is from the first person point of view. Misha Pidulski one of the main characters is telling the story about his life. Protagonists: The main characters in the book Milkweed are Misha Pidulski, Uri, Janina, Janina’s father Mr. Milgrom, and the crew. Misha is a thief his nickname is Spottheif, he is an orphan boy who is homeless and without a family. Misha meets Uri when they are both running from the police because they stole bread from an old lady. They become friends and Uri shows Misha things in life that he needs to know in order to be a better...
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...Janina loved her mother and still goes to see her memorial and her tree regularly. She speaks at many places around the country. She speaks to schools, youth groups, etc. There is a website called www.Ireneopdyke.com that was written by Janina and has videos about the play that is on broadway, and many others. The picture above is Irene just before she died in 2003. Before she died she lived in California as an interior decorator. She traveled the majority of the time she lived in California teaching young people and old, about the Holocaust. She said she traveled so much that she was only home about five days each month. Irene Gut Opdyke will be remembered throughout history. She had the courage to stand up against hate and against her religion and make a difference. She said in 1975 she heard a neo-Nazi say that the holocaust never happened. She could not believe...
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...amar prothom dekha brishti-r jol-e bhasiyechhi bhela khelar chhol-e sei jol gechhe mishe, kon nodi-te gechhe hariye kon sagar-e majhi re, o majhi re, dekhechho ki tumi tare? majhi re, o majhi re, dekhechho ki tumi tare? nouko amar, chhele belar, kagoj-er... amar prothom paoya aankar khata, amar prothom lekha kobita, sei chhelbelar, sopno hajar, gechhe hariye kon sagar-e majhi re, o majhi re, dekhechho ki tumi tare? majhi re, o majhi re, dekhechho ki tumi tare? nouko amar, chhele belar, kagoj-er... neeli ambar si naiyyan meri, lehorn ki dhoon mein beh chali, gehri sagar mein tanha kahin, geeton ko tumhare khojti.. ekta jholse jaoya bikel belai, ekta laalche sagar-er jole, jaye bhese jaye sopno bojha-i, nouko amar, kagoj-er majhi re, o majhi re, dekha hai kya tumne usse, majhi re, o majhi re, dekha hai kya tumne usse, kagaj ki nao, mein hain bhare, sapne mere... o majhi re.... [Baranday roddur, ami araam kedara-e boshe du pa nachai re] (2) gorom cha-e, chumuk di, ami khaborer kagoj niye boshe pata oltai re calling-er ghonta shune chhute giye dorja khuli calling-er ghonta shune chhute giye dorja khuli daroan daraye eshe tomar dekha nai [tomar dekha nai re, tomar dekha nai] (4) [chaturdik, agochhal, amar kajer lok dub merechhe dhulo barimoy](2) gharar ghar, fan-er blade, amar ghulghulite chorai boshe jatra shonay re calling-er ghonta sunte chhute giye dorja khuli calling-er ghonta shune chhutte giye dorja khuli dudhwalar...
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...Sendler was shown mercy to be questioned by a styled Polish man concerning her colleagues before she was to be put to death. She refused to accept such an offer of mercy, so she was sentenced to be executed by a shooting. Unfortunately, members of her squadron bribed the executioner to help her escape as she was being led away to be executed. This information being unknown to us, we rejoiced in her death. Although, this is German government’s point of view during world war two. In reality, Irena Sendler was an awe-inspiring heroine. But how did this heroine start out? Irena Sendler was born on February 15, 1910 in Otwock, Poland. Although, her name day was October 20, 1910. She was the only child of Doctor (Dr.) Stanisław Krzyżanowski and Janina Krzyżanowski. She married Mieczyslaw Sendler and moved to Warsaw. What had Sendler been doing to be such a pest to the German government? What caused her to be harshly interrogated? Sendler was a nurse who helped prevent and heal those with typhus. She owned a permit that would allow her to enter and leave the Warsaw ghetto. As Sendler left the ghetto, she smuggled out Jewish children with her. She used sacks, trolleys, stretchers, and ambulances to assist the children escape. All in all, she rescued 2,500 Jewish children. Sendler put the children in orphanages, churches, and in homes with other families. These were all part of an underground network was called Zegota, the Council to Aid Jews. Once the children found refuge, Sendler wrote...
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...Janina Späth 46, Rue de la Musau 67100 Strasbourg tel.: 00-33-(0) 3 88 31 56 91 janina.spaeth1@gmx.de Monika Dapprich Daimler AG 19, Route Industrielle de la Hardt 67120 Molsheim FRANCE Un stage de six moins 17/11/2011 Cher Madame Dapprich, J’ai reçu votre contact par Desiree Lohrer, une étudiante qui est maintenant stagiaire dans votre département marketing chez Daimler à Molsheim. Je suis étudiante Erasmus en deuxième année de spécialisation marketing à l’École de Management Strasbourg au Pôle Formation CCI, normalement à l’Université de Furtwangen dans la Forêt Noire en Allemagne. Je recherche un stage en service marketing pour six moins. L’école nous demande de réaliser notre stage de début mars (05/03/2012) dès que possible jusqu’à fin août/septembre. En reflechant sur la question dans quelle entreprise je voudrai faire mon stage, mon choix s’était toutde suite porté sur Daimler avec sa grande tradition et la marque comme une signification pour la qualité la plus haute. Ça serait le choix suprême pour moi et une expérience vraiment utile pour ma vie professionnelle à l’avenir ou je peux vraiment imaginer de travailler pour une telle entreprise que le vôtre. Mon passion et mon intérêt principal aussi en dehors de mes études étaient vraiment consacrés au Marketing et pour cela je m’adresse spécialement à votre département. Mes études dans la filière marketing et mes expériences pendant mes études en Allemagne dans une équipe étudiante « Business Talks », responsable...
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...Significance of the Study Beauty pageants take place everywhere around the world, and as the researcher observed, they never fail to draw various sectors of audiences. As Cohen (1996a) described it, beauty pageants, as diverse as they are in their cultural and historical contexts, they do something similar wherein they establish an ideal of beauty that best represents the locality. Indeed, Filipinos have been always fond of beauty pageants that it has become a significant part of their lives. No town fiesta or festival can be called as they are if there was no beauty pageant held. And beauty queens and even beauty contestants are always admired and considered as one of the beautiful icons in the country. But as the Philippine culture easily being influenced by the American society, this research hopes to emphasize the distinction of Philippine beauty pageants from American beauty pageants for it is in beauty pageants that the epitome of a Filipino is being showcased around the world. With that in the mind, this research also hopes to discover and unravel the purposes behind the staging of beauty pageants in both American and Philippine society. Background of the Study The researcher, who is not a stranger in the world of beauty contests in her school, has been asked by a judge on what she thinks is the purpose of beauty pageants in the society and whether its purpose is still prevalent. Intrigued, the researcher decided to do a research on beauty pageants. The TLC TV series...
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...Introduction SRJ Chemical Plant is an international company with the Head office based in North America and sub locations all over the world. The company has been in existence for over fifty years and is governed by a board of directors. The President of the company, Romania Nicolls reports directly to the board of directors and works closely with the Vice President, Janina Wilson and the manager of Operations, Sarchyme Lowe. SRJ manufactures and produces products such as insecticides, pesticides, cleaning chemicals, detergents and fertilizers. SRJ Chemical Plant is guided by clearly defined values and standard of conduct. Our company adheres to a strict set of rules and monitors our performance with respect to environmental health and safety. Purpose The purpose of this report is to inform the Manager of Operations of a critical situation that needs …. The Minister for Agriculture for West Africa has recently contacted the company to request the supply of MIM insecticide for the next five years. He requested this particular insecticide because he believes that it is the only chemical that would rid one of his country’s most important crops of a new infestation that threatens to destroy it. However our product is highly toxic and our government has just passed a law stating this product is not to be used in our country. We have to now decide if we should export this insecticide to West Africa or if we should recommend other products. Statement of Problems The major...
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...dissemination of information on sustainability. Components of sustainability Environmental issues One of the issues which have been discussed in the last decade has been climate change. Scientists nowadays believe that human activity has strongly influenced the climate since the Industrial Revolution and has contributed to global warming. The average temperature of the earth has risen by 0.8°C since 1850, with the highest rise in temperature from the mid-seventies to 2000 and increasingly warmer decades (The Royal Society 2010,). The main contributors to global warming is the emission of the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide, also known as CO2, which is emitted by burning fossil fuels, mostly for electricity, energy and transportation (Reutlinger Janina, 2012). Social issues As mentioned in the introduction, economic growth has been seen as a means to alleviate poverty and a way to high quality of life worldwide. Sustainable Marketing Sustainable marketing is an approach to marketing that aligns internal organizational processes and organizes resources which create value for stakeholders (owners, shareholders, employees, value chain partners) and through which the external natural and social environments are enriched by the activities of the firm. The concept of sustainability is used most effectively by organizations that have clearly stated values and goals for their desired effect on their own economic viability, as well as on the natural and social environments where they operate...
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...During the twentieth century in Michigan, many believed that they could create a race of strong, healthy individuals by weeding out the ‘unfit.’ Those they considered to be idiots, imbeciles, feeble minded, insane, sexual perverts, moral degenerates, and epileptic persons were considered for sterilization. The thought was that by sterilizing the ‘unfit’ and the minorities, the worst genes would be eliminated, therefore only the best genes would reproduce. Focusing my research between the years 1869-1974, this paper will investigate the birth of eugenics and Michigan's adoption of the science, which resulted in the massive human rights violations of the states 3,786 residents. This paper will provide the answer to, why was eugenic sterilization such a commonly accepted science in Michigan during the early 1900’s until the sterilization law was repealed in the 1974? My research will show that eugenic sterilization, although heinous in nature, was justified by Michigan scientists and residents a like by claims of a more humane society and was thought to be the saving grace of mankind. Eugenics is a word derived from Greek meaning "well born" and was formulated by British scientist Francis Galton, cousin of Charles Darwin, after an 1869 study which stemmed from his cousins idea of better evolution. This work concluded that heredity was the sole factor in a persons make up—all things good and bad, anywhere from intellect to deformations. The definition of eugenics given by Galton...
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...Position of English as a Global Language: Political and Cultural Factors English has achieved a global significance that no other language has ever been able to do so, in such a scale. A language earns its global status when it culturally and politically dominant across the continents. Also, it is notable that the most salient feature of a global language is not how many people use it, rather how strongly the people who speak this language is socially and politically established. In fact, perhaps the most significant force that makes a language global is political power of its speakers. The spread of English beyond Europe and the British Isles is accredited to four centuries of colonialism and British imperialism, which led to English being spoken by over three hundred million people. (Crystal 14) The first significant stride in the advancement of English towards its pre-eminence as a world language occurred during the early trade in the Atlantic. Crystal also articulates that by the year 1600, England had gained trading contacts across three continents, which retrospectively provided a powerful platform on which the English language was to flourish and become the globally dominant medium of communication that it is at present (39). Trading companies such as the Newfoundland fur trade, the ivory and gold trade on the western coast of Africa and the East India Company brought speakers of English into economic contact throughout the world. English and the English-based pidgins...
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...Department of Medical Technology Faculty of Pharmacy University of Santo Tomas, España, Manila Organic Chemistry Laboratory Recrystallization of Acetanilide Experiment 4 Author: Janina Erika G. Sese Group 8 – 2C Medical Technology (A.Y. 2015-2016) Members: Kathleen Danielle Marie A. Robles, Amiel C. Sabangan, Hanz Jefry A. Saliendra, Andrea Betina M. Vega, Anna Denise Z. Yang ------------------------------------------------- Date Submitted: October 28, 2015 ------------------------------------------------- ABSTRACT Recrystallization is the simplest and most widely used operation for purifying organic solids that differ in their solubility at different temperatures. In this experiment, three test tubes with water, hexane and, ethanol, respectively, were used to dissolve pure acetanilide. These test tubes were placed in a water bath for one to five minutes, then, were cooled through running water for the selection of the best solvent to use in recrystallization. Crude acetanilide was obtained by mixing two milliliters aniline and 20 milliliters distilled water with three milliliters acetic anhydride, which was cooled with running water. It was then filtered and dried for the procurement of crude acetanilide. This was mixed with 20 milliliters of the chosen solvent and heated through water bath until the solid was dissolved. Next, it was immediately filtered while hot. The filtrate was collected and was cooled with running water leading to...
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...By: Janina Mae Almirez Industrial Analysis International Master of Business Administration Chung Yuan Christian University November 15, 2012 ABSTRACT The rise of globalization has shifted the manufacturers of textile and apparel to many different parts of the world in search for cheaper labor and maximization of profits. Trade liberalization also means that the world can be your market, and that everyone can be your competitor. We examine the current state of the Philippine textile industry in this context, and the role that technology plays in an industry that is struggling to survive in the face of stifling competition. The Philippines textile industry has suffered steady decline in the past several decades despite starting out strong in its early stages. This study aims to explore the potential for growth of the Philippine’s textile industry given a boost in more advanced technology and innovation. The author focuses on technology because this is the one thing that other countries have already adopted, and with which the Philippines has still yet to fully embrace, partly due to lack of funding and government support. This study will look at the Philippine textile industry’s production output from the year 2000-2010, and aims to establish a relationship between the production volume and the number of patents awarded to innovators within the Philippines, which will be used as a measure of the country’s technological advancement. This research used regression analysis...
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...PREFERRED LEARNING STYLE OF THIRD YEAR BSBA STUDENTS OF ST. PAUL UNIVERSITY ILOILO A thesis Presented to the Faculty St. Paul University Iloilo College of Accountancy and Business Partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Krizel Cava Janina Tan Mary Jun Sumagaysay Marisol Tabasin Joanna Paula Velete December 5, 2013 Introduction Learning styles originated in the 1970’s. They involve educating methods, particular to an individual that are presumed to allow that individual to learn best. It is commonly believed that most people favor some particular method of interacting with, taking in, and processing stimuli or information. It has been proposed that teachers should assess the learning styles of their students and adapt their classroom methods to best fit each student's learning style. (Wikipedia.org) The researchers chose this topic because the researchers want to know what different learning styles the third year College of Accountancy and Business students got used to. Understanding a particular learning style and how to best meet the needs of that learning style is essential to performing better in the classroom. Once a person has unlocked his learning style and discovered the best methods for helping him to learn through that style, he may be surprised to discover just how well he can flourish in the classroom, even in subjects that he previously found...
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...Sustainable Human Resource Management: Is it the future or just an interesting theory? Abstract: The purpose of this work was to understand whether sustainable human research management is a solution for the future of HRM. For this reason a research was made regarding the concept of sustainability, its relationship with HRM, and some early versions of how this concept might work. The research showed that while the general knowledge of this perspective idea has been around for a few decades, researchers have only covered some of the basics about this topic. The research also demonstrated some of the positive implications this idea could inflict if it could actually be successful implemented. From the results it can be concluded that while this is still a raw idea, the recent economic struggles will force organizations to plan ahead and figure out how to achieve sustainability. Introduction: A green and healthy lifestyle is becoming more and more popular all around the world: people are sorting and recycling almost everything after it has been used for the first time, companies are looking for ways to look out for the environment, and governments are spending huge amounts of funds on developing alternatives for oil and other natural resources. People are starting to realize that they cannot continue living like they have for the last couple of centuries; they are starting to think about the future. All of this is being done in order to preserve the most valuable thing that...
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...econstor Gechert, Sebastian www.econstor.eu Der Open-Access-Publikationsserver der ZBW – Leibniz-Informationszentrum Wirtschaft The Open Access Publication Server of the ZBW – Leibniz Information Centre for Economics Working Paper Supplementary private health insurance in selected countries : lessons for EU governments? CESifo working paper, No. 2739 Provided in Cooperation with: Ifo Institute – Leibniz Institute for Economic Research at the University of Munich Suggested Citation: Gechert, Sebastian (2009) : Supplementary private health insurance in selected countries : lessons for EU governments?, CESifo working paper, No. 2739, http:// hdl.handle.net/10419/30575 Nutzungsbedingungen: Die ZBW räumt Ihnen als Nutzerin/Nutzer das unentgeltliche, räumlich unbeschränkte und zeitlich auf die Dauer des Schutzrechts beschränkte einfache Recht ein, das ausgewählte Werk im Rahmen der unter → http://www.econstor.eu/dspace/Nutzungsbedingungen nachzulesenden vollständigen Nutzungsbedingungen zu vervielfältigen, mit denen die Nutzerin/der Nutzer sich durch die erste Nutzung einverstanden erklärt. Terms of use: The ZBW grants you, the user, the non-exclusive right to use the selected work free of charge, territorially unrestricted and within the time limit of the term of the property rights according to the terms specified at → http://www.econstor.eu/dspace/Nutzungsbedingungen By the first use of the selected work the user agrees and declares to comply with these terms...
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