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Steroids In Professional Sports

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In the 1930’s steroids were first developed, but athletes first figured out that they gained a lot of muscle in the 1950’s. Not until March 1, 1991 steroids were illegal to athletes. Even though many professional sports players and bodybuilders are abusing steroids and you may never know it. Pete Rose for example used the drug Amphetamine, also called “greenies”, just to lose some weight. Other great players used cocaine to stay alert during games so that the players can react faster to catch a baseball coming at them quickly (Porterfield). Steroids do grow muscle and can be legal, but some steroids are bad and are illegal, for just the normal human or any professional sports athlete. The great players from the MLB (Major League Baseball), Tim Raines, Dave Parker, and Keith Hernandez were the players that used cocaine to stay alert for the long drug out games to react to a fast coming line drive, pop fly, or grounder (Steroids). Mark McGwire admitted to using steroids after he retired in 2001, and after breaking the single season HR record with seventy home runs. He used …show more content…
As well as men, there are many consequences for women, they can get excessive hair growth around the body, baldness to the head, easiest to get numerous cancers, and also easier to get a sexualy transmitted disease, or abbreviated STD’s (What). The short term effects from steroids for women are breast reduction, and even more types of cancers. The long term effects for women are that they will get a deeper voice, enlarged clirotis, and also will notice abnormal menstrual cycles (Anabolic). As of March 2016 a great woman tennis player by the name of Maria Sharapova that plays in the Wimbledon Championship failed a drug test, then later announced that she used steroids to improve her play. Again there are so many people that use steroids in the sports world and we will never know for sure how many of them really do use

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