Premium Essay

Mae Carol Jamickson Distinctively Visual

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Words 540
Pages 3
Agenda comparison

For purpose of this homework, the first African American woman in space, Mae Carol Jamison, is used as a subject to demonstrate the differences in agenda and how those change the viewer’s image understanding. In the first photograph, taken in the space station, Jamison’s centrality makes her the main object in the picture plane. This is supported by being in focus compared to the background. The object is bleeding from the bottom, but is not heavy. Her lower body is vaguely diagonal yet her torso is vertical in the picture. Moreover, she is the only real vertical in the photograph, while the camera is slightly under the eye level making her important and respectable. Since there is a high contrast between her skin tone and the clothing the focus is on her face, where her facial expression can be seen due to the highlights. From her forehead, the tube lines lead the eye to the hand grasping …show more content…
The object is vertical and centralized, bleeding from the bottom but this time is heavy. This makes her seem very stable, trustworthy even. There is also high contrast between her and the background, making her stand out even with the background being in focus as well. Moreover, the uniform and her skin color contrast make the viewer play visual tennis; eventually focusing on the highlighted part where the badge is placed. Then following the diagonal line to the background, where apparatus can be seen, connotation that she understands technical issues can be make. Resulting from the background line position the focus is again on her face. Because of the shadows her facial expressions cannot be clearly seen, yet we understand her features are horizontal, which may have calming effect on the viewer since the camera angle is eye-leveled with Jamison. Furthermore, her diagonally positioned shoulders line creates a 3D space illusion, making the photograph available to the

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