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Submitted By peaches3
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We believe that the Italian Mafia is closely related to the rational response. The most important market of the Mafia’s businesses is said to be unsecure transactions which violates trust. The Mafia acts as insurers, where they find potential sellers and buyers. Different individuals would come to them with things they need to sell or looking for things to buy and that way they would be able to start a market, plus make a commission. The Mafia has been known to be dependable because of their history and the images that they portray; after all they do have a business to uphold. To maintain their reputation everything has to be on the up and up within the organization, say for instance a sale goes sour and one party isn’t satisfied this could cause problems for the Mafioso’s implicated in the situation, and they may have to undergo consequences. These people will not just provide protection to private business transactions they protect anyone in need, such as individuals and businesses. They provide services in place where the crime rates are high, like Sicily and the United States. Once the Mafia has sold their protection to an individual or a business, they provide insurance to their customers. Making sure that if anything is stolen or damaged that it will be covered, plus they will try to retrieve it or at the least find out who is responsible and the one responsible will be held accountable for their actions; but that is unlikely because everyone knows the Mafia’ s property. Everyone knows that the Mafia is a huge worldwide institution, and they have a number of occupations to make money; even though they may be illegal they are still businesses. Also within the Italian Mafia extortion plays a part of the huge organization, even in legitimate businesses extortion exist. An example would be we pay our insurance on our cars and home to protect us from damages and theft. Therefore, the Mafia acts as an insurance company for those that the government neglected to assist and those with illegal practices who need insurance. Other individuals such as debt collectors and retail dealers also rely on the Mafiosi. Even though a great deal of their services is dishonest and illegal, a classic model is what they have taken on just as any other business, they have clientele; which provide work for labor workforce, they have opponents; such as other Mafia families plus the police, and they have administrators; those who run the business. Reference Gambetta, D. (1993) The Sicilian Mafia: The Business of private protection. Cambridge, Mass; London, Harvard University Press.

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