There are two types of magnetic forces; push and pull. A magnetic field is the region around a magnet where the magnetic force works. The ends of a magnet are called poles. Like poles repel and unlike/opposite poles attract. The term ferromagnetic refers to the ability of a material to be magnetised. Magnets attract materials containing iron. Steel is a compound of iron with other metals. Therefore iron and steel are said to be ferromagnetic.
There are two types of magnets; permanent and temporary.
A permanent magnet is one that does not loses it magnetism easily. Permanent magnets are mainly made from compounds of iron with cobalt or nickel. E.g Steel, alcomax Uses of permanent magnets | * Used on the back of decorations to hold them to steel or iron surfaces such as a fridge or a board. * Keep doors locked; refridgerator, security safes. * Bicycle dynamo |
A temporary magnet is one that loses its magnetism easily. Soft iron, electromagnet
An electromagnet is a device that is created when electricity flows through a metal wire or coil.
The Strength of magnetic filed of an electromagnet can be increased by: * Increasing the number of turns on the coil * Increasing the current flowing through the coil * Putting an iron core inside the coil
Uses of electromagnets
An electric bell – when the doorbell is pushed, the current flows and the iron bar become an electromagnet. This pulls the other iron bar toward it and the hammer strikes the bell.
A telephone - In the mouthpiece sound waves are converted into electric currents. This is distributed to the earpiece of another telephone. The current passes around an iron horseshoe, which becomes an electromagnet. When the current is on, the metal disc is attracted to the magnet, and when it is off, it springs back. So the disc vibrates and makes sound waves.