Premium Essay

Major Biological Community: Taig Taiga Biome

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Words 751
Pages 4
A biome is a major biological community that occurs over a large area of land. Each biome is characterized by precipitation, temperature, wind, soil conditions, availability to water, amount of sunlight, and land. For example, the taiga is very cold in the winter, hot and humid during the summer, receives 30-85 cm of precipitation annually, and the soil is thin and poor in nutrients. There are different types of biomes and each of them have different characteristics.
The tundra is the coldest of all the biomes. The temperatures range from -40 degrees Celsius to 18 degrees Celsius. (Mission Biomes, N.D.) The precipitation ranges from 150 to 250 mm of rain per year. (Mission Biomes, N.D.) According to the article Mission: Biomes, there are almost no trees due to short growing season and permafrost; lichens, mosses, grasses, sedges, shrubs. (N.D.) Tundras are located south of the ice caps and extend across North America, Europe, and Siberia. Tundra winters are long, dark and cold. The temperatures are below 0 degrees Celsius for six to ten months. Animals hibernate during the winter because it is so cold. …show more content…
It extends over Eurasia and North America (Taiga, 2000). The taiga is situated close to the highest point of the world, just beneath the tundra biome (Taiga, 2000). The winters in the taiga are exceptionally frosty with just snowfall (Taiga, 2000). The summers are warm, blustery, and sticky. A considerable measure of coniferous trees develops in the taiga. The taiga is otherwise called the boreal timberland. The taiga doesn't have the same number of plant and creature species as the tropical or the deciduous backwoods biomes. It has a great many bugs in the mid-year. Flying creatures move there consistently to nest and sustain. The summers are mostly warm and moist and very

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