...command on Terminal cd Desktop mv linux-3.6.9 /usr/src/ Create a NewFolder In /usr/src/Linux-3.6.9/ #include <linux/linkage.h> //for linking a system call #include <linux/kernel.h> //for the printk asmlinkage long sys_myservice (int arg1) { printk(KERN_EMERG “My Service is Running”); return 1; } Create a Makefile and add following code in it in Newfolder. #####Makefile Start##### obj-y += myservice.o #####Makefile End####### In /usr/src/linux-3.6.9/include/asm-generic/unistd.h, define an index for system call. #define __NR_myservice 273 Increment the system call count in same file of step 8. #define NR_syscalls 274 as pointed by an arrow in the previous screenshot. /usr/src/linux-3.6.9/arch/x86/syscalls/syscall_64.tbl, define a pointer to hold a reference to your system call routine. In /usr/src/linux-3.6.9/include/linux/syscalls.h contain the declarations for system calls. Add the following line at the end of the file: asmlinkage long sys_myservice (int arg1); Add directory path of the NewFolder to the Makefile (/usr/src/Linux-3.6.9/Makefile) core-y += kernel/ mm/ fs/ ipc/ security/ crypto/ block/ NewFolder/ Now on Terminal type these commands to be have root access to compile the privileged commands. Compile Kernel cd usr/src/linux-3.6.9 * Enter (make oldconfig) * Start compiling to create a compressed kernel image (make) * Start compiling to kernel modules (make modules)...
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...gateway / programming board: MIB520 and the associated hardware (cables, power supply) for each - A Windows PC with MoteWorks installed 2. A simple nesC program: MyApp To get started the first thing to do is to create the application folder (directory) where all your application code and other files will be stored. 1. Change into the directory /MoteWorks/apps/tutorials/ and create a new subfolder (subdirectory) that should have the name as your application is to be called. In this first lesson the application can be called MyApp. Within the MoteWorks framework a minimum of five files will be in any application’s directory: 1. Makefile (section 2.1) 2. Makefile.component (section 2.2) 3. Application’s configuration written in nesC 2.1 Makefile The first step in creating an application is to type in the Makefile. To create the Makefile, enter the following text...
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...ls/chmod/chown/rm/find/ln/cat/mount/mkdir/tar/gzip … sed/awk/grep/tail/less/more … ps/top/lsof/netstat/kill/tcpdump/iptables/dd… /etc /var/log /proc linux vmware player Ubuntu 1 6 9/6/13 1:36 PM - -[ ] http://blog.renren.com/blog/73603/740437492 /Linux 4 Web Web HTML CSS HTML Firefox + Firebug Javascript HTML DOM Firefox + Firebug Apache PHP PHP PHP chrome Nginx HTML MySQL MySQL SQL http://www.stanford.edu/~ouster/cgi-bin/cs142-fall10/index.php ) javascript HTTP: The Definite Guide browsers) Cookie/Session jQuery 4 3-5 ExtJS + Ajax ( +JSON (proxy, gateway, Javascript box model chrome DOM http://oreilly.com/catalog/9780596527402) HTML/CSS/JS) + WEB (LAMP) W3School 1 C C C C Unix/Linux fork/wait/waitpid signal/kill/raise/alarm/pause/sigprocmask gcc gdb makefile IPC Socket Windows SDK Windows WinMain/WinProcedure Windows SDK MSDN SDK GUI 2 Java Java Java JDK Java IDE Eclipse Tomcat JSP Servlet 3 Web HTML5 Web HTTP Server Web Web HTML5 canvas Web Web 4 SVN JUnit Git Java rewrite Nginx Cache Web SQL JS...
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... latter of which will be available after lecture on Wed 9/29), which may take a few minutes, so best not to wait until the very last minute, lest you spend a late day unnecessarily. Be sure that your code is thoroughly commented to such an extent that lines’ functionality is apparent from comments alone. Goals. • Introduce you to larger programs and programs with multiple source files. • Empower you with Makefiles. • Implement a party favor. Recommended Reading. • Section 17 of http://www.howstuffworks.com/c.htm. • Chapters 20 and 23 of Absolute Beginner’s Guide to C. • Chapters 13, 15, and 18 of Programming in C. 0 < 12 This is CS50. Harvard College Fall 2010 Academic Honesty. All work that you do toward...
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... About Xcode Developer Tools Xcode 3.1.4 developer tools for Mac OS X v10.5 Contents Introduction Compatibility with Mac OS X Versions What's New Installation Deprecation Notice Introduction Xcode 3.1.4 is an update and bug fix release to the Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard developer tools. This release includes new, optional GCC and LLVM compilers, updated project assistant, a simplified toolbar, and additional bug fixes and security enhancements. You do not need to install this package if you have already installed the iPhone SDK for iPhone OS 3.0. The complete Xcode developer tools are included as part of the iPhone SDK installation (download available separately). We encourage developers to join the Apple Developer Connection. It provides the most convenient access to Apple Inc. development resources, technical support and pre-release software. For information visit http://developer.apple.com/. Compatibility with Mac OS X Versions Xcode 3.1.4 is compatible with Intel and PowerPC Macs running Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard. Xcode 3.1.4 supports development targeting Mac OS X v10.3 Panther and Universal applications for Mac OS X v10.4 Tiger and Mac OS X v10.5 Leopard using the Mac OS X SDK support. What's New • • • • • SDK support for targeting non-Mac OS X platforms, including iPhone OS SDK. GCC 4.2 & LLVM GCC 4.2 optional compilers for use with Mac OS X 10.5 SDK Updated assistants to create new projects, targets, and source files Toolbar uses a single popup to choose platform, target...
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...export PATH=$HOME/parasoft/cpptest/9.4:$PATH * export PATH=$PATH:/MM_BASE/arm/toolchain/toolchain/x86-linux2/bin * export PATH=$PATH:/bmw117/C13384B/sysroot/mm_entrynavc2hw-glibc_ivi_base/x86-linux2 (Modify the EntryNAV system release to the one in your setup, in this case it is ‘C13384B’) * Launch C++test GUI using “/home/mmes/parasoft/scripts/cpptest_gui.sh &” 3. To create the project: * Go to File > New... > Project > C/C++ > C++Project, then Next> * In the project definition dialog that appears do the following. Make sure to leave the “Use default location” checkbox enabled: * Give project name, e.g. kisu_try * In the project type select Makefile project > Empty project. * Press Finish. Do NOT switch to C/C++ perspective, if asked by Eclipse. ‘kisu_try’ node should appear in the Navigator tab. 4. Add the source folder (you want to test using C++Test) to the project you compiled in Step 1. For each folder perform the following: * Right click project node and...
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...The FreeType Project License ---------------------------- 2006-Jan-27 Copyright 1996-2002, 2006 by David Turner, Robert Wilhelm, and Werner Lemberg Introduction ============ The FreeType Project is distributed in several archive packages; some of them may contain, in addition to the FreeType font engine, various tools and contributions which rely on, or relate to, the FreeType Project. This license applies to all files found in such packages, and which do not fall under their own explicit license. The license affects thus the FreeType font engine, the test programs, documentation and makefiles, at the very least. This license was inspired by the BSD, Artistic, and IJG (Independent JPEG Group) licenses, which all encourage inclusion and use of free software in commercial and freeware products alike. As a consequence, its main points are that: • We don't promise that this software works. However, we will be interested in any kind of bug reports. (`as is' distribution) • You can use this software for whatever you want, in parts or full form, without having to pay us. (`royalty-free' usage) • You may not pretend that you wrote this software. If you use it, or only parts of it, in a program, you must acknowledge somewhere in your documentation that you have used the FreeType code. (`credits') We specifically...
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...P ra c t i c a l ve ri f i c a t i o n & s a fe g u a rd tools for C/C++ F Michaud . R. Carbone DRDC Valcartier Defence R&D Canada – Valcartier Technical Report DRDC Valcartier TR 2006-735 November 2007 Practical verification & safeguard tools for C/C++ F. Michaud R. Carbone DRDC Valcartier DRDC Valcartier Technical Report DRDC Valcartier TR 2006-735 November 2007 Principal Author Approved by Yves van Chestein Head/IKM Approved for release by Christian Carrier Chief Scientist c Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada as represented by the Minister of National Defence, 2007 c Sa Majest´ la Reine (en droit du Canada), telle que repr´sent´e par le ministre de la e e e D´fense nationale, 2007 e Abstract This document is the final report of an activity that took place in 2005-2006. The goal of this project was first to identify common software defects related to the use of the C and C++ programming languages. Errors and vulnerabilities created by these defects were also investigated, so that meaningful test cases could be created for the evaluation of best-ofbreed automatic verification tools. Finally, when relevant, best practices were inferred from our experiments with these tools. ´ ´ Resume Ce document est le rapport final d’un projet de recherche qui a eu lieu en 2005-2006. Le but de ce projet ´tait avant tout d’identifier les d´fauts logiciels courants li´s ` l’utilisation des e e e a langages de programmation C et C++. Les erreurs et vuln´rabilit´s...
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...[pic] Objectifs pédagogiques du projet tutoré Objectif principal : compréhension, analyse et résolution d’un problème d’informatisation par l’écriture d’un programme, son test et une démonstration de son fonctionnement. Cet objectif suppose : • la décomposition d’un problème en sous-problèmes et la résolution du problème par la résolution de chacun des sous-problèmes, • la mise en œuvre d’une méthodologie de test à plusieurs niveaux, • la mise en œuvre d’une planification des tâches avec remise de documents intermédiaires, • la rédaction de documents techniques • le travail collaboratif en binômes, • l’interaction avec un tuteur, • la présentation synthétique du travail réalisé devant les tuteurs et les autres étudiants. Le carnet de bord : pourquoi faire ? Le carnet de bord est un outil pour les étudiants et les enseignants. Il permet de suivre le projet sur la durée et d'en conserver une mémoire écrite. Il constitue un support central pour le projet, permet d'approcher la professionnalité de gestion de projet et donne une visibilité sur l’état courant du projet. Il vous aidera, par la description des activités et tâches effectuées, d'identifier les compétences acquises et d'en garder la mémoire dans votre « Portefeuille d'Expériences et de Compétences ». Modalités d’évaluation |1 – Suivi/Tableau...
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...Wireless Security and Monitoring for the Home Network Raymond Turner Version 1.4b GIAC GSEC Practical Assignment August 21, 2003 Abstract Marketing trends estimate that by the end of 2006, 21 million homes will have implemented a Local Area Network (LAN), and of those 21 million homes 65% will use wireless solutions. [1] The rapidly decreasing cost for wireless devices and the proliferation of wireless solutions provided by the major Internet Service Providers seems to clearly support these growth estimates. Key fingerprint = AF19 FA27 2F94 998D FDB5 DE3D F8B5 06E4 A169 4E46 Home wireless users and security professionals the world over are conceptually trying to solve similar problems. They both need to find a way to provide a secure working environment. There are two distinct approaches to this security dilemma, security prevention, and security detection. An example of security prevention would be a firewall device that restricts specific traffic or ports to or from specific hosts. Although this provides protection against unauthorized traffic, it has no means for determining if an attack is being attempted via an authorized port. An example of security detection would be an IDS (Intrusion Detection System) device that contains a signature to identify a specific attack via authorized or unauthorized ports. [2] Security professionals often have the technology and resources to develop security solutions based on prevention, detection, or a combination of the two. However, home...
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...转:程序员练级之路 (作者:陈皓)作者: 吴江伟 建议: * 不要乱买书,不要乱追新技术新名词,基础的东西经过很长时间积累而且还会在未来至少10年通用。 * 回顾一下历史,看看历史上时间线上技术的发展,你才能明白明天会是什么样。 * 一定要动手,例子不管多么简单,建议至少自己手敲一遍看看是否理解了里头的细枝末节。 * 一定要学会思考,思考为什么要这样,而不是那样。还要举一反三地思考。 注:你也许会很奇怪为什么下面的东西很偏Unix/Linux,这是因为我觉得Windows下的编程可能会在未来很没有前途,原因如下: * 现在的用户界面几乎被两个东西主宰了,1)Web,2)移动设备iOS或Android。Windows的图形界面不吃香了。 * 越来越多的企业在用成本低性能高的Linux和各种开源技术来构架其系统,Windows的成本太高了。 * 微软的东西变得太快了,很不持久,他们完全是在玩弄程序员。详情参见《Windows编程革命史》 所以,我个人认为以后的趋势是前端是Web+移动,后端是Linux+开源。开发这边基本上没Windows什么事。 启蒙入门 1、 学习一门脚本语言,例如Python/Ruby 可以让你摆脱对底层语言的恐惧感,脚本语言可以让你很快开发出能用得上的小程序。实践项目: * 处理文本文件,或者csv (关键词 python csv, python open, python sys) 读一个本地文件,逐行处理(例如 word count,或者处理log) * 遍历本地文件系统 (sys, os, path),例如写一个程序统计一个目录下所有文件大小并按各种条件排序并保存结果 * 跟数据库打交道 (python sqlite),写一个小脚本统计数据库里条目数量 * 学会用各种print之类简单粗暴的方式进行调试 * 学会用Google (phrase, domain, use reader to follow tech blogs) 为什么要学脚本语言,因为他们实在是太方便了,很多时候我们需要写点小工具或是脚本来帮我们解决问题,你就会发现正规的编程语言太难用了。 2、 用熟一种程序员的编辑器(不是IDE) 和一些基本工具 * Vim / Emacs / Notepad++,学会如何配置代码补全,外观,外部命令等。 * Source Insight (或 ctag) 使用这些东西不是为了Cool,而是这些编辑器在查看、修改代码/配置文章/日志会更快更有效率。 3、 熟悉Unix/Linux Shell和常见的命令行 * 如果你用windows,至少学会用虚拟机里的linux, vmware player是免费的,装个Ubuntu吧 * 一定要少用少用图形界面。 * 学会使用man来查看帮助 * 文件系统结构和基本操作 ls/chmod/chown/rm/find/ln/cat/mount/mkdir/tar/gzip … * 学会使用一些文本操作命令 sed/awk/grep/tail/less/more … * 学会使用一些管理命令 ps/top/lsof/netstat/kill/tcpdump/iptables/dd… * 了解/etc目录下的各种配置文章,学会查看/var/log下的系统日志,以及/proc下的系统运行信息 *...
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...IT426-1303A-02 System Integration and Organization Deployment Keeping Track Josh. Falwell August 12, 2013 Some of this paper has been recited from IT426-1303A DB 2-3 Table of Contents Project Outline 3 Integration Model and Tasks 4 Standards and Regulations 10 Support Strategies 9 Best Practices 13 Cultural Implications 16 Project Outline For this project it has been brought up by The National Transportation Safety Board that there needs to be a better way of keeping an accurate count on passengers. The reason for this in 2011 an Amtrak passenger train was struck by a semi-truck. When this happen it took Amtrak two full days to account all the passengers that where on the train, then after they had their final count they come to realize that there were two people missing from the train. With this project the integrated software for security will track all passengers at all times during the travel on Amtrak trains. With this when a customer will purchase a ticket from Amtrak all there information will be encoded on the ticket. With this ticket it will be the only way that passengers will be able to open any door within the railcar. When a passenger has to go from one passenger car to another they must use their ticket with the encoded information in the barcode to open the door. Also with this Amtrak will be able to store all this data on their serves also be able to pull this data at any given time. Now for instants if there was a derailment, like...
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...A Practical Guide to Linux Commands, Editors, and Shell Programming SECOND EDITION ® Mark G. Sobell Upper Saddle River, NJ • Boston • Indianapolis • San Francisco New York • Toronto • Montreal • London • Munich • Paris • Madrid Capetown • Sydney • Tokyo • Singapore • Mexico City Many of the designations used by manufacturers and sellers to distinguish their products are claimed as trademarks. Where those designations appear in this book, and the publisher was aware of a trademark claim, the designations have been printed with initial capital letters or in all capitals. The author and publisher have taken care in the preparation of this book, but make no expressed or implied warranty of any kind and assume no responsibility for errors or omissions. No liability is assumed for incidental or consequential damages in connection with or arising out of the use of the information or programs contained herein. The publisher offers excellent discounts on this book when ordered in quantity for bulk purchases or special sales, which may include electronic versions and/or custom covers and content particular to your business, training goals, marketing focus, and branding interests. For more information, please contact: U.S. Corporate and Government Sales (800) 382-3419 corpsales@pearsontechgroup.com For sales outside the United States, please contact: International Sales international@pearson.com Visit us on the Web: informit.com/ph Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication...
Words: 228961 - Pages: 916
...Cobra ODE User Manual v1.5 The Cobra ODE is the world's most advanced and feature rich ODE for PS3 which is also simple and easy to use! The following consoles are supported: FAT; CECHA (PATA) CECHB (PATA) CECHC (PATA) CECHE (PATA) CECHG (PATA) CECHH (PATA) CECHK (PATA) CECHL (SATA) (most consoles)*** SLIM; CECH2XXX (SATA) CECH21XX (SATA) CECH25XX (SATA) CECH3XXX (SATA) SUPER SLIM; CECH4XXX (SATA) ***FAT consoles (SATA) CECHL, CECHM, CECHP and CECHQ with drive controller BMD-21 will be supported from rev 3.1 onwards Feature list: Supports virtually all PS3's including previously "unbreakable" 2k5,3k and 4k systems! Homebrew now possible on previously "unbreakable" 2k5,3k and 4k systems! Play games on SEN in pass-through or emulation modes**! On screen selection of games through Cobra ODE manager or Cobra ODE Browser in XMB Emulation or pass-through modes Advanced Smart Fusion AES encryption and decryption engine on board Fully updatable high speed FPGA's and high speed secure MCU on board Updatable via USB storage Expansion ports for future proofing Simple and easy to use High quality components used throughout Built at a high tech facility Solderless installation on all FAT* and SLIM (2xxx and 21xx) series Easy installation on 25xx,3xxx and 4xxx series Slim and Super Slim series consoles with QSB (quick solder board) Easy setup for PATA or SATA consoles Advanced software onboard and frequent free updates BD Movie support to follow***...
Words: 5587 - Pages: 23
...The Linux Command Line Second Internet Edition William E. Shotts, Jr. A LinuxCommand.org Book Copyright ©2008-2013, William E. Shotts, Jr. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view a copy of this license, visit the link above or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171 Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA. Linux® is the registered trademark of Linus Torvalds. All other trademarks belong to their respective owners. This book is part of the LinuxCommand.org project, a site for Linux education and advocacy devoted to helping users of legacy operating systems migrate into the future. You may contact the LinuxCommand.org project at http://linuxcommand.org. This book is also available in printed form, published by No Starch Press and may be purchased wherever fine books are sold. No Starch Press also offers this book in electronic formats for most popular e-readers: http://nostarch.com/tlcl.htm Release History Version 13.07 09.12 09.11 09.10 Date July 6, 2013 December 14, 2009 November 19, 2009 October 3, 2009 Description Second Internet Edition. First Internet Edition. Fourth draft with almost all reviewer feedback incorporated and edited through chapter 37. Third draft with revised table formatting, partial application of reviewers feedback and edited through chapter 18. Second draft incorporating the first editing pass. Completed first draft. 09.08 09...
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