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Submitted By mrawad
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Body Language

Body language is becoming more and more necessary to understand people’s feelings while communicating with them. A simple movement that others do unconsciously can indicate various meanings. Body language is a wide subject; however, the most important ones are: starting at the top, starting from the neck down and making good impression. The first analysis of the body language starts at the top. Each movement of the head can indicate various signs. Lowering the head with the eyes indicates a subjection or an anxiety but it can be a caution sign if it contains an eye contact according to the article untitled “Body language” “you are strong and I don’t trust you”
Raising the head suddenly to someone shows enjoyment But also raising the head to the ceiling is a sign of ennui.
Titling the head is a sign of attentiveness and it can be a sign of inquisitiveness if the head is titled unconsciously. Also, nodding the head to others while they speak, inspire them to continue talking. Many people caress their hair when they suffer from stress because it reposes them due to when they were kids their parents caressed their hair to provide love. Communicating with eye contact is useful among people and it may indicate attraction. But prolonged eye contact is a sign of warning and limited one indicate that the person is not saying the truth or he is suffering from a lack of self-confident. The second sign of body language is from the neck down. According to Peas & Peas (2004) arms contain a variety of signals, to begin with hand and gestures. Rubbing the palms together indicate that the person has positive supposition; that’s why the sellers are used to this gesture during their work as a sign that they expect from the buyer a positive response.
When a person steeples his hands it means that he believes in himself and usually it is used by lawyers and managers while they are giving information.
In the article “hands and gestures” platting the head is usually used by women to grab man’s attention (Peas & Peas, 2004, p1350).
Usually policeman and leaders hold their hand behind their back to increase their sureness. People can benefit from this gesture during an interview because it will relax them. Peas & Peas (2004) in their article “evaluation and deceit signals” say that person shows interest when his hand isn’t supporting his head and the index finger is on his face but whenever the hand starts to support the head, which means that the boredom kicks off. In the article “arm signals” whenever a person is feeling insecure he does the double arm grip to protect himself and to feel comfortable (Peas & Peas, 2004, p96).
Also, holding our arm as if we are hugging ourselves indicate that the person is exacting and afraid. This gesture has the same effect on feelings like when parents hug their children. There are some lying gesture that approximately all of us do such as putting the hand on the mouth and rubbing the nose while speaking. But if the listener does it, while the other is speaking, that means that he knows that the other is not saying the truth. Also listeners usually scrub their eye not to look to the liar while he is talking. According to Peas & Peas (2004) touching the ear while saying for example that is a good idea for me, that means it isn’t and touching the ear while saying I understand you, means he didn’t. Handshake is a way of salutation but each person has his own one, and each on has a meaning. Peas & Peas (2004) in their article “The power is in your hands.” say whenever a person offers his two hands in a handshake it means that he is trustful and reliable. The most annoying handshake is when the person has frozen and wet hand, this type of handshake shows that one is panic. Also shaking hand on top and the palm facing down is to show domination. And usually aggressive people prefer crushing the hand while shaking to feel more confident. According to Peas & Peas (2004) in their article “How legs reveal what the mind wants to do.” Attaching the legs to each other is a standing position that usually children use it while talking to teachers or workers while meeting their boss. Standing by putting the legs parallel to each other is usually used by men to prove his masculinity. When a person directs one foot to the right or to the left means that he wants to go where his feet is directed. Having one leg across the other while standing with a group of people indicates that the person with this gesture isn’t accustomed with the others. Peas & Peas (2004) say that putting two hands on the crossed foot means that the person doesn’t accept other people’s point of view. During an interview, there is a gesture which is common for people. The gesture is that the face does not move and the knees are crossed together; it means that the person is afraid also it can be accompanied with putting one knees over the other foot which is common for embarrassed woman. According to Peas & Peas (2004) in their article “The 13 most common gesture you’ll see daily” whenever a person put his foot around the chair while someone is talking to him, means that he isn’t listening and he doesn’t care about it. Also putting the hand on the back side of the head is a common gesture for men especially for lawyers and it means that he is showing off about his knowledge. Making good impression is also included into body language. According to Wood (n.d) in his article “getting and giving snap impression”. While meeting new people one must act nicely to make a good impression. For that there are some rules one should follow. The first one is to make connection with others by eyes because it shows interest. Also having positive sign on the face is helpful. Talking about yourself to others encourages them to talk too, in this way you are making a good impression (Webster, 2014, pp. 104-107). To conclude, body language is an important subject, it helps to analyze people’s actions, to know how to react with them and to know if they are lying or not. Just one movement can influence others points of view and make a big difference.

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