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Mama Didn T Come For Me Analysis

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The events that caused Grillo to want a better life that were full of drug use, violence, and especially loss. Is that his mother slowing verged away from him slowly. Secondly he saw his friends being injured or even being incarcerated while he was growing up during his child and teenage years. Lastly he was thrown in jail countless times for crimes he committed or just being around people he got thrown in with. Due to natural instincts Grillo had to clean up his act to prevent further damage to his future.
In the course of time little by little Grillos mother left him alone by himself since he was getting in trouble way too often. In chapter 8 page 189 Grillo at 17 years old gets sent to juvenile hall because of a serious charge of attempted murder. When this happened he quotes “this time Mama didn’t come for me” (pg.189). This shows that is mother tired and is stepping back from taking him out of bad situations. Since he is getting older now and he must live up to taking care of himself rather than depending on his mother. With this said he also faces a rise in his friends being injured when they are together since they are in a gang group. …show more content…
But since they are in a gang they are always assaulted by other enemy gangs by being shot at picked on or getting into gang fights with other gangs. In one case him and his friends were sitting around an abandoned home until a car came and started t shoot at them and one of them got severally injured. In here Grillo quotes “As we dash off we discover Clavos face filled with pellets”. In this I can see how him and his friends experienced this serious confrontation with an enemy gang and could have possibly lost and friend’s life. In the end we still wonder if he still notices what he’s really getting himself into and eventually he gets

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