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Discussion Q’s ch7 Luke Charest Tuestday 6:00

What economic, social and political forces have made employee training even more important today than it was in the past?
50billion dollars A year is spent on training, and research concludes that a company’s revenues and overall profitability positively correlate with the amount of training it gives It’s employees. Socially training can give employees the skills they need to protect themselves from wage and hour violations, The political side of training comes into play with the agencies and external training entities such as the OSHA and EEO, who have particular mandates and other legal tenor such as safety and health regulations, for example train crews must annually undergo training mandated by the Federal Railroad Administration.

What analyses should be done to determine the training needs of an organization? After the needs are determined what is the next step
An Organizational Analysis should be used to first examine the environment strategies and resources of an organization and next to use that information to determine where training emphasis should be placed. A task analysis should then be conducted to help determined the content of the training program based on the duties of the job.

which principles of learning do you see demonstrated in your own classes? In what ways might you bring other principles into them?
Goal setting is often the first class during the syllabus also each chapter has goals of what you should know by the end of it. Meaningfulness of Presentation in the way that most of the course material buildings on top of each other as the course goes on. Modeling weather it be education videos or websites key note speakers are all models in the classroom setting, Individual differences is definitely a factor as far as presentation of material whether it be handout, powerpoint, lecture, case studies, or working in groups. Active practice and prepetition is a trait I see a lot of in the vocational schools or trade schools because kids are there learning to become an auto repair tech and they’re working on cars doing the after reading about it in there textbooks. I think massed-versus-distributed learning is something that could be better integrated into my classes more often than not teacher are not given enough time to cover all the material, or too much time to cover to little material both times leaving the students at a disadvantage. Feedback and Reinforcement first thing I thought of was the teacher evaluation forms students fill out, which is an important form of feedback for a school to have.
Suppose that you are the manager of an accounts receivable unit in a large company. You are switching a new system of billing and record-keeping to the need to train three supervisors and twenty-eight employees in the new procedures. What training methods would you user, why?
For the 28employees I would have most of the training be On The Job Training because it will give them an understanding of what the new procedures are like, I would also try to incorporate Training via Computer Software because it can help drive back cost and can sometimes be a more efficient way of training. As for the three supervisors Some Classroom instruction would have blended learning so there would be multiple training methods so they could have a better understanding of the new procedures and how it will effect the company, these are the people you are going to look toward to help you lead those 28 employees.

Participants in a training course are often asked to evaluate the course by means of questionnaire. What are the pros and cons of this approach? Are there better ways of evaluating a course?
A pro to questionnaires is it can be a relatively cheap way to gather a large (or not so large) amount of feedback. They are also easy to analyze and can be specific for what training is being done. There is some risk involved in using questionnaires as far as asking the correct target questions so that the information you gather can contribute you analyzing your training process to be more efficient.

A new employee is likely to be anxious the first few days on the job:
A) What are some possible cause of this anxiety
Being in a new environment trying to make a leaving with complete strangers can be a daunting task, especially when you’re trying to learn these new skills that your being almost instantly evaluated on. The book states many new hires quit not because they cannot perform the asks related to the job but because they are going through culture shock within their new organization.
B) How man the anxiety be reduced?
By onboarding the employees so they feel welcomed in there new work environment. If an organization cannot retain its new hires not only are they wasting money training them they will also have to start the process all over again. Also having supervisors “mentor” new hires can play an important role in the socialization and long term success of new hires within the organization

Discussion Q’s ch8 Luke Charest Tuestday 6:00

Describe how the performance management process is linked to employee selection, training and development.
Since performance management is the process of creating a work environment in which people can perform at the best of their ability, Employee selection would play a key role because those are the people you are going to be working with which that is a big part of the environment. Also Training and development is going to be the skills that those people you selected are going to be thought and how they are going to be thought it so in an environment where everyone is working to the best of their abilities it starts with having new hires be trained the right way for the job they are going to be performing. Also these are the standards and expectations that will be evaluated during the performance management process.

Discuss the guidelines that performance appraisals should meet to be legally defensible.
Performance rating must be job related, Employees must be provided with clear , written job standards in advance of there appraisals, Managers must who conduct the appraisal must be able to observe the behavior they are rating, otherwise they wouldn’t have an undependable rating because they would have nothing to judge them off of, Do not allow performance problems to continue uncheck, because that would defeat the point of conducting the evaluation in the first place if you leave out what they need to work on it would seem biased, Supervisors should be trained to use appraisal correctly, definitely the supervisor should be rating based on the standards the company has set, not his own, The appraisals should be discussed openly with employees, and corrective action for under performance should be available, If you don’t notify the employee that they are under performing that person may have had no idea, or wasn’t thought the right way when you confront the issue you can get closer to correcting the problem. Appeals procedure should be established helps ensure employees will be able to express their disagreement with the appraisal.

What sources could be used to evaluate the performance of people working on sales representation, tv repair, director of a nursing hospital, HR manager and air traffic controller.
360 degree appraisal for Director of a nursing home, HR Manager, and Air Traffic controller. The first reason is because 360 degree appraisal it a more expensive and time consuming process and these positions might have the resources to conduct this type of evaluation. These are also more or less leadership roles so to get feedback from people working above, below, and with these types of workers would allow for serval different insights as to the evaluation of their performance. People working in sales and Tv Repair could be evaluated via customer appraisal, so that their organizations can improve upon their customer satisfaction, also manager and supervisor appraisals would be a traditional way to evaluate any of these jobs but tv repair and sales specially because those are the people giving out the protocols and have an idea on how they should be performing.

Three types of appraisal interviews are described in this chapter.
What different skills are required for each different type of appraisal interview?
Tell and Sell Interviews require the ability to persuade an employee to change in a prescribed manner, also skillful use of motivation techniques. Tell and Listen Interview’s require the supervisor to examine the employee’s strong and weak points and well as listen to the response of the employee. Problem solving interviews is all about listening accepting and responding to the needs of the employee to create a positive working environment and job satisfaction.
What reactions can one expect to from using these different skills?
The reaction to a tell-and-sell if done in a way that doesn’t offend the employee might be one of questions on ways they can improve, or maybe sadness that they can’t perform. Tell and Listen interviews allow both managers and employees iron out some frustrations they might have. Problem solving interviews may have a more positive turnout because under performance essentially is a problem that needs to be solved.
How can a manager develop the skills needed to conduct a problem solving interview?
By being able to listen accept and respond to essential elements, so brushing on those skills could be as simple as reevaluating your appraisal process to see where the employee should be performing at skills wise may give you an added insight as to job satisfaction/dissatisfaction.
Which method do you feel is the least desirable, why?
Tell-and-Sell only because I feel trying to persuade would make the manager come off a little weak and human beings being the way they are may not correct their behavior and before you know if you have a law suit on your hands. Problem Solving Interview is a better process because it gets to the core of the problem like thing is what you’re doing, and thing is what we need you to be doing, how can we help you do what we need you to do.

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