Premium Essay

Manage Human Resource Services


Submitted By vermarc
Words 4324
Pages 18

For this assessment you are required to answer all of the questions. You are permitted to research the answers by reading your text book, theory notes and accessing the internet. If more room is needed label each task with the question number and use headings or dot points to make your work clear for your trainer and assessor.
Please follow the Referencing Guide contained on your Course handbook.
Please attach a student assessment cover sheet to each unit submission. You must complete the cover sheet in full detail.

Research the following TERMS and PHRASES these are linked with your assessment. Attach your definition or explanation to each point. Please remember to Reference.
a. Strategic plan
Strategic plan is a systematic process of envisioning a desired future, and translating this vision into broadly defined goals or objectives and a sequence of steps to achieve them.

b. Operational plan
Operational plan is the conversion of strategic goals into managed execution. It deals specifically with the internal operations and resources necessary to produce company’s product or service.

c. Line and senior managers
Line manager is a manager who heads a revenue-generating department and is responsible for achieving an organization's main objectives by executing functions such as policy making, target setting, decision making.

The Senior Manager, like all managers, is responsible for planning and directing the work of a group of individuals, monitoring their work, and taking corrective action when necessary.

d. Deliver service requirements
Delivering finished service/product base on request and requirement, on the time frame that requested.

e. Fair Work Act
Initiative and

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