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Managing Conflict in the Workplace


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Managing Conflict in the Workplace Professional Development, MBA 525

Managing Conflict in the Workplace

Introduction Conflict is something we all have experienced or will experience sometime in our lives; one could say conflict is inevitable. Conflict can sometimes get out of hand and can cause havoc in a person’s work life and family life. Conflict is perceived incompatible differences that result in interference or opposition (Robbins, Coutler, 2011). Whether the differences are real or not is irrelevant (Robbins, Coutler, 2011). If people in a group perceive that differences exist, then there is conflict (Robbins, Coutler, 2011). Because of the environment we live in, the strategic alignment of organization’s expanding their workforce globally, the strategic business goals alignment of workplace diversity initiatives, and companies expanding more into work teams and workgroups; conflict in the workplace has become inevitable. There will always be differences in opinions among work groups; however; effectively managing conflict is the key to balancing conflict resolution in the workplace.
Recognizing Conflict Being able to recognize the causes of conflict is an important part of preventing conflict (Pace, 2006). When conflict can be recognized a solution can be created to limit conflict in the workplace. There will be varies opinions in the workplace and work teams; however, when conflict is recognized it should be discussed, and a resolution should be resolved immediately to eliminate the conflict. This is especially important in work teams. Teammates can politely and constructively disagree; it happens all the time (Pace, 2006). Often, a feeling of lack of respect can turn a small disagreement into a bigger conflict (Pace, 2006). Due to the different personalities, and different backgrounds of the team members conflict is inevitable, but can be resolved quickly through team discussions, and conflict resolution. “While you can try and avoid conflict (bad idea), you cannot escape conflict. The fact of the matter is conflict in the workplace is unavoidable. It will find you whether you look for it (good idea – more later) or not. The ability to recognize conflict, understand the nature of conflict, and to be able to bring a swift and just resolution to conflict will serve you well as a leader – the inability to do so may well be your downfall (Myatt, 2013).” When conflict is recognized early it can be resolved immediately. By managing and resolving conflict early in the game can eliminate any bad feelings among co-workers. If conflict is recognized early, dealt with among management and the work team, productivity will not be interrupted, and conflict will not affect the business goals and objectives.
Causes of Conflict Conflict can be caused by many internal and external factors. So what creates conflict in the workplace? Opposing positions, competitive tensions, power struggles, ego, pride, jealousy, performance discrepancies, compensation issues, just someone having a bad day, etc (Myatt, 2006).These are examples of internal forces that may cause conflict, but there are also external forces that may cause conflict in an organization. When a company recruits new employees’ into the organization; there is one thing the companies tend to overlook. “Will the new employee fit into the organization’s culture?” Organizations normally recruit for experience and not culture. Organizations review the person’s resume, and perform the interview all based on work experience or work history; while determining if the person can perform the job based on the job description. However, now that organizations are expanding to work teams, the company should recruit not only for experience, but companies should be recruiting for culture fit. When working in a team oriented company; the new employee should fit the organization culture. Conflict can be caused by a new employee who may not fit into the company culture. This can cause conflict in the workplace, which can cause havoc to an organization’s work team and productivity; therefore, affecting the operations business goals. “There are many different types of people in this world, and not everyone will understand the value of trust and respect the same way you do. It is likely that, at some point in your career, you will work with a person who has a negative attitude (Pace, 2006).” It’s good to have a diverse workforce, but it is also good to hire based on if the person will fit into the company culture. Let face it, not everyone is fit to work on teams, and if an organization is team based focused, the employee may not be a good fit for the organization. It is always good to discuss the organizational culture to potential job candidates up front to give the candidate a realistic view of the organization. Performing behavioral base interviews will assist the organization and hiring manager in identifying job candidates that, not only meet the job requirements, but will fit into a team based culture. Behavioral base interviews will give the organization an idea of how the candidate will react to working on a team or if the candidate has any present or past experience working in a team base environment. Teams should be formed with the right individuals that have varies background, education, and experience. But, without the right fit, the organization and the team may have conflict. Conflict will exist in any situation, there’s just no getting around it, but with the right fit of employees on a work team, providing standard work rules, and informing the team the importance of communicating with each other and management conflict can be minimized.
Managing Conflict The key to managing conflict is to learn to be proactive and understanding. Understand that there will be times when a disagreement or conflict will happen. Managing conflict effectively requires experience and knowledge. By gaining the experience and knowledge, you will also have the basic elements in order to respond to conflict in a positive way. Let’s face it, life is full of conflict. But, managing conflict effectively can ease emotions and tension among teams and co-workers alike. Conflict should be managed so employees will feel that their opinions are valued and appreciated. Collaborating with the team in group discussion can assist with conflict, the key is to get employees involved and give them the opportunity to solve their own problems through collaboration and group discussions. Management may not have to intervene as often if the team is encourage to work through problem solving strategies. “When people get together and combine their talents as a team, they have the potential to get a lot done. They also have the potential for disagreement, or conflict. The success of a team depends on its members being able to work together in a positive way. That’s why you learn individual team work skills. You only have to look at history, though, to realize that, every now and again, people or groups of people just don’t get along. The effects of conflict among team members are the biggest obstacles to building a successful team (Pace, 2006).” Conflict is inevitable, but it can be resolved to a level where everyone is in agreeable. When dealing with conflict, it’s normal to let emotions take control and speak without thinking. Conflict management involves stepping back and thinking out what you should or shouldn’t say. Conflict can be controlled by the way you respond, react, or by your body language. Developing effective conflict resolution skill set are an essential component of a building a sustainable business model (Myatt, 2013). Developing and managing effective conflict resolution can be essential to an organization that values its reputation and its employees. Investing in an organization human capital is essential, and when an organization respect its employees and wish to retain good talent, the organization will find a way to resolve and manage conflict. When conflict is managed properly, employees will feel valued and appreciated.
The Effects of Conflict Conflict in the workplace can cause undue stress, anger, and resentment. Workplace conflict leads to decreased productivity, increased stress among employees, hampered performance, high turnover rate, absenteeism, and at its worst, violence and death (Fiore, 2013). Conflict can lead to morale issues, and can create a hostile working environment for everyone involved. Conflict can be very destructive; it can hurt employees and their careers, and it can destroy creativity and productivity if it is not managed to a degree where it can be resolved before getting out of control. Workplace conflict can destroy the overall organization, and can affect the company’s overall bottom line. Therefore; conflict can destroy the internal and external forces of the organization. This can cause many problems for a company. When conflict can’t be resolved there may be high turnover, in turn the company will need to recruit more often. When an organization turnover rates are high due to conflict; it affects the company’s bottom line due to the fact that the company will spend more money on recruiting efforts, and training new employees. The company may experience potential lawsuits when conflict can’t be resolved; therefore, causing an increase in legal fees. All of this can affect how the organization is viewed by other companies, business partners, and competitors. All in all, conflict can damage the company’s reputation for current and future business.
Controlling Conflict Conflict does not have to control an organization or a work team; an organization can control conflict in many different ways. This can be achieved through training managers with the skills necessary for them to step in and resolve issues before things get too far gone, thereby, restoring a balance in the overall workplace environment. Conflict can be controlled by implementing standard polices, processes, and procedures that will help employees learn how to respond and deal with conflict once it is put before them. Training employees on conflict resolution will help build awareness for employees to recognize and know when and how to handle conflict. Conflict can be a challenge, but the purpose of training is to not let conflict hinder the organizational strategic objective. These tools will give employees effective solutions to handle conflict when it is put before them. Most people prefer not to face difficult situation in the workplace or just in everyday life, but there are times when situations will occur from some type of disagreement weather it is over pay increases, promotions, or any other issue that may be of personal interest of gaining something that is of importance. Controlling and dealing with conflict effectively can have a positive impact on your career. Those who are comfortable and successful in dealing with conflicting situations can be awarded with more leadership responsibilities, which, in turn, could lead to promotion and pay increases. Controlling and dealing with conflict in the workplace or in your personal life is more important today because conflict is more prevalent in today’s society than it was in the past. More employees are starting to speak up and stand up for themselves rather than just following instructions.
Finding Solutions If planned properly, conflict can be avoided and it can be managed. If you plan and think ahead you can anticipate when and where conflict will arise. “With most, conflicts, you are going to want to find the quickest and simplest solution. If the conflict can be worked out between the people involved without brining others into it, good. Working out problems with teammates should always be the first choice because it is less disruptive to other members of the team. When everyone involved in a conflict listens and communicates effectively, misunderstandings can be resolved easily (Pace, 2006).” This can lead to less time spent arguing over something that is probably not of any importance to the organization, but more time can be spent productively. Through finding solutions to conflict, companies can discover potential hazards of conflict, which can often be prevented. Finding solutions for conflict can serve as a resource for organizational development and comprising with each other; therefore, providing a stronger and productive business arena. Compromise occurs when conflicting parties each gives up something in order to reach an agreement (Pace, 2006). It is necessary for building any good relationship, personal or professional (Pace, 2006). The main reason to learn how to find solutions to conflict in the early stages is to encourage team building, communication, cooperation, and finding a common ground for compromise among work teams. When a conflict arises, you need to be willing to make a concession, which means giving up something so the other person can meet you, halfway (Pace, 2006). Finding solutions to conflict in the early stages can prevent conflict from becoming violent. Having a better understanding of violence will help you prevent dangerous situations (Wandberg, 2007). Conflict resolution can also lead to cooperation among people, which is usually better than being in conflict (Wandberg, 2007). Encouraging team members to express their concerns and issues with each other can limit the exposure to workplace violence. If an employee’s are upset about something, they will be more open to express their concerns if they are encouraged to speak up among the group. Managers should also have an open door policy for employee’s, this will give employee’s the choice of some other alternative solutions, if conflict can’t be resolved among the group. Early solutions to conflicts can be resolved in a way that will benefit both parties, ensuring the disagreement ends without anyone feeling like they are winners or losers. Communication and listening to each other will make the disagreement go smooth and easy, allowing both parties to come to a resolution that is beneficial for both. When working on solutions to conflict, it is important to remember that no one will ever understand the opposite point of view until he or she stops talking and starts listening (Casey, 2001). Use effective listening skills and give the other person a chance to express their point of view, voice their opinion, and try and understand from that person’s stance. This will allow for more open communication and will more than likely solve the conflict at hand among each other. With all said, we all know that communication and effective listening is the key to solving any and all problems. To find solutions and manage conflict, we must use our communication skills to allow ourselves to listen effectively and understand where the other person may be coming from. Communication is important in resolving conflict, by allowing both to speak openly without being hostile and condescending will give both parties the opportunity to speak about how they feel. In the end, a compromise will be met so both parties are satisfied with the outcome.
In conclusion, conflict will always be a part of our lives, it is inevitable, but this is not a bad thing. Dealing with conflict effectively doesn’t have to cause havoc and destruction in our lives or the workplace. While conflict is a normal part of any social and organizational setting, the challenge of conflict lies in how one chooses to deal with it (Myatt, 2013). Conflict can force us to examine ourselves, our beliefs, and our goals, but the most important thing is learning to deal with conflict effectively in our everyday life.


Casey, C. (2001). Conflict Resolution “The Win-Win Situation.” Enslow Publishers, Inc., 25.
Fiore, T. (2013). Resolving Workplace Conflict: 4 Ways to a Win-Win Solution.
Myatt, M. (2012). 5 Keys of Dealing with Workplace Conflict – Forbes.
Pace, J. (2006). The Workplace: Interpersonal Strengths and Leadership, New York: McGraw- Hill, 64,65,67,69.
Robbins, S. P., Coulter, M. (2002). Management: New Jersey, Prentice Hall, 404.
Wandberg, R. (2001) Conflict Resolution. Minnesota Capstone Press, 7.

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