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Managing Diversity at Ibm


Submitted By urvashi
Words 777
Pages 4
Managing Diversity at IBM Nederland (The Netherlands)
A Vision on Managing Diversity
The multinational IT-company IBM is convinced that it can only keep its current competitive edge by reflecting marketplace diversity in the workforce and by offering a safe work environment for all employees. The company considers workforce diversity as 'the bridge between the workplace and the marketplace'.
Ambition: an Inclusive Work Environment
In 1953, the CEO at that time published IBM's first equal opportunity policy letter. This letter stated simply that IBM will hire people based on their ability, "regardless of race, colour or creed." IBM's subsequent CEO's reinforced that policy throughout the years. Since then, equal opportunity at IBM has been an evolutionary journey that underscores the company's commitment to an inclusive work environment where people's ideas and contributions are welcome - regardless of where they come from, what they look like or what personal beliefs they hold.
Diversity in Leadership
To stress the importance of workforce diversity, IBM's worldwide headquarters employs a Vice President of Global Workforce Diversity. This official formulates global policies on managing diversity. Regional headquarters employ diversity managers. These people translate the global policies on managing diversity into regional spearheads. Next, the executive management teams of every subsidiary formulate local actions in order to increase and to make full use of workforce diversity in that specific IBM establishment. An example of a local action is the adjustment of human resources policies and processes. Due to the differences in national legislation on employment and discrimination, IBM thinks it's best to do this at country level.
Active Input from Managers and Employees
IBM's leadership underscores its commitment to an inclusive work

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