...Master of Business Administration International Programme Managing People in Organizations ASSIGNMENT OCTOBER 2010 – SEPTEMBER 2011 Prepared by Karim Saied Ibrahim Mahmoud El Sisi Submitted on 22 of August 2011* Introduction The success of any organization is depending on a lot of factors, but the most important factor is the management. Management is like the maestro of the musical band. Can you imagine band without maestro, like company without management. So in recent decades, all the organizations start to recognize the importance of management. So there are a lot of books and studies investigate the importing of management and the type of management. What is the management According to According to Harold Koontz, “Management is an art of getting things done through and with the people in formally organized groups. It is an art of creating an environment in which people can perform and individuals and can co-operate towards... Task 1 Research Task 2 Report Report Section A – Communication Practices: Benefits of effective communication on organisation: Communication is one of the basic functions of management in any organization and its importance can hardly be overemphasized. It is a process of transmitting information, ideas, thoughts, opinions and plans between various parts of an organization.” Communication is the process of conveying information from a sender to a receiver with the use of a medium in which the communicated information...
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...With reference to the case study, summarize the relationship between goals, objectives and policy and advise the management of Scotia Airways of the contribution each will make to effective managerial performance. Clear goals and objectives are required by every organization accomplish or achieve their expectations or targets as there is a strong relationship between the goals and objectives which will guide a company to a right direction. Generally, goals can be defined as something that one's efforts or actions are intended to achieve or accomplish. The definition of a company's goal can be to survive, to move forward and to gain or profit either from development or wealth. Goals also determine the inputs' nature, (which include employees, management and efforts) as well as nature of outputs (which can be defined as quality of service). Goals are set for long-term and are future expectations for an achievement or accomplishment. For an organization to be able to realize their objectives setting goals are the essential tasks. There are four types of organizational goals; a) Consumer b) Product c) Operational d) Secondary Confusion in understanding of relationship and difference between goals and objectives are common. Objectives are specific sets of goals or targets within the general goals. Moreover, objectives are time-related which means that there are time limitations to achieve or obtain certain tasks. In other words, goals are the intentions...
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...behave in unexpected ways? This can happen when people from very different cultures work together. Organizations are beginning to realize the importance of training their managers to become intercultural competent in order to ensure their staff continue to be motivated and productive. 1. Managing culture / making culture work for you An understanding of culture in organizations can offer insights into individual and group behavior, and leadership. It can help to explain not...
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...9/10/2012 Managing Organizations Authority Authority: What Is It? • Power is the ability to influence others, wherever they are. – Many bases of power (persuasion, coercion, reward, charisma, expertise, …) • Leadership implies “Downward” Power (that is, there are “followers” being influenced) – Also can rely on many bases of power • Authority is also “downward”, but is based more narrowly on the “Legitimate Right” to give orders (unlike leadership). 1 9/10/2012 Where does this Legitimate Right come from? • Answer: from Subordinates – Authority depends on obedience of subordinates • subordinates abdicate choice; they hold in abeyance his/her own critical faculties for choosing among alternatives. – This in turn is dependent on the subordinate’s “Zone of Acceptance” • that zone of behaviors that the subordinate accepts as those which the authority holder has the right to tell him/her to do And, what does this Zone of Acceptance depend on? 1. Individual differences • Some people have wider zones than others Organizations “teach” people what the appropriate zone of acceptance is Some cultures pre-dispose its members to have wider zones than others, or to cover different classes of behaviors than others 2. Socialization • 3. Cultural differences • 2 9/10/2012 So, how powerful is Authority by itself? • People in positions of authority often have other bases of power at their disposal to induce compliance – e.g., coerce, reward...
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...Rely on electronic communication technology to send and receive information (Berry, 2011) Outcome of the interaction among team members is the development of the capability to work together interdependently in the future, which may be indicated by cohesion, group efficacy, and consensus. (Kahai, 2012) Communication media may differ in their ability to convey "social presence, "information-rich nonverbal cues, such as facial expressions, voice inflections, and gestures, (Leidner and Kayworth, 2001-2002) In spite of the advantages of technology for virtual team communication, teammates benefit greatly from face-to-face contact, especially at the beginning of the project. This helps establish the working relationship and build trust. (Crosse, 2002) Virtual teams frequently communicate via e-mail. E-mail presents certain advantages for virtual teams from different language and cultural backgrounds because it allows time for people to compose and process messages. (Crosse, 2002) Interpersonal interaction enable team member with good time management skills builds a timeline and keeps others on track for project completion. (Crosse, 2002) Videoconferences may work better than a conference call for large groups. Clearly, face-to-face makes an effective communication channel that builds trust and confidence. Especially at the beginning of a project, teams can benefit from face-to-face meetings to establish relationships (Crosse, 2002) It is important to avoid blaming individuals...
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...Contents 1. Analyze Bob using the Maslow need hierarchy 2 2. Analyze Bob’s lack of motivation using equity theory and expectancy theory. 6 3. If you were Bob’s boss, what could you do to positively influence his motivation? 10 4. What are the implications of this case for employers hiring generation Xers? 12 5. References 15 1. Analyze Bob using the Maslow need hierarchy. Maslow’s needs hierarchy is one of the four early motivation theories conceptualized and realized by Abraham Maslow, it is also the best-known hierarchy of needs theory (Robbin & Coulter, 2012). He was a psychologist professor who articulated that every human has five levels of needs hierarchy which is namely Physiological, Safety, Social, Esteem and Self Actualization. (Robbin & Coulter, 2012) Maslow further claimed that each level in the needs hierarchy has to be significantly satisfied before the next level becomes dominant, he reiterates that it is a step by step process where individual move up each level ascending the needs pyramid. Besides the pyramid needs has been further separated into two tiers which is lower-order needs (basic needs) and higher order needs (social needs). Physiological and Safety are at the bottom of the tier and are classified as lower order needs whereas Social, Esteem and Self-actualization which is in the mid span of the tier till the top of the tier is considered as higher order needs. Bob life’s happenings relate directly to Maslow as he was focusing...
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...简体中文 Apple Inc. iPOD软件许可使用协议 单一使用许可证 请先仔细阅读本软件许可协议("许可证")才使用阁下的iPOD或下载附随本许可证的更新软件。阁下一使用iPOD或下载附随本许可证的更新软件(视适用而定),即表示同意接受本许可证的条款约束。如阁下不同意本许可证的条款,请勿使用iPOD或下载本更新软件。如阁下不同意许可证条款及没有使用iPOD,可将iPOD交还购取iPOD的APPLE专卖店或授权分销商以取得退款,但须符合APPLE的退货政策规定,该政策载于http://www.apple.com/legal/sales_policies/。 1. 一般规定 连同阁下的iPod提供并可以Apple提供的更新软件或系统还原软件予以更新或取代的软件(包括启动只读存储器代码和其它嵌入式软件)、界面、内容、字体、文件及任何数据,不论是储存于只读存储器、任何其它载体或属任何其它形式(统称"iPod软件"),是由Apple Inc.("Apple")许可阁下使用而非售予阁下,而且阁下只可根据本许可证的条款加以使用。 Apple及其许可人保留对iPod软件本身的所有权,并保留一切并未明确授予阁下的权利。 Apple可就阁下iPod的软件酌情提供未来更新,这些更新(如有的话)未必包含Apple就较新型号iPod发行的所有现有软件功能或新的功能。 2. 允许的许可使用方式和限制 (a) 本许可证允许阁下在单一台iPod上使用iPod软件。本许可证并不允许iPod软件在任何一个时候存在于一台以上iPod,而且阁下不得在网络上提供iPod软件,以致iPod软件在同一时间可供多台装置或多台计算机使用。本许可证并不授予阁下使用Apple拥有专有权的界面及其它知识产权以设计、开发、制造、授予许可或分发第三方装置与配件连同iPod使用的任何权利。在获得Apple的另行许可下,可使用其中某些权利。详情请发电子邮件至madeforipod@apple.com". (b) 对于Apple 可能提供给人下载的iPod更新软件和系统还原软件("iPod更新软件"),阁下承认一些iPod更新软件或其中任何部分可能为特定型号或世代的iPod所独有,未必提供给iPod所有型号。在必须遵守本许可证条款和条件的情况下,阁下获授予下载Apple可能提供给阁下iPod型号的iPod更新软件的有限的、非独家许可证,以更新或还原由阁下拥有或控制的任何iPod上的软件。本许可证并不允许阁下更新或还原不受阁下控制的或并非阁下拥有的iPod,而且阁下不得在网络上分发或提供iPod软件,以致iPod更新软件在同一时间可供多台装置或多台计算机使用。嘎只可胃份目的对击可读形式4制一份存储於阁下的计算荒iPod更新软件,但该备份副本必须带有原件上所载的一切著作权或其它专有权的提示。 (c) 除本许可证或适用法律明示允许之外,阁下不得复制、反汇编、倒序制造、拆装、企图导出其源代码、解码、修改iPod软件、iPod更新软件或其任何部分或制造其衍生作品。任何该等企图均违反Apple及iPod软件和iPod更新软件许可人的权利,如阁下违反此限制,可能受到检控及须要作出赔偿。阁下在iPod存储内容,亦即复制其数字副本。在有些国家地区,未得权利持有人事先批准,复制数字副本概属违法。iPod软件和iPod更新软件可用于复制材料,只要该等使用限于复制没有著作权材料、阁下享有著作权的材料或授权阁下或合法允许阁下复制的材料。iPod韧iPod更...
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...Abstract The experiences outlined are observations of my personal experiences over a three year period observing the organizational objectives and leadership practices of Ajax Corporation. I will describe the organization outlining its goals and objectives. I will describe three leadership practices of the primary leader of the organization along with how the current leadership has affected the organizational structure. Upon completion of describing the organizational objectives and leadership practices I will conduct a SWOT analysis showing the strengths and weaknesses as well as the opportunities and threats to the organization. In conclusion I will outline my evaluation of the primary leader of Ajax Corporation describing three strengths using a scholarly leadership theory as well as three weaknesses. With a final recommendation of three theory- based practices to maximize the future success of the primary leader and Ajax Corporation. Organization Description and Objectives Ajax Corporation is a medical device manufacturer with facilities located in forty eight countries with gross revenues of eight hundred million dollars. The organization I have experience with is located within the United States and is the largest manufacturing facility of a specific type medical device controlling sixty five percent of the market share for this type of device. This manufacturing facilities organizational structure is a plant manager with a leadership team in...
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...Abstract This article discusses about the business model and strategy that popularly being used in the organization as a tool to stream a good profit to their business. The concept was introduced and being used during the beginning of internet utilization by all organization. It is not easy to have this kind of thinking to create a business model and strategy which is two different concept needed to be applied. By looking at this concept, business model required to identify your customer and need to plan how to make money from them by providing a value services while strategy explain how we can be different by others in term of providing services and so on. Inside the article, Magretta give us a well constructed thought on the concept that being used by certain example of company that was succeed. This will enable us to define whether the concept is useful only for certain type of business or it can apply to all. A set of tool need to be distinguished before a business model and strategy may applied by carried out a few test and from there assumption can be made. Both business model and strategy may be combining to produce a better business organization. Introduction Magretta, 2002 writes an article about Why Business Models Matter. This article presents us on how a good business is start by having a good human motivation producing a well profit to the company or organization. Magretta quote ‘a company didn’t need a strategy or a special competence, or even any customer –...
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...Managing change in Organization: There are 7 steps that’s successfully leads to the change process. Those are: 1. Recognition of the need for change 2. Establishment of goals for the change 3. Diagnosis of relevant variables 4. Selection of appropriate change technique 5. Planning for implementation of the change 6. Actual implementation 7. Evaluation and follow up These steps can be described by applying an example. That is here by: Lary Page & Sergey Brin, the co-founders of google, agreed to make a slight change in the marketing strategy to keep their position on top in the market among the competitors. They decided to keep their share at least 80% through android applications than other companies like, microsoft, apple, yahoo etc. in the market. And they also decided to make easy process while using google adsence, the money exchange system of google. To ensure these changes, management has to follow the 7 steps change process. 1. Recognition of the Need for Change: The authorities of google, have met with their managers about their new decisions. They have to recognize these decisions through their employees because reactive change might be triggered by employee complaints, turnover, declines in productivity etc. By recognizing the changes through employees, changes may be effective in the near future. 2. Establishment of goals for the change: To make change in the management process, specific goals have to be established. What...
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...| | | | | | Managing People and Organization Batch 05 Acknowledgement I would like to express my appreciation to all those who provided me the possibility to complete this report. A special gratefulness I like to give, our Ms. Upekha Manamendra, whose give valuable suggestions and encouragement and helped me to writing this report. Furthermore I would also like to thanks with much appreciation my family, who gave the support to complete the report. Special thanks go to my batch mate, Pawani Iddagoda, Anupama Rohanage, Devanika Karunarathne and Danushi Fedrick, who help me and gave suggestion about the report task. I have to appreciate the guidance given by other lecturers as well and thanks to their comment and advices. | | Executive Summary This report is about four assessments that done using case study of Joy of Chocolate. First assessment is about organizational Goals, Objective and Policy, Formal and Informal Organization and Open system theory of J.O.C Chocolates. Second assessment is about job performance, Importance of team working and Team cohesiveness of J.O.C. Third assessment is about manager’s different roles and measure on managerial performance, leadership theories and transformational theory of leadership of J.O.C and CG Chocolate. In last assessment it’s mainly about Organizational Structure. Table of Content Introduction 5 Assessment Task 01 6 Question 01 6 Question 02 6 Question 03 6 Question 04 7 Question...
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...some details have been changed for legal reasons. Home Health-care is a non-for-profit organization that focuses on family members in need of assistance with health-care, education awareness and daycare assistance. The services are provided through two of their subsidiaries, Mom‟s Daycare and Healthy For You. Home Health-care who owns and operates both organization functions as a corporate office. Home Health-care has identified a need for both its subsidiaries, Mom‟s Daycare and Healthy for You to consolidate their operations and mission. The goal is to release Home Health-care of total financial obligation in the existing structure of these two affiliates; while fostering the affiliates into an organization that may thrive. Both subsidiaries were in the decline stage of their business. Due to the change of the economy and society, patient flow and customers were declining resulting in a loss of revenue. Because of the decline, Home Health-care has been obligated to cover lost earnings and payroll. The goal is to enhance the existing two affiliate‟s structure into an organization that will achieve both vision and mission, enhance productivity efficiency, and becoming fiscally responsible. The Administrative and Resource Development Consolidation will consist of the reorganization of the board of directors, management and administrative offices both entities, starting with an interim organization. Mom‟s Daycare and Healthy for You board members were asked to vote on, and pass...
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...I %te"x *$'*t r€s&u rc€ffi €xpeniencing Management Explore the four levels of learning by doing the simulation module on Ethics & Social Responsibility. Pod Nod Mini lecture reviews all the learning points in the chapter. Author lnsights Chuck talks about why it's hard to do the right thing Self Test 10 quiz questions, 6 exhibit worksheets, and Power- Points for quick review. 56 I What Would You DoP Gap, lnc. Headquarters, San Francisco, California.r When you a decent standard of living and allow workers to organize unions to improve decided to join Gap as its new CEO (Gap, lnc. runs Gap, Banana Republic, their conditions in factories." ls Gap the only company that relies and Old Navy clothing stores), your teenage daughter immediately asked, on such suppliers? No, it isn't. According to Kirk Douglass of pivot lnterna- "Doesn't Gap use sweatshops?"you stockholders, suppliers, overseas weren't surprised by her question, as the company has received intense negative news coverage regarding the tional, a manufacturing company that owns factories in the Philippines and workers, or protesters-take precedence? Furthermore, is Gap really does work with Chinese companies,,,lf you go into almost any plant in the treatment of workers in the overseas factories from which it buys its clothes. responsible for the terrible treatment of overseas workers? ln other words, nondeveloped countries of the...
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...A never ending project Introduction In the following pages a particular work scenario will be briefly described, it will be primarily analysed on the different aspects of work attitude, motivation, perception, group dynamics and leadership; the final part will be an evaluation of the decisions made and whether these can be justified under an academic viewpoint or not. Background/Situation Geci Gmbh is part of Geci international. The company headquarter is based in Paris and the German headquarter is in Hamburg. The entire group employs about a 1000 engineers, in Germany there are around 150 engineers between the North and South of the country. In the last year and half Geci GmbH has grown quite sharply in the South of the region, and currently it has about 60 engineers based there. One important client in the South is Eurocopter Deutschland (ECD). From which ECD GECI GmbH has earned some important projects in a short time. I am in charge of the Geci´s office onsite at ECD my role is Program Manager, in I oversee the work on a particular project that is almost complete. The project has been at its final phase for some time however the costumer keeps updating his requests, and a final closing date cannot be established. The original project team was 10 engineers: about 30% German, 40% from other European countries, and 30% from extra European countries, each member of the group holding on average 4 years of experience. About 3 months ago I started to notice an increase, by part...
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...Days before departure to the UK, everything seems wonderful and bright. I was looking forward to it and cannot wait to have a glance on the “empire on which the sun never sets”. I am always someone who desperately looking for freedom and exploring new things as my motto is that the human’s life was never too long and ought to be utilized by exploring and changing consistently. Therefore, I thought that changing and adapting in a new environment was never a problem to me. The first week that I have arrived to UK, things do not happened that how I expected. The invasion of loneliness, homesick and culture shocked were continually gusting my mind, I was surprised to experience these as a “foreign element” and trying to revise the “status quo”. (Satir et al,1991) As the “foreign element” arose, a period of “chaos” then ensues. Thoughts in my deep were crumbling and I really cannot belief that I was so unadaptable at time encountering a new environment that I once yearned. I have got freedom that I never had but I am not happy with it. However, a while later my conscious was told that it is worthless to struggle. I began to wonder that there probably has a way out and I believe that this is the “transforming idea” stage which I am approaching to terms with the reality of the situation and experiencing acknowledgement and acceptance. (Kubler-ross model) I have seen the light, or at least a glimmer of hope. But it still takes time to ease my feelings and try to put myself together...
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