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Mandatory Volunteering Research Paper

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Mandatory Volunteering
In recent years, it has become a popular trend amongst state education reformers to implement a graduation requirement of community service. While some have argued that this may harm students, others claim that the benefits from such a requirement are staggering. Students have shown both approval and disapproval for such legislation. With this in mind, the Huntington Beach Union High School District, HBUHSD, should require community service hours as a requisite for graduation in order to create compassionate members of society, successful individuals, and enthusiasm for learning in school.
Modern technology has mutated the way that people, especially young and impressionable people, think. Technology has opened the …show more content…
Not only do students wish for this, but the middle schools and high schools in which these students attend desire this as well. While some students have reported their inability to maintain their maximum performance in other areas in which they participate, on average, around 60% of the people between the ages of 15-25 agree with the implementation of community service hours as a requirement for Government or Civics classes (Youth). This statistic would include students in high school, students in universities and other institutions of higher education, and university graduates. With this agreement amongst the group of people that is affected the most by the decision, it serves as a compelling argument for the importance of the implementation of such programs into education. This desire leads students to become involved in extracurricular activities, such as volunteering in order to distinguish themselves from other students with similar qualifications. According to Friedland, the most selective schools, with an acceptance rate of fifty-percent or less, depend on volunteer community service as one of the criteria (Chaptman). If HBUHSD were to implement a community service requirement, colleges and universities would be able to distinguish students from schools in the district from students of other schools that did not have the same requirement, something that would stimulate the path for more successful alumni in the

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