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Marco Rubio Research Paper

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“You cannot give up on the American dream. We cannot allow our fears and our disappointments to lead us into silence and into inaction” (Rubio, “Marco Rubio Quotes”). Marco Rubio’s words reveal the true cynical nature of the average American citizen. They are meant to galvanize this nation against the defeatist attitude Americans so easily buy into because it is easier to complain and sit idle, while people mock others for their laziness when they themselves have chosen to do nothing but run their mouths. As president, Rubio will provide this nation with a much needed shot in the arm of hope and resolve. Some people may disagree and say that Rubio is a lightweight robot whose only inspirational value is a past that he has continuously hyperbolized, …show more content…
Most notably, instead of being lured in by the possibility of being Mitt Romney’s running mate in 2012, Rubio committed himself to his work in the Senate and passed a comprehensive immigration bill which “provided a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants and made the border more secure” (Hahn). He could have given up his Senate seat and advanced his own personal career running alongside Mitt Romney, but instead he thought about how the people of Florida and the citizens of the United States needed him in the Senate to work for comprehensive immigration reform. He already had a job he needed to get done, and he committed himself to doing …show more content…
For instance, he has sponsored many international affairs bills (“Sen. Marco Rubio”), meaning he understands America’s place in the global community. Understanding this role is important because any good leader needs to be able to anticipate how their decisions will affect people, including how they can benefit the United States and other countries who will support America. Moreover, as the chairman of multiple subcommittees (“Sen. Marco Rubio”), he shows that people value his leadership. Being chosen by his peers to be a leader proves that Rubio’s colleagues respect him, and this respect will translate into influence as president, which is much needed to take action. Some may argue that this influence is only manipulation and that Rubio can only have been corrupted by his experience in the political system. This is balderdash as Rubio believes there should be less government involvement in the average citizen’s life stating, “We chose more freedom instead of more government. We chose the principles of our founding to solve the challenges of our time. And because we did, the American Miracle lived on for another generation to inherit” (Rubio, "Republican National Convention Speech 2012"). Even “[a]s the speaker, Rubio launched an ambitious campaign to generate ways to improve and reform the state government” ("Marco Rubio"). Through his words and his

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