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Marigolds By Eugenia Collier Summary

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Marigolds The plot of Marigolds by Eugenia Collier is basically to teach us all a lesson about growing up. In the story, one of the main characters, Lizabeth is going through hard times with her family due to The Great Depression. Her father has lost his job and is no longer the main supporter of the family. Because Lizabeth’s world is so upside down she seems to be having a hard time with the fact of growing from childhood into womanhood. In this story, Lizabeth gets peer-pressured into throwing rocks at the only beautiful thing left in her neighborhood, her neighbor, Miss Lottie’s Marigolds. After getting herself together, she realized what she did was very wrong. Lizabeth felt much regret towards her actions and was very disappointed in herself. The Necklace In …show more content…
Hoping to make his wife feel better, Monsieur Loisel offers to buy her a new dress. As the ball approaches, Madame Loisel again becomes anxious because she has no jewels to wear. Her husband suggests she borrow jewels from someone else. So, she does, and she loses the jewels. I think the lesson learned in this story is to never take things for granted. Liberty The story Liberty is about a family that is about to immigrate to America. Just before they get assigned a place to move to, they find a dog and decide to name it Liberty. They were very excited about starting their new life in their new country, but also very nervous. Liberty seemed to make things in the house less tense. When it was time to move, of course, the new edition was coming to join them in their new life. When they were beginning to settle in with their new home, Liberty was nowhere to be found. The author is telling us that since they had moved to America, they had gained true Liberty, therefore there first “liberty” was not there, now that they had this liberty and freedom from moving to

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