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Marijuana 420


Submitted By Wickenheiser
Words 261
Pages 2
Lynden Wickenheiser
16 November 2010
American Lit
Legalize Marijuana Legalizing marijuana would benefit our society in many ways. There are very sick people that rely is a substance that’s been around, for more than 2000 years and is a widely controversially topic. While marijuana is labeled as a drug, there hasn’t been 1 recorded death as a result from using it. Then why does the government not want people to use it? Is it because they don’t want to admit they were wrong for banning it or is it because it simply gets you high? The illegal import of marijuana into the United States each year is a multibillion dollar industry, all of the profit going to criminals, killers, and dangerous people. What about all the money the government spends on upholding the law? 1 billion dollars each year is spent on policing and jailing people for the use and trade of marijuana. If legalized the black market would be eliminated, and marijuana could be taxed, the benefits would be enormous. Not to mention jobs gained, and around 900 thousand innocent people each year won’t be arrested for marijuana. Recently marijuana in some states has been legalized for medical use only under certain conditions. Marijuana helps people suffering from pain including patients with cancer, aids, or even migraines. Most people that look at marijuana as a bad drug usually haven’t even researched it for themselves. Where is the reasoning behind why it’s illegal If alcohol, cigarettes, and chew are legal why not marijuana?

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