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Marijuana Made Legal


Submitted By Dragons
Words 996
Pages 4
Marijuana Made Legal
Legalize a plant? Most people think of marijuana as a vegetable and as a gift from mother nature or God. Marijuana comes from drying the leaves and flowers of hemp plants called Cannabis which grows in the wild in warm, humid areas. It is easily produced by people indoors as well. Marijuana does not contain any chemicals. Marijuana is known by many names such as pot, weed, dope, MJ or Mary Jane, grass, reefer, roach, smoke, skunk, and ganja. Marijuana was made illegal in 1937 with the Marijuana Tax Act, which banned the use and sale of it, due to statements that the effects of marijuana made men of color violent against others and try to solicit sex from white women. The Marijuana Tax Act of 1937 was overruled with the Controlled Substance Act in the 1970’s where marijuana was ranked a Schedule I substance based on recommendations from President Nixon (Burnet & Reiman, 2014). In 1996, California legalized the use of marijuana for medical purposes. Marijuana should be legalized because it can be beneficial for medical conditions, legalization could reduce teenage access, and legalization would boost our economy.
When marijuana is used as medicine; it can help many medical conditions. “The limited research available, because of legal restrictions, has supported indications including symptoms of cancer and cancer-related treatment, neurologic disorders (such as MS, glaucoma, and chronic/severe pain), and inflammatory conditions” (Horowitz, 2014). Marijuana is known to alleviate nausea and vomiting that affect cancer and AIDS patients. It also facilitates the smoldering agony in feet and hands brought about by diabetes, AIDS, spinal string wounds, and different conditions. For patients suffering from multiple sclerosis, it controls the debilitating muscle spasms and stiffness that interferes with sleeping and walking due to the illness. Marijuana

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