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Legalizing Marijuana Argumentative Analysis

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Throughout out the 20th century, marijuana was notorious for being a dangerous and addictive drug. The authorities were severely serious over possession of marijuana. It was possible for someone to receive a sentence up to 10 years in prison just for having marijuana. But, in the 1960’s, white middle and upper-class Americans started to smoke pot blatantly. Then, scientists conducted research and proved that marijuana doesn’t cause violent behavior or addiction according to New York Academy of Medicine. By the 80’s and 90’s, opinions based on legal weed started to transition. The popularity of weed started to increase as time progressed. By 2000, 31% of the American population supported legalization of marijuana and 50% in 2011! I was an individual …show more content…
Having marijuana legal generates millions of dollars through taxes. The money that is made from taxes can be spent on new parks, new buildings, repairing roads, funds for education and benefits for citizens. When the government spends money on infrastructure, this also brings more job opportunities for people. Since Colorado legalized marijuana, within the first 4 months, the state collected 10 million dollars through taxes in retail sales. Immediately, the government realized how a colossal amount of money can be made because of weed. Economists in Colorado established how their economy was thriving compared to other states as thousands of people started to acquire employment. Since marijuana has such a positive impact on the economy, it is an absolute no-brainer for Canada to legal …show more content…
If you ask me, I think that’s plenty of people being arrested for such a small crime that involves zero violence. It’s exactly like me being arrested for jaywalking. The law enforcement is wasting a ridiculous amount of time, money and effort when going after petty crimes. While a police officer is catching people with marijuana possession, there could be a real emergency where a person can be a victim of violence that needs assistance immediately. As a result, that is exactly why marijuana should be legal, so that officers, prosecutors and judges and focus on criminals committing worse crimes. Since the legalization of cannabis in Colorado, the state saved up to 12 million dollars by ending arrests to marijuana possession. Making marijuana legal also creates additional space in prisons which is highly significant because overpopulation in prisons has been an issue. In addition, crimes will be lowered if marijuana is not prohibited. Weed consumers usually purchase weed from drug dealers which can be terribly risky. There’s a chance people can be assaulted, robbed or killed just for trying to buy marijuana. But if marijuana is legal, then, these chances will be much lower. According to the Uniform Crime Reporting Data,(UCRD) crimes in Denver, Colorado dropped by 10.1% and violent crimes dropped by 5.2% due to legalizing marijuana. Therefore, because legalization of

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