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Discipleship Research Paper

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Discipleship is best accomplished when a believer understands the commission, and the practice of disciple making.
Discipleship is a mandate for hall Discipleship by definition, is a process where disciples grow by knowing the word of lord Jesus Christ and well prepared by the holy spirit, who stays in our hearts, to be able to overcome present life trials and challenges. This process therefore is best fulfilled when a believer understands discipleship making practice and the commission. The mandate for spreading the gospel therefore is for us all according to the following reasons. First, all the followers of Jesus Christ are commanded to witness. According to Bonhoeffer’s book on the cost of discipleship (1959), Christianity without discipleship is Christianity without Christ. He argues that trust in God should be followed by the knowledge and following of Jesus Christ. People must therefore according to the book be willing to suffer for the word of Christ for the Satan not to gain entry to the church. Bonhoeffers also argues that when Jesus revealed the truth to his disciples he told them it is individual’s to decide whether to choose or reject him. Philip nation as well in the book Transformational Discipleship also argues that our job in the church is to make more and more disciples. He says that this can be …show more content…
This is done by ensuring that our faith though being personal is not a private affair and we should not hold back from spreading the word to all people, just like Jesus established church for our collective good. The word also commands us not to be ashamed, hence believers should not bow down from spreading the gospel. A believer should never be ashamed of prioritizing on presenting owns life as being associated with Christ. Christianity is defined as work of winning disciples for Christ. The above explanation shows that discipleship should be a mandate for

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