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Market Elasticity

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Market Elasticity

A marketed product or service can be described as either, elastic, or inelastic. An Elastic good is a luxury item and most of the time is not a commodity. If the price were to rise on these items, the demand for these items would fall. An Inelastic good is a staple item, the demand would only slightly reduce but the goods would still be relatively purchased. There are three factors that affect elasticity of a good or service.

The first factor is the availability of subtitutes and it is one of the most important factors. The more substitute options for a good or service the more elastic the demand will be. If in the eyes of the public there is a perfect substitute for an item, for example a pack of gum, cinnamon flavored produced by company ABC. This gum by the company ABC has a perfect substitute from company XYZ, if company ABC raised its priced by $0.35 the amount of their gum purchased would drastically fall due to the perfect substitute. …show more content…
Say someone has a budget to eat out once a week on a $20 budget, and the price of going out doubles to $40. Assuming income stays the same, they would only have enough budgeted money to eat out once every other week instead of once a week. Demand will be affected by a change in price if there is no change in income. Say we look to a good or service that is more of a need like gasoline to get to work and back. If gasoline goes from $3 a gallon to $6 a gallon. Assuming income stays the same, you would see a person take less unnecessary trips and have less income to spend on something that is not a

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