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Personal Narrative Essay On 9/11

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Sunday morning. 11:04 A.M. *Knocking* My bedroom door slides open. I woke up in an instant. Rubbing my exhausted eyes and stretching out my stiff back I sit up in my warm messy bed. My Dad slowly inched into my disastrous clothing lined room with his head hanging down like a puppy that just got in trouble, his eyes completely bloodshot with sorrow. Struggling to spit the words out he wiped away a flood of tears that were spilling out of his eyes.
“Your Mom died.”
Disbelief and resentment rushed through my mind. It was as if my mind had been twisted into infinity loops and all of my thoughts were crashing into one another, never-ending.
“No, n-- she wouldn’t… that’s not right.”
Frantically I ripped the blankets off my bed searching for my phone. When I found my gold iPhone I pressed the home button and all that displayed was ‘Voicemail from Mom at 2:07 A.M.’
My heart felt as if it had sunk to the center of the earth. Denial and floods of tears washed over me for days, which seemed like months. I was laying in bed, motionless as if I was the one that just died. That morning, part of me did.

My venture back to school after this tragic event was not one I enjoyed. Being the ‘new’ kid at school and suddenly having something like this happen isn’t exactly a recipe for a happily ever after. I felt numb, and not the kind of numb you feel after visiting the dentist. It was like my mind just shut off, and I felt nothing but …show more content…
With huge rough white crashing waves one after another violently tearing up everything it touches. Some days it’s very calm and quiet others it’s storming as if I were caught up in a hurricane. Some days it’s bright and sunny and other days I get the dark and gloomy grey skies and what seems like black water as thick as tar. Some days, I feel everything at once. Other days, I feel nothing at all. I don’t know what’s worse, drowning beneath the waves or dying of

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