...To: All Departments/Colleges concerned 2/13/15 From: Debbie Montgomery Support Specialist Classroom Scheduling Re: Spring Semester (15SS) Block Exam room assignments The following is a list of the approved Block Exams and their room assignments. As always, I if a conflict occurs between a regular exam and a block exam, the block exam must offer a make-up exam. If a student has a conflict with two block exams at the same time, the professors of the conflicting courses must offer a make-up exam. Monday, April 27th, 4:30-6:30pm Chem 1041 General Chemistry Zimmer aud. & Old Chem 525 Phys 2002 College Physics II McMicken 127 Math 1046 Business Calculus Braunstein 300 Italian Italian Classes RecCenter 3210 Tuesday, April 28th, 4:30-6:30pm Phys 2001 College Physic I Zimmer Aud., & Old Chem 525 Math 1060/61 Calculus I Lindner Center 450 & Rievschl 502 Spanish Spanish Classes See Below Wednesday, April 29th, 4:30-6:30pm Math 1044 Applied Calculus I Zimmer Aud, Math 1021 College Algebra Old Chem 525 & 527 Math 1026 Pre-Calculus Old Chem 601 Phys 1052 General Physics II Braunstein 201, 300 & 301 French French classes See Below Thursday, April 30th, 4:30-6i:30pm Math 1062 Calculus II Zimmer Aud. & Old Chem 601 Math 1045 Applied Calculus II Old Chem 525 & 527 Stat 1031 Introduction to Statistics McMicken 127 Math 3022 Mathemathics...
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...What a marketer want???? N how he get there???? Types of marketing… Societal marketing Traditional marketing Word of mouth Sales promotion Gorilla marketing Viral marketing n so n so on….n what not…many more YYYYYY DY NEED TO STUDY ALL DEZ…YYYY…ITNI CARE TO HMRI HMRY PARENTS B NHI KRTY…JTNA YE LOG KRTY HY… R DEZ REALLY THE CUSTOMERS OR THE PROFIT????? TOPIC…….BIRD EYE VIEW OF HOW P & G TACKLES ITS CUSTOMERS…. SUBJECT….MARKETING MANAGEMENT SUBMITTED BY…..SADAF, FARAH ,MARYAM,RUBINA DATE OF SUBMISSION…30 APRIL 2014 SUBMITTED TO….MAAM SADI AZIZ Mahatma Gandhi > Quotes > Quotable Quote “A customer is the most important visitor on our premises. He is not dependent on us. We are dependent on him. He is not an interruption in our work. He is the purpose of it. He is not an outsider in our business. He is part of it. We are not doing him a favor by serving him. He is doing us a favor by giving us an opportunity to do so. CUSTOMER PSYCHOLOGY……HOW IMPORTANT FOR A MARKETER TO STUDY????? Companies use marketing to promote and sell their products or services, and consumer behavior is how consumers act and respond in the retail environment. In order for a company to create a strong marketing campaign, it is important to understand how and to what the consumer will respond. This relationship between marketing and consumer behavior involves studies, focus groups, psychological analyses and other methods of studying the market for a particular...
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...MEDILINE Member: Sameer Kumar MDI, Gurgaon Sameer.kumar86@gmail.com 7838276707 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Social Networking : Facebook Movies : IMDB Cricket : ESPNCRICINFO Encyclopedia : WIKIPEDIA Search Engine : GOOGLE Job Portal(India) : Naukri Medical : ? For most domains, we are able to relate a particular website that is inseparable to that domain. But, how come medical domain doesn't have such a web application? MEDILINE is a web application that aims to replicate the exact experience of visiting the doctor. Entire concept revolves around four user friendly web pages. Page 1: It has a small text box. User type the name of the problem or anything related to the problem. Then press submit. Page 2: Few objective questions appear on this page based on the input from the earlier page. As the user select answers, few more questions can appear. It is an interactive page. Page 3: Many links appear in a few seconds, containing the responses of various doctors from around the world. Along with the link is the doctors' name and some other information like experience and qualification. User selects one of the links and can switch to other links later. Page 4: It displays the response of the doctor immediately. What similar websites offer? They give the general information about the problems. Doctors’...
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...What do marketers do? Everyday in our lives we see marketing techniques being used almost everywhere we look, whether it is an ad on Television or whether it be an advertisement that has been printed. These highly intelligent marketing techniques are what make products or services viable and profitable. So who generates these so called ideas? According to The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition, Marketers are individuals who sell goods or services in or to a market, especially one that markets a specified commodity. By using market research it further enables marketers to understand customer desires and market opportunities so that the organisation can adapt to stay competitive. (Cited in Sharp 2013, page 6) If marketers further understood their customer base not only would they be able to expand but also they would be able to generate a marketing proposal to satisfy the consumers needs and wants. Everyday marketers make and review a vast variety of decisions, which together affect whether the firm will strive or fail. Some of these decisions include: Specificity and target markets. (As stated in Sharp 2013, page 6) At the end of the day marketers are in charge of protecting a brands market based assets, they aim to maintain and expand the availability of their product. A job in marketing is not a walk in the park, firstly you need to know how to target your audiences effectively, marketers need to decide who they are targeting their...
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...buyer. Research has shown that consumer behavior is difficult to predict, even for experts in the field. Marketing is an influential asset for customer behavior analysis as it has a keen interest in the re-discovery of the true meaning of marketing through the re-affirmation of the importance of the customer or buyer. A greater importance is also placed on consumer retention, customer relationship management, personalization, customization and one-to-one marketing. Social functions can be categorized into social choice and welfare functions. * Significance of Consumer Behavior: Consumer behavior is a significant theory for marketers who intend to improve their marketing strategies. For understanding the consumer behavior marketer try to know how consumer feels, how they think. Consumer behavior plays a vital role in the success of a product. Marketers largely depend upon...
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...[pic] TURAL NABIZADE turaln@outlook.com; tural.nabizade@gmail.com; http://resumup.com/turalnabizade Marketing and Telecommunications professional with extensive product/portfolio management skills • Over 6 years of Business/Product development and Partnership Management experience in Service Marketing • Comprehensive Mobile Marketing Management • Strong multitasking and coordination abilities • Valuable Knowledge in Telecom, Business Development and Marketing disciplines • Excellent communication, negotiation and product development skills • Adept at training and team success contribution PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE MSM Technologies, Mobile Marketing agency 2013 - present Acting General Manager • Developing the product portfolio of company • Developing Mobile Marketing Plans for Business customers according to their market needs and business analysis • Building the sales strategy for different segments • Business development • People Management • Customer Relationship Management • Marketing Management Azercell Telecom LLC, part of TeliaSonera AB VAS Management Department, Product development division, New Technology and Business Clients segment Expert 2010-2013 • Creating new VAS Sercvices by analyzing the consumer behavior of subscribers • Busniess Development considering the needs of business and consumer customers ...
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...businesses and organisations essentially must use to get their product out into the market for people to buy for the company to succeed. Every business needs a marketing manager and/or several marketers, someone who has a 'disciplined view of the task of achieving specific responses in others through the creation and offering of values'. (A Generic Concept) An effective marketer, is someone that can creatively analyse, plan, organise, and make a controlling marketing effort for the business. They must be efficient at achieving two primary fundamentals for marketing, market analysis and product analysis. Market analysis is basically the research a marketer has to conduct beforehand, so things like being able to recognise who the market is for the product, the size of the market, where the market is located, values and the needs/wants of the market. Product analysis is primarily how the 'marketer must determine what products are currently available to the target, and how the target feels about each of them.' (A Generic Concept) For a marketer to be successful, they must develop a balanced marketing mix, which is essentially a series of variable factors such as the four P's (product/price/place/promotion) used by an organisation to meet its customers’ needs. An intelligent marketer will view the marketing problem as one of 'developing the right product, backed by the right promotion, and put in the right place at the right price.' (Social Marketing: An Approach to Planned...
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...Option B: Should marketers be responsible for the way their products are used by consumers? Discuss using the beer category as an example. Corporate Social Responsibility should be the first priority of marketers when promoting goods that can and may become harmful to their consumers. The World Business Council for Sustainable Development defines CSR as “the continuing commitment by business to contribute to economic development, while improving the quality of life of the workforce and their families as well as of the community and society at large.", or simply “the ethical behavior of a company toward society.” (Meeting Changing Expectations ( http://www.wbcsd.ch). Marketing is essentially getting the products out there visible to their target market so they can be purchased. Marketing can also be defined as preparing potential customers to become your customers; it is not selling; it is the preparation work to selling. Whatever your definitions, CSR and Marketing has a serious impact on the corporate’s development and both are used to build a very good image in each corporation as well as the driving forces behind the company’s profits. To answer the question, I will focus mainly on the Alcohol Companies, specifically Mike’s Hard Lemonade, who will from this moment be referred to as MHL So who are the targets for MHL? Jack is 28 year old male who steps out of his Ford F-250 in his checkered shirt and his favorite blue jeans. Greeted by his golden retriever...
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...strategy to improve their product and service sales. On the other hand markets leaders do target market research, selective market brand advertising agencies, new media and retail partners to achieve target sales. The role of the marketer’s means recognized market opportunities and understands consumer behaviour. Therefore company can adapt their behaviour according to this information further marketers role depends on the experience, knowledge and education level. Therefore marketers know how price work how advertising work and the world trend, market and consumer beavered. On the other hand company marketing people know and help to understand consumer needs and how to convert to wants using market research and understand in this target market which product and service we need to produce how to price compare with competitors reduce cost etc. In addition marketers actioned help to increase and expand physical and mental availability for their brands. As a example Coca Cola if they want to introduce 100ml coca- cola can first they do market research and find out target market via use special marketers. After that they decide how to attract new product to target market now they use advertising, product campaign, sponsorship...
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...What do Marketers do? Marketing has become an essential part of any business regardless as to whether they are big or small. It helps the business to establish the needs and wants of a consumer even before a product is produced. Not only does it involve the design, color, logo, layouts, and the physical appearance of a product, but it also involves the strategies that would need to be implemented for a product to get a proportion of the market share. According to Byron Sharp “Marketing – theory, evidence & practice” a characteristic of a marketer involves a combination of skills which may involve analyzing market and financial data, knowledge, sound judgement as well as creativity, but most importantly they must have great communication skills. The role of a marketer involves getting to know and understand the consumers present and future needs and wants. This can be done by conducting market research with either the whole market or targeting a specific type of market. With the data collected, marketers are able to analyse and establish consumer behavior and buying patterns, this process would be part of the business’s marketing strategy. “A marketing strategy should include a plan of action for developing, distributing, promoting and pricing products that meet the need of the target market. It is best formulated when it reflects the overall direction of the organization and it coordinated with all its function areas.” (Elliot et al. 2006 pg 32) The role of a marketer...
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...A marketer is largely responsible for the image they create for an organization, and their actions act as a point of entry for consumers. Marketers are responsible for finding and considering opportunities and potential markets for an organization. Doing so would not only allow marketers to identify their audience and target, but also identify their expectations, wants, and needs. (Gok and Hacioglu 2010) Researching prices competitors charge for like-products will allow marketers to compare and strategize. They need to ensure that pricing is fair in comparison to what the consumer is receiving, as well as appealing. To improve the organization, it is extremely important and essential that marketers seek feedback -both positive and critical - as well as taking into consideration any ideas consumers provide. Marketers must also strategically decide how they will advertise, to whom, the location and time. After all, the ideal result of market research is to ensure the satisfaction of consumers. (Dickinson, Herbst and O’Shaughnessy 1986) Marketing strategies are developed in a process in which results in an organization successfully putting their product/service on the market to be available to consumers. The marketing mix is composed of four factors; product/service, place, price and promotions. (Reid 1980) The ‘product/service’ factor involves identifying the product/service you want to sell or provide. When evaluating this factor, a marketer would consider what a consumer...
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...What is a company’s best asset? Their product? Their CEO? Their sales assistants? No their best asset is their marketers. If a marketer is the company’s best asset then what is it they do exactly? A marketer’s job doesn’t have a set criteria list that states whether to making them a good marketer or not. What makes a good marketer is their skills in analysing, eye for details, research abilities & many more attributes. Marketers spend a lot of time analysing not only their own brand but the competition. This allows them to compare brands to see who is leading the product race and the differences others have that are giving them a leading edge. Once data is collected it is the marketers’ job to analyse the results, from the results the marketer will come up with a sales campaign that will would either form a way to further promote or re-invent the product. Within Byron Sharp’s publication Marketing: Theory, Evidence & Practice he states “While success or failure depends a great deal on luck, marketing strategy has a huge influence on a brand’s success or decline. There is much marketing knowledge that (if used wisely) can help grow brands.” An example of this is the Apple product the iPod. The iPod was hugely successful due not only to Apple’s marketing campaign but the way they saw the future within computer storing software of music formally known as iTunes. The iPod wasn’t the first portable music player but outsold the original Sony Walkman 5 to 1 in the first...
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...What do Marketers do? A career in Marketing may be seen as a ‘highly paid and exciting job’ [Byron Sharp, pg6] by many people, but what actually are the roles and responsibilities of a Marketer? ‘The role of the marketer is to understand consumer behaviour and recognise market opportunities so that the organisation can adapt and stay competitive.’ [Byron Sharp, pg22] ‘A Marketer needs to make and review an enormous range of decisions which will either ensure success or failure for a firm.’ [Byron Sharp, pg6] These decisions are drawn from intensive market research that helps marketers understand needs, wants and desires from consumers. ‘A successful marketing professional will be competent in evaluating these needs of the consumer market as they relate to a given set of product(s).’ [Byron Sharp, pg9] This means that the marketing professional will understand how and where to acquire knowledge about consumer demands and trends that are relevant to the marketing of specific goods and services globally or locally. ‘Marketing professionals of the modern era are the people that oversea trading. The modern economy depends on trade.’ making a marketer’s job very relevant to a business. [Byron Sharp, pg8] ‘They research it, compete against one another and make important decisions.’ [Byron Sharp, pg8] ‘The successful marketer usually a professional in a more senior role such as Marketing Director make informed decisions and budget allocations’ [Byron Sharp, pg8] after researching...
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...and Opportunities for Marketers in Overseas Advertising Campaigns There are many challenges to marketers in an overseas advertising campaign, but with those challenges, come many opportunities for marketers to take advantage of. Marketing around the world can be much different than the type that we are accustomed to in the United States, many countries do not have the same technological advances. www.marketing find.com concisely states “International marketing is no longer an option, but a strategic imperative. Businesses that focus primarily on their domestic markets will be left behind as their competition gains ‘first mover advantage’ “.A marketer has to change their strategy in other countries depending on laws, culture, and technology. Marketers face many challenges across the world and have to tailor their campaigns accordingly. The first thing that marketers should consider is what message they are trying to convey to consumers and why consumers should want or need their products/services. Customers place importance on various things around the world that Americans do not, such as “in China you cannot sell the same lines of cosmetics or shampoos nationwide”, as quoted from Cateora. American wants and needs do not always match the wants and needs of different countries, marketers have to find a way to justify that consumers need or want their products and/or services. Laws carry great importance, as they should, globally, influencing a marketers course of action in...
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...According to the Business Dictionary online a marketer is defined as “a person whose duties include the identification of the goods and services desired by a set of consumers, as well as the marketing of those goods and services on behalf of a company.” Being a marketer isn’t just about advertising goods. There is a lot more depth than just that, in order to be good at selling a product you must know the four P’s that relate to marketing. They are Product, Promotion, Place and Price. Marketer’s main job is to sell a product. Marketers must understand what customers actually wants out of there product. This helps them with promoting the product, thus allowing the business to sell it onto the customer. Knowing the product inside and out is a good attribute of a marketer. In order for a product to retain its competitiveness in the market, continuous product development is required innovation as well as differentiation in marketing strategies, allowing marketers to differentiate a product from its competitors. In order to sell a product marketers must understand who you are selling to. Marketers must identify different segments in the market in order to promote their product to specific target markets. This helps them to develop a strong marketing campaign that has a positive effect on the company’s sales. The marketing textbook ‘marketing, theory, evidence, practice has a good example of why identifying a target market is necessary. “Myer shoppers are not very different people...
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