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Marketing Case Report: Brannigan Foods


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Pages 6

Juan Manuel Restrepo Davies Mª Concepción Aragonés Cabeza IE Business School

1. Problem statement 2. Situation analysis Five C’s Porter 5 forces SWOT 3. Alternatives 4. Recommendations Implementation plan Marketing strategy Marketing Mix Digital marketing 5. Take aways



Industry Decline Brannigan’s sales, market share, and profitability decline


cow, 40% of total sales Products RTE Dry Soups Healthier Soups and Fast & Simple Meals Anabelle Brand awareness and value percepKon behind compeKtors


-­‐ Baby Boomers, Younger & Working Mothers -­‐ InnovaKons and new flavors


-­‐ New small compeKtors

Roarin’ Cajun Foods Red Dragon Foods Brothers Gourmet

-­‐ Private Labeled soups increasing their sales by 5%

Less shelf space -­‐3%


-­‐ Decreasing Brannigan’s shelf space


-­‐ Sector sales have been decreasing -­‐ The loyal populaKon (baby boomers) is becoming older -­‐ New generaKons are not targeted -­‐ Working mothers are a new segment -­‐ Healthy eaKng and prevenKng obesity trends -­‐ Demand for fast and simple meals


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