...Final Project “Email Marketing Effective Yet Challenging” Rebeca Machado Marketing Management, Section O Professor Dr. Nall November 23, 2014 “Email Marketing Effective Yet Challenging” Marketers always face the difficulty of knowing how much to spend on marketing. Like one once said, “I know that half of my advertisement is wasted, but I don’t know which half” (Kotler & Keller, 2012, p. 488), it is a challenge to know what part of their effort it is being effective and what is just a waste. One possible solution for this problem is email marketing campaigns. From a well targeted consumer contact list to a well designed email with an efficient and appealing subject line and short body message, emails are a very important tool in marketing (Carmen & Nicolae, 2010, p.737). Email marketing has several advantages but it must be administered effectively in order not to become intrusive and disregarded by consumers. An efficient email marketing campaign should benefit both the company and the customer (Alan, Chaudhary & Jason, 2010, p.188). Email is a very useful and easy tool to reach customers over large geographic areas -- even those across the world. There are several reasons why emails are beneficial when used in marketing. First, it is the fastest and, when used efficiently, can be an inexpensive way to reach customers (Bonfrer & Drèze, 2009, p. 251). Second, comparing with other marketing techniques, email marketing requires low implementation...
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...Chapter 1 Marketing: Managing Profitable Customer Relationships GENERAL CONTENT: Multiple-Choice Questions 1. Central to any definition of marketing is _____. a. demand management b. transactions c. customer relationships d. making a sale e. making a profit (Answer: c; p. 5; Easy) 2. All of the following are accurate descriptions of modern marketing today, except which one? a. Marketing is creation of value for customers. b. Marketing is customer satisfaction at a profit. c. Selling and advertising are synonymous with marketing. d. Marketing involves building and managing profitable customer relationships. e. None of the above statements is true. (Answer: c; p. 5; Easy) 3. Like NASCAR, successful companies recognize a crucial dimension of an outstanding marketing company to be _____. a. a strong customer focus b. a relentless pursuit of customer needs c. customer relationships built by everyone in the organization d. all of the above e. none of the above (Answer: d; p. 5; Moderate) 4. _____ is defined as a social and managerial process by which individuals and organizations obtain what they need and want through value creation. a. Selling b. Advertising c. Barter d. Marketing e. None of the above is correct. (Answer: d; p. 5; Challenging) 1 5. Society and culture shape the basic form of human needs called _____. a. needs b. wants c. demands d. value e. an exchange (Answer: b; p. 6; Moderate) 6. When backed by buying power...
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...Chapter 2 Company and Marketing Strategy: Partnering to Build Customer Relationships Multiple Choice 1. Disney has been successful in selecting an overall company strategy for long-run survival and growth called _____. a. tactical planning b. strategic planning c. futuristic planning d. relationship marketing (b; Easy; pp. 39-40) 2. When your firm practices developing and maintaining a strategic fit between your organization’s goals and capabilities, it is forming a (an) _____. a. mission statement b. values statement c. strategic plan d. operating plan (c; Moderate; p. 41) 3. At the corporate level, a company starts the strategic planning process by defining its overall purpose and _____. a. mission b. values c. vision d. strengths (a; Easy; p. 41) 4. Marketing planning at your firm occurs at what levels? a. business unit; market b. business unit; product c. product; market d. business unit; product; market (d; Challenging: p. 41) 5. A clear mission statement acts as an invisible hand that guides people in the firm. It is a statement of _____. a. fact b. values c. purpose d. financial goals (c; Easy; p. 41) 6. What does a market-oriented mission statement define about the business? a. satisfying basic customer needs b. satisfying basic supplier needs c. satisfying basic stockholder needs d. satisfying basic owner needs ...
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...Chapter 1 Marketing: Managing Profitable Customer Relationships Multiple Choice 1. Marketing seeks to create and manage profitable customer relationships by delivering _____ to customers. a. competitive prices b. superior value c. superior service d. superior promotion (b; Easy; p. 5) 2. The marketing manager at Sunshine Car Washes is holding a training session for new employees. She stresses that perhaps the most important concept of modern marketing is _____. a. customer relationship management b. e-mail advertising c. a quality Web site d. properly trained sales people (a; Moderate; p. 15) 3. This business is now the best-known name on the Net. a. Barnes and Noble b. Microsoft c. Amazon.com d. America Online (c; Easy; p. 3) 4. Jeff Bezos, founder of Amazon.com, wants to deliver a _____ to every customer. a. special experience b. superior value c. wide selection of products d. none of the above (a; Easy; p. 4) 5. Amazon.com delivers all of the following benefits except one. Choose it. a. huge selection b. good value c. convenience d. no refund, credit only policy (d; Challenging; p. 3) 6. Selling on the Web presents serious challenges. Amazon.com has made large initial investments in computer systems, distribution centers, and _____. a. customer acquisition b. inventory c. employee training d. employee benefits (a; Moderate; p. 4) 7. Many...
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...Chapter 4 Managing Marketing Information GENERAL CONTENT: Multiple-Choice Questions 1. Computers now generate mounds of data. However, given all this data, marketing managers still complain that they lack ________. a. enough information of the right kind b. quality information c. timely information d. accurate and reliable information e. valid information (Answer: a; p. 96; Easy; LO1) 2. An MIS consists of people, equipment, and procedures to ________, sort, analyze, evaluate, and distribute information to marketing decision makers. a. test b. test market c. gather d. critique e. assess (Answer: c; p. 97; Easy; LO2) {AACSB: Technology} 3. Your firm has just developed its first successful MIS. It interacts with information users to ________ information needs, develop needed information, distribute the marketing information, and help managers use it in their decision making. a. assess b. collect c. retrieve d. store e. validate (Answer: a; p. 97; Challenging; LO2) {AACSB: Technology} 4. The marketing information system is not limited to use by the company it serves. It may also provide information to ________. a. the government b. external partners c. various publics d. competitors e. none of the above (Answer: b; p. 97; Moderate; LO2) 5. Marketers must weigh carefully the benefits resulting from additional information against the ________ of the additional information. a. uses b. costs c. knowledge ...
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...Chapter 4 Managing Marketing Information GENERAL CONTENT: Multiple-Choice Questions 1. Despite the data glut that marketing managers receive, they frequently complain that they lack _____. a. enough information of the right kind b. quality information c. timely information d. accurate and reliable information e. valid information (Answer: a; p. 97; Easy) 2. An MIS consists of people, equipment, and procedures to gather, sort, _____, evaluate, and distribute information to marketing decision makers. a. test b. test market c. analyze d. critique e. assess (Answer: c; p. 97; Easy) 3. Your firm has just developed its first successful MIS. It interacts with information users to assess information needs, develop needed information, _____ the marketing information, and help managers use it in their decision making. a. distribute b. collect c. retrieve d. store e. validate (Answer: a; p. 97; Challenging) 4. The marketing information system is not limited to use by the company it serves. It may also provide information to _____. a. the government b. external partners c. various publics d. competitors e. none of the above (Answer: b; p. 97; Moderate) 5. Marketers must weigh carefully the costs of additional information against the _____ resulting from it. a. uses b. benefits c. knowledge d. rewards e. cost (Answer: b; p. 98; Easy) 6. Four common sources of internal data include the accounting department, operations, the sales force...
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...Chapter 1 Marketing: Managing Profitable Customer Relationships GENERAL CONTENT: Multiple-Choice Questions 1. Central to any definition of marketing is _____. a. demand management b. transactions c. customer relationships d. making a sale e. making a profit (Answer: c; p. 5; Easy) 2. All of the following are accurate descriptions of modern marketing today, except which one? a. Marketing is creation of value for customers. b. Marketing is customer satisfaction at a profit. c. Selling and advertising are synonymous with marketing. d. Marketing involves building and managing profitable customer relationships. e. None of the above statements is true. (Answer: c; p. 5; Easy) 3. Like NASCAR, successful companies recognize a crucial dimension of an outstanding marketing company to be _____. a. a strong customer focus b. a relentless pursuit of customer needs c. customer relationships built by everyone in the organization d. all of the above e. none of the above (Answer: d; p. 5; Moderate) 4. _____ is defined as a social and managerial process by which individuals and organizations obtain what they need and want through value creation. a. Selling b. Advertising c. Barter d. Marketing e. None of the above is correct. (Answer: d; p. 5; Challenging) 5. Society and culture shape the basic form of human needs called _____. a. needs b. wants c. demands d. value ...
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...35% edition Understanding Business Table of Contents Page No. Introduction 1 TASK 1 1-6 1.1 Human Resource Management (HRM) 1-3 1.2 Accounting 3 1.3 Marketing 4-6 1.4 Operations Management 5 TASK 2 Analyzing the Key Issues 7-9 2.1 Human Resource Management (HRM) 7 2.2 Marketing 8-9 Conclusion and recommendations 10 References 11 Introduction Understanding business is very important when a company is going to operate for the first time. Without understanding business and its core component like HRM, Marketing, accounting, and operational management it is difficult to initiate business efficiently. That is why these issues can play a big role in an organization and it is very necessary to understanding business. Eastern food is going to launch its business. So this organization should consider accounting, marketing, operational management and HRM factors so that Eastern food can overcome its challenge when it is starting its business. Task 01 1. human resource management: In the time of consideration of success in any business, human resource management (HRM) is the key player to go forward towards the goal. Only the effective and efficient employee can make every single complex task easier that is the main point to overall success in a certain period. Human resource management itself being thought responsible to operate some major function namely retreatment process, training, and other motivational work events. In the arrival of HRM it maintains...
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...Ambition and Motivators will be highly considered. The career path I choose is in the field of Sales and Marketing in the tourism sector. The main reason I chose this field is the interest, passion and challenges that are faced. At the same time, the opportunity to meet high qualified people around the world is second reason that made me want to pursue this career. Working in such a field is challenging, doing constant research on the changing market trends globally to be a top player. Lastly, the high income and incentives are highly attractive. Information of person interviewed I interviewed the Sales and Marketing Manager and Head of Collections of Platinum Capital Holdings Pvt Ltd, Maldives, Mr. Ahmed Sofwan. As per the interviewer after completing his Edexcel A’ Level, he pursued a degree in accounting and finance. He successfully completed his degree in Bachelor of Science Accounting and Finance at Stansfield University, Singapore. After completing the Degree from Singapore he went back to Maldives, his very first job landed as a Senior Assistant Accountant in VB Brothers Pvt Ltd, Maldives. The main responsibility is to manage the accounts of high clients, and keep them informed of the payments due dates. Within this one year of service, he explored his interest in the field of Marketing in the tourism sector. He found out that marketing field offered a lot more variety of work...
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...marketers today. Brand Proliferation is the order of the day. Rigid brands can become irrelevant in the face of changing priorities and changes in competitive market. Marketing Environment is continuously changing. Change in consumer behavior, Competitive strategies, technological changes and other aspects of marketing environment is making work of brand managers challenging. In this article, the author has tried to discuss tactics for brand reinforcement and revitalization to manage brand for the long run. Keywords: Brand, Reinforcement, Revitalization, Extension, Repositioning, Awareness. Managing Brand for the long run: Brand Reinforcement and Revitalization A strong brand is a powerful driver of sales, profit and shareholder value. That’s why market value of fortune companies is more in intangible assets. Even the most popular brands face the danger of getting lost unless they reflect the changing customer preferences. Managing a brand over period of time is a big challenge for the marketers today. Brand Proliferation is the order of the day. Rigid brands can become irrelevant in face the of changing priorities and changes in competitive market. Marketing Environment is continuously changing. Change in consumer behavior, Competitive strategies, technological changes and other aspects of marketing environment is making work of brand managers...
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... Coach Boone states the following during his first team meeting. “This is no democracy. It is a dictatorship. I am the law. If you survive camp, you will be on the team. If you survive.” According to John Potter: How Situational Leadership Works, the leadership style that coach Boone used was directing. The directing leadership style typically involves taking over a challenging situation and applying specific knowledge and experience to right the ship. For example, if your business is struggling to establish its brand, a skilled marketing manager can be brought in to develop a marketing strategy to create brand awareness. A directing-type manager will establish clear goals and objectives for his work area as well as his staff, although staff members have some latitude as to the process used to meet the goals. Which means The directing leadership style typically involves taking over a challenging situation and applying specific knowledge and experience to right the ship. For example, if your business is struggling to establish its brand, a skilled marketing manager can be brought in to develop a marketing strategy to create brand awareness. A directing-type manager will establish clear goals and objectives for his work area as well as his staff, although staff members have some latitude as to the process used to meet the goals. As a player on Coach Boone’s team I would feel scared and discouraged. I would understand that he is only trying to make us better but at the same...
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...Doug Burham. This plan is written as a guide for starting and managing this new business and will also serve as the basis for a separate, detailed marketing plan. Following is a summary of the main points of this plan. * The objectives of CCC are to generate a profit, grow at a challenging and manageable rate, and to be a good citizen. * The mission of CCC is to provide fast and reliable technical assistance to small office computer users. * The keys to success for CCC are marketing and networking, responsiveness and quality, and generating repeat customers. * The initial primary service offered will be hourly technical aid, although retainer contracts and projects will be considered in the future growth. * The local market for this business, while not new, is wide open for new and expanding consulting firms. * An initial financial analysis of the viability of this venture shows outstanding promise and results. Several sources note that the computer consulting business is easy to start, requires little up-front capital, and has the potential to be quite lucrative in today's high tech world. In conclusion, as shown in the highlights chart below, this plan projects rapid growth and high net profits over the next three years. Implementing this plan, in conjunction with a comprehensive and detailed marketing plan, will...
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...000 worth of Accto software, earning ten percent (10%) commission; $100,000 worth of Saleco software, also earning a ten percent (10%) commission; and $200,000 worth of Invo software, earning a five percent (5%) commission. He was encouraged with his progress and looked forward to expanding sales in the future. A manufacturer of small lift trucks had recently approached him, but Sam wasn’t too enthusiastic about this offer because the commission was only two percent (2%) on potential annual sales of $150,000. The Metclean Company, also in Columbus, has made what looks like an attractive offer. They heard what a fine job Sam was doing and felt that he could help them solve their present problem. Metclean is having trouble with its whole marketing effort and would like Sam Melko to take over. Metclean, Inc. produces solvents used to make coatings for metal products. It sells mainly to industrial customers in the Mid-Ohio area and...
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...Social, legal, economic, political and technological factors should be considered within a business’s global strategy. However, culture and religion are two of the main factors that are interrelated and account the most in defining a customer base’s characteristics from a global business’s Marketing, Human Resources, Production and Operations Manager’s perspective. All factors must be put in account, there would be a higher risk of failure in the globalization process of a business if they are neglected and not acted upon. Marketing is creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings. Specifically, offerings delivered to match a company’s products or/and services to consumers that are willing and able to purchase. Marketing enables a business to acquire a larger customer base and maintain a strong bond with that base. Moreover, Global Marketing is the worldwide scale process of marketing. Global Marketing is a challenging delivery process that varies according to the customer base’s characteristics, creating factors that a company’s organization managers consider before setting tactics and implementing strategies globally (American Marketing Association, 2013). Islam contributes in the world’s population as the second largest religious group, The Muslim population is approximately 1.6 billion people today, which makes Muslims account for over 23% of the world’s total population with the majority in Asia (Pewforum, 2011). The Muslim customer base has massive purchasing...
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...SUBMITTED TO: SUBMITTED BY: Table of Contents 1.0 Company Profile 3 1.2 Industry Anaysis: 4 Macroenvironment for FMCG industry: 6 Structural Analysis: 6 Design and Manufacturing: 6 Distribution and Marketing: 7 1.2 Area of Research 8 1.3 Why This Area of Research? 9 1.4 Problem Statement 10 1.5 Purpose 11 1.5 Methodology 11 1.6 Brief Outline of the Study 12 1.0 Company Profile Haleeb foods came in to existence in the year 1986 by producing the first product labelled as Haleeb Milk. Ever since its beginning Haleeb Foods has been producing quality products for its consumers. Haleeb as a company has not merely been concentrating on the product itself but they have been engaged in making efforts to bring out innovative and creative packaging for the products that they offer. Haleeb foods have undergone numerous ventures in their 27 years of existence. To enlighten the achievements for Haleeb foods we can highlight the product launches that they have been making occasionally to fully capture the market and to satisfy the evolving needs and preferences of the consumers of Pakistan. Taking forward from what they produced first, in the year 1997, Haleeb foods produced Haleeb Asli Desi Ghee, followed by Haleeb Cream and Candia Skims Milk Powder in the year 1998, followed by Candia Skims Milk Liquid Powder. The above stated examples...
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