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Marketing: Creating or Satisfying Needs


Submitted By jfreeman61999
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Marketing: Creating or Satisfying Needs
Jan B. Freeman
Averett University

Marketing has been defined in terms of satisfying needs and wants. As consumers we want quality products that satisfy our need and wants. I believe by companies focusing on satisfying needs instead of creating wants, they spend their time on better design, more features, better service, or lower prices, each of which appeals to different buyers. Allstate and are good examples of companies who satisfy a need for consumers.

According to Kotler and Keller, “Marketing has often been defined in terms of satisfying customers’ needs and wants. Critics, however, maintain that marketing goes beyond that and creates needs and wants that did not exist before.” There are several ways this can be viewed. Some may say that marketing creates and satisfies the needs of customers. I, however, believe that marketing does not create needs; it helps shape the want for a specific product or brand to satisfy the need. As consumers we want quality products that satisfy our needs and wants. Our goal is to obtain products and services with the best combination of price, quality and availability. In this day and age there are so many needs and wants. The marketers are always watching our behavior. I am always amazed by the fact that if I search for an item on the internet, the ads that pop up as I am doing other things are geared towards what I was just browsing. I believe by companies focusing on satisfying needs instead of creating wants, they spend their time on better design, more features, better service, or lower prices, each of which appeals to different buyers. Each competitor needs to clarify its target market and design its product to have superior attractiveness to the people in that target market.
There are so many options out there that it is difficult to

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