...RUNNING HEAD: Module I - Assignment I Review Two Definitions of Culture A Paper Presented to The Faculty of the Department of Business Administration In Partial Fulfillment of Course Requirements For B7312- Cultural Marketing Access – Module I - Assignment 1 Spring II, 2013 For The Doctor of Business Administration Degree, D.B.A. David F. Black, B.A., M.B.A., C.D.P. Dr. Cliff Butler Argosy University/Seattle March 11, 2013 © Abstract This paper provides a summary review of B7312, Cultural Marketing Online Argosy Module I, a comparison of two different definitions of culture (Webster) (CARLA). An additional element of contrasting these two definitions is also provided. The overview provides discussion points for the classes of March 7th & 18th, 2013 or sooner as defined by Dr. Butler. Perspectives This paper is submitted in partial fulfillment of the B7312 Course Module I Assignment 1 for the Cultural Marketing Online Course Class on March 7, 2013, B7312, Spring II, 2013, Dr. Cliff Butler, AU-Seattle. Summary of Assignment This student is to write a talking-points paper for the selected definitions of culture as outlined in B7312 Cultural Marketing. After the two out of hundreds (Kluckholn) (CARLA) of cultural definitions are selected, this Doctoral candidate...
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...ARTICLE REVIEW Source Yoo B, Donthu N, Lee S. (2000), ‘An Examination of Selected Marketing Mix Elements and Brand Equity’ Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 28;195 viewed 2 January 2016, http://jam.sagepub.com/cgi/content/abstract/28/2/195 Introduction This review critically examines the article ‘An Examination of Selected Marketing Mix Elements and Brand Equity’ Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science. The review will first summarize the article. Secondly, it analyzes the effectiveness of the article structure, investigating how the information is set out and whether the reader can access it efficiently. Thirdly, the review will critique the article, evaluating its authority,...
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...Factors Affecting Purchase Decision of Online Shopping Mall in Hong Kong Background and Overall Research Aim According to the global transaction service provider, PayPal (2015), predicted that the online expenditure of Hong Kong will reach 25 Billion US Dollars by 2015. The main cause of this significant growth is drive by the rise of online shopping malls. However, a report which conducted by Hong Kong Trade Development Council (Hong-kong-economy-research.hktdc.com, 2015) states that the proportion of sales through online shopping platforms are only share 7.7% of the whole e-Commerce industry, which means the online shopping phenomenon is just at the early stage, with the growing of social media, such as Facebook, Twitter and Weibo (Castronovo and Lei, 2012), there is a plenty of room to grow. In order to understanding the e-commerce industry in Hong Kong, Go-Globe Hong Kong conduct a research about the e-commerce environment in Hong Kong. The main group of online shoppers are 25 to 34 years old (76.4%), while 40.5% aged between 50 to 64 years old. In 2013, there are 8.5% increase of Hong Kong residents shopping online in compare with 2011. Four out of five Hong Kong consumers use the internet to research what they want before purchasing or even purchase it online. And 49% of them are willing to spend more money on online shopping mall in the near future. With the smartphone are become more and more popular, 89% of smartphone users search a product which they desired in smartphone...
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...1 Introduction 1 Background 1 Objectives of the Research 2 Statement of problem 2 Research Questions 2 Hypothesis 3 Need of the study 3 Limitations of the research 3 Chapter 2 3 Review of Literature 3 Literature Review 3 Theoretical Framework 3 Chapter 3 3 Research Design and Methodology 3 Research Design 3 Description of Population and Samples 3 Instrumentation 3 Data Collection Procedure: 3 Statistical tools used 3 Measurement: Scaling, Reliability and Validity 3 Bibliography 3 Chapter 1 Introduction Background An impulse purchase or impulse buy is an unplanned decision to buy a product or service, made just before a purchase (Wikipedia). Impulse buying is a sudden, compelling, hedonically complex purchase behavior in which the rapidity of the impulse purchase decision precludes any thoughtful, deliberate consideration of alternatives (Kacen, 2002). The speed of purchase decision prevents from any thoughts, considerations and studying other options or alternatives. Rook (1995) defines an impulse buying as follows: when a consumer experiences a sudden, often powerful, and persistent urge to buy something immediately. The impulse to buy is hedonically complex and may stimulate emotional conflict. The research on impulse buying behavior has many practical benefits and by revealing the relative importance of factors affecting the impulse buying behavior, the effective marketing strategies can be proposed to increase the volume of...
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...Brand Management Assessment 1 Kevin Lane Keller is the E. B. Osborn Professor of Marketing at the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth College. Professor Keller has degrees from Cornell, Carnegie-Mellon, and Duke universities. At Dartmouth, he teaches MBA courses on marketing management and strategic brand management and lectures in executive programs on that topic. Previously, Professor Keller was on the faculty of the Graduate School of Business at Stanford University, where he also served as the head of the marketing group. Additionally, he has been on the marketing faculty at the University of California at Berkeley and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, been a visiting professor at Duke University and the Australian Graduate School of Management, and has two years of industry experience as Marketing Consultant for Bank of America. Professor Keller's general area of expertise lies in marketing strategy and planning. His specific research interest is in how understanding theories and concepts related to consumer behavior can improve marketing strategies. His research has been published in three of the major marketing journals -- the Journal of Marketing, the Journal of Marketing Research, and the Journal of Consumer Research. He also has served on the Editorial Review Boards of those journals. With over sixty published papers, his research has been widely cited and has received numerous awards. Professor Keller is acknowledged as one of the international...
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...------------------------------------------------- ‘‘A comparative analysis on the marketing strategies of Samsung for Android and of Apple for iOS in UK market and their customer response’’ Table of Contents 1 Introduction 2 1.2 Research aims 2 1.3 Research objectives 3 2. Literature review 3 2.1 Introduction 3 2.2 Mobile phone operating system 3 2.3 Global introduction of smartphone 3 2.4 Various operating systems 4 2.5 Overview of the android’s framework 4 2.6 Overview of iOS and it marketing strategy 4 2.7 Comparative analysis of the two 5 3. Research methodology 6 3.1 Methodology 6 3.1 Type of investigation 6 3.2 Data collection method 6 3.3 Sampling method 7 3.4 Accessibility issues 7 3.5 Ethical issues 7 3.6 Timetable 8 4 Anticipated findings 9 5. Conclusions 9 References 10 1 Introduction Various companies use different types of marketing techniques over the few decades. To get competitive advantage over the competitors, developed variations of marketing techniques are quieting helpful to the companies. This is referred as market innovation (Verlog, 2007). Companies have to face with different factors in this modern world of business. New legislations developed marketing tools and corporate social responsibilities are among the newer one. Business has to deal with two basic demands which are to earn profit and to maintain a sustain profit ( Verlog, 2007). Though there are many developed application software were used in past by several cell...
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...The Role of Online Social Media in Brand-Consumer Engagement: An Exploratory Study Abstract Submitted to the Direct/Interactive Marketing Research Summit Proceedings August 31, 2012 Andrew J. Rohm Associate Professor, Marketing Department, College of Business Administration, Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles, CA, arohm1@lmu.edu George R. Milne Professor, Marketing Department, Isenberg School of Management, University of Massachusetts Amherst, Amherst, MA, milne@isenberg.umass.edu Velitchka Kaltcheva Associate Professor, Marketing Department, College of Business Administration, Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles, CA, velitchka.kaltcheva@lmu.edu Researchers have noted the importance of generating more effective brand-consumer engagement with respect to increased profits, customer satisfaction, and customer loyalty (Palmatier et al. 2006). Customer engagement is defined as active interactions with a firm, with prospects and with other customers (Kumar et al. 2010). We focus on engagement because consumers’ interactions with brands are now more similar to a multi-party conversation than to a brand-dictated monologue (Deighton and Kornfeld 2009; Hennig-Thurau et al. 2010). Social media platforms including Facebook and Twitter have become integral elements for companies and brands seeking to develop intimate online customer relationships; conversely, they provide consumers an online “soapbox” with which to publish and disseminate personal evaluations...
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...Customer Satisfaction Research Proposal CommunnaTell Wireless Company: Team B Tammy Cech, William Frudakis, Robbie Hollingsworth RES/320 August 30, 2010 Instructor: Dr. Michele Burpeau-Di Gregorio Customer Satisfaction Research Proposal: CommunnaTell Wireless Company CommunnaTell Wireless commits to delivering outstanding customer satisfaction. The company offers quality products and services on the nation’s largest and most reliable wireless voice and 3G network, and it delivers the industry-leading customer service – online, over the phone and in-person. Recently the company has experienced an increase in complaint calls, which reported to the research team for follow-up. The design of the proposal was to determine the cause or causes of the lack of customer satisfaction. Senior Research Proposal Research Question CommunnaTell Wireless Company being the largest wireless phone company in the United States has done several new and innovating advances with-in the management of several departments. These new changes created several opportunities in the Call Centers because of higher turnover rates. Complaints from customers calling into the Call Centers rose over the last few months creating concerns over the effectiveness of training given to the new associates. CommunnaTell Wireless will conduct surveys of recent customers to the call center to determine the root cause of the recent complaints. Propose Research CommunnaTell Wireless Company will...
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...Marketing Research MKTG 3401 – Fall 2012 Section 01 W/F 11:45 am – 1:25 pm 330 Dodge Professor: Felicia Lassk Office: Hayden Hall 202 Office hours: W, 1:30 – 2:30 p.m. or by appointment Phone: (617) 373-5307 Email: f.lassk@neu.edu Blackboard: blackboard.neu.edu “MKTG 3401 Lassk Fall 2012” Text: Marketing Research, Malhotra, 6th Edition, 2010 – NU custom text. Prerequisites: MKTG 2201, MGSC 1201 and 64 SH toward the degree Course Description: This course focuses on the marketing research process and the analysis of data using SPSS statistical software. It gives students the opportunity to develop an understanding of consumer attitudes and behavior processes as the basis of the design of marketing problems. The course covers topics such as problem definition, research design, sampling, attitude measurement, questionnaire design, data collection, and data analysis. Statistical Package: SPSS is available as a 6-month rental for $35 plus $4.99 download fee. Details on how to access the rental are provided in the Tech Marketplace of MyNEU Portal under “Free and Discounted Software – More Software tab.” SPSS is also available for free through MyApps using MyFiles to house your data files. Please note, to access SPSS with MyApps on campus, you must be connected to “NU-Secure” wi fi. Details to access MyApps and“NU-Secure” wi fi is provided in the MyNEU portal. You must be able to access SPSS through either of these options by 9/19. ...
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...Customers perceive fairness of distributive justice as the underlying mechanism for the influence that reward recipient category and product involvement have on intent to purchase. Finally, implications and limitations for future research are discussed. Keywords: involvement, perceived fairness, purchase intention, referral reward programs, word-of-mouth References Ahrens, J., Coyle, J. R., & Strahilevitz, M. A. (2013). Electronic word of mouth: the effects of incentives on eReferrals by senders and receivers. European Journal of Marketing, 47(7), 1034–1051. http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/03090561311324192 Baron, R. M., & Kenny, D. A. (1986). The moderator-mediator variable distinction in social psychological research: conceptual, strategic, and statistical considerations. Journal of the Personality and Social Psychology, 51(6), 1173–1182. http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/0022-3514.51.6.1173 Barrot, D., Becker, J. U., & Meyners, J. (2013). Impact of service pricing on referral behavior. European Journal of Marketing, 47(7), 1052–1066. http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/03090561311324200 Bowman, D., & Narayandas, D. (2001). Managing customer-initiated contacts with manufacturers: the impact on share of category requirements and word-of-mouth behavior. Journal of Marketing Research, 38(3), 281–297. http://dx.doi.org/10.1509/jmkr. Celsi, R., & Olson, J. (1988). The role of involvement in attention and comprehension processes. Journal of...
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...MARKETING (WH) {MKTG} L/R 101. Introduction to Marketing. (C) Niedermeier. The objective of this course is to introduce students to the concepts, analyses, and activities that comprise marketing management, and to provide practice in assessing and solving marketing problems. The course is also a foundation for advanced electives in Marketing as well as other business/social disciplines. Topics include marketing strategy, customer behavior, segmentation, market research, product management, pricing, promotion, sales force management and competitive analysis. 211. (MKTG773) Consumer Behavior. (C) Cutright, Reed. Prerequisite(s): MKTG 101. This course is concerned with how and why people behave as consumers. Its goals are to: (1) provide conceptual understanding of consumer behavior, (2) provide experience in the application of buyer behavior concepts to marketing management decisions and social policy decision-making; and (3) to develop analytical capability in using behavioral research. 212. (MKTG756) Marketing Research. (C) Shen, Eliashberg. Prerequisite(s): MKTG 101, STAT 101. Students are highly encouraged to take statistics in the semester immediately preceding this course. This course examines the role of marketing research in the formulation and solution of marketing problems, and the development of the student's basic skills in conducting and evaluating marketing research projects. Special emphasis is placed on problem formulation, research design, alternative methods...
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...International Journal of Advanced Research in Management and Social Sciences ISSN: 2278-6236 IMPACT OF CELEBRITY ENDORSEMENT ON BRAND EQUITY IN COSMETIC PRODUCT S. Sivesan* Abstract: In the present business environment, marketers are using different kinds of marketing strategies to achieve the organizational goals. Celebrity endorsement is one of the marketing strategies which are adopted to achieve the organizational goals. Celebrity endorsement advertisements have been known as ‘ubiquitous feature of modern marketing. This study attempts to measure the impact of celebrity of endorsement on brand equity in the cosmetic product. For this purpose, 123 respondents were selected by using systematic random sampling methods. The data analysis covered correlation, regression, and rank order by using the version 16.0 of SPSS package. Results revealed that celebrity endorsement and brand equity are positively correlated with the value of 0.3394 which is highly significant at one percent level. A result of the regression analysis is celebrity endorsement 0.44 which means 44 percent impact on brand equity. This study would hopefully benefit to the academicians, researchers, policy makers and practitioners through exploring the impact of celebrity endorsement and brand equity. Keywords: celebrity endorsement, brand equity, advertisement *Lecturer, Department of Marketing, Faculty of Management Studies and Commerce, University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka Vol. 2 | No. 4 | April 2013...
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...nonusers who bought LaTreat when there were promotions but demonstrated little long-term loyalty. Bill's graph documented that a majority of LaTreat's coupon redeemers fell into the last two categories, with "loyalists" accounting for a shrinking percentage of sales. Finally, Bill called up his ultimate evidence-a graph that adjusted LaTreat sales to eliminate the effect of promotions. ¡See the illustration.) "I'm amazed you spent your weekend doing this," Barbara said, "but I'm glad you did. It'll help us think through future marketing strategies for LaTreat. But it doesn't change what the committee decided. It's time to move on." "I'm not so sure," Bill replied. "I hope you don't mind, hut I think I should show these data to Bob. Maybe he can convince the committee to reconsider. After all, if LaTreat is weakening, it's going to show up in your profit figures sooner or later." "Data don't make decisions. Bill, people do. And the people on the marketing committee have heen in the industry a lot longer than you. Their gut tells them things your computer can't. Besides, you and I hoth know that when you collect this much data, you can make it show just about anything. Go ahead and talk to...
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...SIWALE | 331050069/T.14 | 5 | NSUBISI SETH MWANG’ONDA | 331050025/T.14 | 6 | PETER BUTEMI | 331050001/T.14 | 7 | ELIA MBWILE | 331050050/T.14 | 8 | EDWIN NGAILO | 3310500…./T.14 | 9 | MIJA KANJU | 3310500…../T.14 | 10 | GEOFREY MARTIN | 331050054/T.14 | TOPIC: International Marketing Research SUBMISSION DATE: 14TH MAY 2015 1.0 INTRODUCTION OF INTERNATIONAL MARKETING RESEARCH Businesses preparing to compete in the 21st century are increasingly confronted with the task of crafting strategies that anticipate and respond to the rapid pace of change in global markets. As a result, their information needs are changing and becoming ever more complex and diverse. Timely, relevant information is essential to provide an adequate basis for day-to-day decision-making as well to chart the firms path in an increasingly fast paced, turbulent and competitive environment. Information needs are changing in both developed and developing countries. Established markets in industrialized countries are becoming more geographically integrated as direct vertical links and information flows are established between customers, retailers and suppliers. As a result, there is a growing need to conduct research spanning country boundaries, in order to identify regional or global market segments, or to examine opportunities for integrating and better co-ordinating strategies across national boundaries. At the same time, speed in collection and interpretation of results from multiple and geographically...
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...Literature review on Sponsorship Module title: Integrated Marketing Communication Kingston University, Faculty of Business and Law Academic Year 2012/2013 Introduction Sponsorship as a communication form can contribute significantly to a company by building brand awareness and heighten consumer attitudes (Cornwell et al., 2006). However, the effect of sponsorship is dependent on the public being aware of the sponsor-sponsee relationship. This review aims to determine how the perception of fit between the two influences the agreement, and factors potentially affecting this perception. The review starts with looking at overall perception, before continuing to discuss challenges related to the topic. Perception of fit within sponsorship Olson (2010, p. 180) defines sponsorship as “(…) a sponsor providing cash/and or other compensations in exchange for access to an object’s commercial potential”. Jagre et al. (2001) also highlights that sponsorship is about marketing associations related to the sponsor-sponsee relationship, as the aim is to create awareness and positive attitudes amongst the public (Tench and Yeomans, 2009). Table 1: Graphic illustration of the basic process of sponsorship (Source: Sanghak, 2010). Associations tied to sponsorship come down to the match between a sponsor and the sponsored event (Jagre et al. (2001). This connection can either be obvious or less obvious, and the degree of how logical this link is, is referred to as fit (Gwinner...
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