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A study on perception of soft drinks and fast foods advertisements and its impact on youth lifestyle and eating habits

Today it is a matter of great pride to see that India as a nation stands with a population of 1,166,079,217 (July 2009) and out of which two-third of the population lies below 35 years of age. India is considered as one of the youngest nation in the world. According to various national and international organisations the age group of youth generally lies between 15-35 years. This vulnerable group is being highly influenced by the advertising industry whose focus has shifted from family and elderly to youth and kids. With the increased employment of youngsters due to the entry of BPO’s, KPO’s, MNC’s in the Indian sub-continent, marketers have got a new set of potential buyers in the form of young and restless . This segment comprises of those who are more open to adapt new products, ideas and follow trends set up by advertising world. Advertising today carries the blame of manipulating and duping audience. The moment you open your idiot box for multifaceted reasons you can see a clutter of advertisements, a commercial of 7 up ends up with a girl kissing a boy, ads of all juices making claims that all of them are preservative free, dangerous stunts being performed in ads of Thumps up and Mountain dew, open and free broadcast of inner wears at prime time encouraging the opposite sex to assault. All advertisement of several branded deo’s end in seductive mode. Ads of casual wears of jeans like Levis, Pantaloon, Lee Cooper etc create extreme level of brand consciousness especially among youth. Blackberry advertisements showing and creating a need for costly cell phones to prove that you are in trendy gears. The mouth watering pizza of dominos or MacDonald’s advertisements entices the consumers for consumption. The Mac Donald’s ad with the ad-line “I m loving it” stimulates the taste buds of people from all walks and stages of life (Manish kumar Srivastava & Kochar, 2010). ** Dean, Faculty Of Business Management, Research Scholar, Integral University, Lucknow.

Ethics play a major role in every trade. Without a set of ethical principles in place chaos would reign supreme and social order would crumble. Likewise, advertising Professionals have to adhere to a standard set of practices that would ensure their survival in the industry and maintain a level of credibility with the consumers and the industries in general , as the advertising agencies act in proxy of their clients. Like everything else in the advertising industry, ethics is a way for companies to create the image that they have corporate responsibility, and a benchmark for government and other groups to criticize the type of advertisements that are produced. The question of ethics arises in advertising also because every business carries a responsibility towards society. India is considered and known across the globe for its rich culture and high ethics and moral values. But Advertising today is a business and in no way we can allow a business to make profit at the cost of our cultural, ethics and values. Is ethics present in commercials of soft drink and fast food advertisement today? The WHO has reported the rising incidence of obesity and chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, cancer, osteoporosis, dental carries and diabetes among those who consume more of fast foods and soft drinks. They have proved that there is a link between many of these diseases and the pattern of food consumed. This shows that there is a need to change marketing (ads) strategies for the promotion of health enhancing foods ((Tatiana Andreyeva, Kelly, Harris, 2011). Soft drink companies focus their attention and advertising budget on youth between 10-20 years .Aerated soft drinks apart from promoting wrong images, have long been suspected of lowering calcium levels and phosphate levels in the blood. The relationship between soft drink consumption and body weight is so strong that for each additional soda consumed, the risk of obesity increases 1.6 times (Panchali Das,2007). In 1998, the centre for science in the public interest published a report titled liquid candy: how soft drinks are harming Americans’ health. The report examined statistics relating to the soaring consumption of soft drinks, particularly by children, and the consequent health ramifications, including tooth decay, obesity, type 2 diabetes and heart disease. It also reviewed soft drink marketing and made various recommendations aimed at reducing soft drink consumption.

In another study it was found that popularity of junk foods is because of advertising on television (Dr. David)
The aggressive promotional strategies adopted by fast food multinational giants like Coke, Pepsi, Lay’s Chips, Mc Donald’s, Dominos, Pizza Hut have contributed to the growing concern towards public health. The operations of Coca-Cola and Pepsi in India in the last three decades represent an example of how India' industrial policy and regulations have been dodged, flouted and bent s by these companies. The controversy over the presence of traces of pesticides in their soft drinks is only the latest in a series of controversies that have studded Coca-Cola and Pepsi’s history in India during the last three decades. In India, McDonald’s has positioned itself as a family restaurant. Family has become the cornerstone of its strategy. Its outlets are called “McDonald’s Family Restaurants,” as opposed to simply McDonald’s as in other parts of the world. Like its other worldwide locations, McDonald’s targets children as their main clientele in India.

From head to toe advertisers are creating a need for all types of branded products. They are creating a need for greater consumption, materialism, brand consciousness, flamboyance and prestige. Advertisements today are changing the entire lifestyle and attitude of youth.
Soft drinks companies focus their attention and advertising budgets on the children’s market, Through sponsorship of music events and link-ups with the most attractive and popular movie Stars,pop singers and sports celebrities. The given examples provide us a tiny glimpse of the extensive marketing activities from these leading soft-drinks brands. Together, Pepsi and CocaCola spend INR 11,000 crores on advertising in a single year. (Nawathe, Gawande, Dethe)

Within the field of economics, there are two divergent viewpoints about the role of advertising in the economy. One school of thought argues that advertising is a source of information for consumers who can use it to make more informed decisions in the market place. Seen this way, advertising is understood to increase market efficiency by providing information about alternatives. Another school of thought famously put forward by Harvard economist John Kenneth Galbraith in The Affluent Society (1958), views advertising as manipulating the public by creating artificial needs and wants. Economists who follow this line of thinking see advertising as adding to cost and encouraging consumers to perceive new wants and desires and thus to redirect the allocation of their scarce resources toward buying highly advertised products.

Whichever viewpoint we take on this issue, the important thing to note is that definitions themselves are given in particular contexts. These two ideas about advertising stem from efforts to understand advertising' economic effects. Other disciplines will have their own s priorities about the particular features of advertising that need attention and emphasis. Aspects of advertising that receive emphasis in other fields are persuasion (psychology), regulation (political science), gender, race, and class (sociology, cultural studies), and culture (anthropology). Product placement in movies, television, sports, popular music, and cultural events is a fact of modern life. We expect to clearly identify the name of a soft drink drunk in a movie, the kind of computer a TV character uses, and the brand of beer a sports figure celebrates with after a game. But does all this help sell products? Advertisers clearly think so, and product placement is so common that some advertising agencies specialize in it. Historians agree that the framers of the Constitution clearly had political and religious speech in mind when they wrote the First Amendment. Over the years, the Court has had to deal with just how far the fundamental right of freedom of speech extends. Should sellers be able to make claims without regulation? Should society follow the ancient Roman dictum caveat emptor ("let the buyer beware")? So what is advertising? Advertising is a complex phenomenon — intimately tied to society, culture, history, and the economy — that defies any simple or single definition. Some aspects of it are universal, whereas others are culturally specific. It is personal salesmanship transformed into mediated communication. It sometimes provides new information, often cajoles, and always attempts to persuade. In addition to selling messages, it encodes cultural values and social ideals. And depending on your point of view, it is a positive or negative force in society and the economy. The paper tries to find out whether the absence of ethics in advertisements of fast foods and soft drink are creating a negative impact on youth lifestyle and eating habits. The importance of this research lies in the fact that it is not for the sake of any one group or community but for the sake of the society at large. The backbone of every society comprises of youth and kids, and interestingly in Indian context the major composition of population itself is youth, which therefore becomes an issue of immense pertinence for research and study in the field by academicians in marketing. This paper helps in identifying the changing role of

advertisements and how they are deceiving and alluring youth to buy more and more products.

Objective of study: The core objective of this study is to understand the effect of message execution reflecting the changing socio-economic and cultural values in the advertisements of soft drinks and fast food and how these advertisements affect lifestyle and eating habits of youth today. To know the media habits of the respondent as regards to watching the ads -its frequency, purpose and exposure to particular types of media. To find out the attitude and perception of youth towards ethical, economic, health and lifestyle components in advertisements of soft drinks and fast foods. Parameters taken are over statement in the ads, emotional exploitation, sexual appeal, creating unwanted desires, unhealthy eating habits, compulsive expenditure and changing lifestyle. To find out whether ads promote undesirable and unethical values in youth in subliminal way which affect their lifestyle and eating habits. This study will help in checking the behaviour of youth which is more influenced by the style and tone of the commercials being aired these days. The study will also help in sustaining and imbibing our cultural values and ethos among the youth by highlighting and pinpointing the adverse effects of advertisements being shown to youth. Research Paradigm : The research is targeted towards youth comprised of the age group between 18 to 30 years belonging to middle class , selected on the basis of simple convenience random sampling. The primary data are collected through survey method using structured questionnaire. Out of sample size of 175 respondents only 147 questionnaires were found workable. The youth were chosen from the universities of Lucknow. The reason being the composite and metropolitan nature of universities that provides a platform for research, as it encompasses the students coming from diversified socio-cultural, economic, religious values, and traditions. The questions were designed to know the purpose, frequency of watching advertisement and media preference.

The perception and attitude towards ethical, economic, and health values in advertisements of soft drink and fast food affecting the life style have been measured through statements on 5- point scale ranging from strongly agree to strongly disagree. Ethical Values1. Advertisements of soft drink and fast food are hyperbolic. 2. Advertisements of soft drink are sexually suggestive. Economic value1. Advertisements motivate you to go out of pocket. 2. Advertisements influence children to compel parents to buy soft drinks and fast food. Health value1. Advertisement of soft drink & fast food promote unhealthy tendencies. 2. Advertisement of soft drink & fast food induce cravings for the stuff. 3. Consumption of fast food & soft drink produce obesity. 4. Consumption of fast food & soft drink leads to health related problems. 5. Soft drink is usually replaced by water while having food. Lifestyle1. We enjoy soft drink with fast food. 2. We cannot live without taking soft drink and fast food at least once a day. 3. Consumption of soft drink and fast food makes me feel identified with higher class. 4. I consume fast food and soft drink as my favourite celebrity advertises it. 5. Consumption of fast food and soft drink makes me feel delighted. 6. I prefer fast food consumption to avoid hassles of traditional food. 7. I prefer fast food as a change to my traditional food. Data Analysis and Interpretation – The analysis has been done on the basis of the following parameters-

Motives for watching advertisementsTable 1- Showing Motives for watching Advertisements

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it is revealed that cent percent respondents do watch advertisements . In table -1, total 58.5 % respondents have ranked awareness about the product and knowledge update about the product as top ranked motive to watch ads. It suggests that advertisements are effective to touch the awareness and knowledge component of hierarchy of effects model of communication. Advertisement penetrates the realm of thoughts and takes off the audience towards desired behaviour. The motive of collecting knowledge


the features of a specific brand is ranked 2nd and 3rd by total 60.63 %

respondents .Entertainment as motive of watching advertisement is ranked 4th by maximum 39.46 % audience .Interestingly ,watching ad without any purpose or “ Just Like that” is ranked 5th by 59.86 % respondents. The analysis clearly exhibits that advertisements are very effective tool to hit the cognitive dimension of attitude and behaviour of present and prospective consumers.. It seems youth take the advertisements quite seriously as reference to make their purchase decisions. The final ranking of motives to watch ad given by youth is awareness of product as 1; knowledge about features of brand as2 & 3, entertainment as 4 & just like that as 5.

Media PreferenceAll the respondents said that they watch advertisement on some or the other media. This shows that youth today are watching advertisements. Table 2- showing Media Preferences
$ )$

Figure -2 Showing Media Preference
17.01 % 2.04 %

55.78 % 25.17 %





The result shows that 55.78 % youth watch advertisement on television and idiot box still rules the advertising world by being the most popular medium among youth; which is followed by newspaper by 25.17 % and internet (17.01 %), the media of the next millennium. Magazines make a very small share in advertising to youth. It depicts that high involvement media like magazine & newspaper are fading their charm among youth. This also warns the declining reading habits among young

generation resulting into weak thought process & concentration. The researcher feels that telecast media owes a great responsibility to preserve the tenets of our cultural beliefs and values that make India stand out in the world.

Table 3- Showing Media Exposure -

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Figure-3 showing Media exposure
2.04 %

36.73 %





It was seen that 61% said that they watch advertisement on daily basis followed by 36% who watch occasionally and around 2.04% never ever watch advertisements. Majority of the respondents are “daily watchers” of ads. Since TV is quite popular , it makes the audience involuntarily exposed to the advertisements, may be for few seconds. As we have observed that audience “Zip” the ads & shift to other channel but retention of a particular ad increases due to frequent exposure. Since TV is popular so is the ad on TV.

Attitude towards Ethical, Economic, Health value & Life style as portrayed by soft drink and fast food advertisements-

The other set of questions were based on four parameters touching ethics, economic value, health value and lifestyle. Advertisements work on a series of attitudinal aspects. The affective component is usually targeted by the advertisers to occupy the long lasting impact and change of vision towards their product and brand. The researcher aimed to know the perception and attitude towards the advertisements of soft drink and fast food exhibiting ethics, economic value, health value and lifestyle. Advertisement has both good and bad affect, but if the bad affect persists for long time span it digresses the youth from core values .Therefore it is not merely an ad of soft drink or fast food but it goes beyond that. Table 4- Showing the mean value of attitude towards Ethical, Economic & Health value & Life Style exhibited in ads of soft drink and fast food
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The above table shows that 53.74 % of youth moderately believe that ads of soft drink and fast food do miss a time on ethical part but still the ads find its place in the mind of youth and develop craving for the product. Only 49.66 % youth strongly agree that the ads make them unreasonable buyers.
When the nation is facing high inflation and consumption of basic necessities is going out of reach from middle and lower class, consumption of soft drink and fast food is adding unnecessary expense.

Coming to health component in ads, it is seen that 55.10% moderately feel that soft drink and fast food do affect health aspect. In spite of knowing that it leads to several health disorders; soft drink and fast food are being consumed on regular basis. Other research suggests that soft drinks might play a special role in weight gain. The consumption of sugar-sweetened soft drinks is also associated with many weight-related diseases, including diabetes, metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular risk factor and elevated blood pressure

The most interesting part of the study is that 67.35 feel that ads moderately affect their lifestyle. This shows that youth follow ads and consume soft drink and fast food for delight, enjoyment, avoid traditional meal and feel associated with high class. That means the companies are quite successful in their brand positioning & inculcating stealthily the western culture into the life style of youth of middle class making them feel modern & progressive.

Findings & conclusion
The researchers find that advertisement have strong motivational & affective interface with youth as regards to their consumption pattern & style. The present study focuses on soft drink & fast food advertisement & it is found that despite being moderately convinced about the negative aspects of those goods on economic, health & ethical front, majority of middle class youth finds this consumption as a tag to modern life style. They do agree that these goods are heavy on their pocket but still group conformance pressurises them to adopt the eating habits of high class. It is observed that the young Indian consumer has passion for visiting fast food outlets for fun and change. Fast food providers need to focus on quality and variety of food besides other service parameters. There is need to communicate the information about

hygiene and nutrition value of fast food which will help in building health values in youth. A nation' diet can be more revealing than its art or literature. Literature survey s shows how the fast food industry has shaped and defined society in America and other nations as the fast food culture spreads globally. The social order of society could be linked to the kind of food it eats and the way it eats that food and relates fast food to other social processes and institutions. Adopting cross cultural & social values is appreciated in this era but not on the cost of losing our own identity & speciality. Today middle class youth is over spending on these products that lack any kind of healthy nutritive value, just to satisfy the false sense of being modern parallel to the western societies. The life style must match the mind set of a specific society towards its inherent values. We Indians are losing our purity as there is no problem with consumption of fast food & soft drink rather its long run impact on the attitude of young generation- the carrier of the spirit & values of any society. It requires a serious thought to the motives behind the soft drink & fast food business otherwise Indians will pay a very high cost for a low cost meal.

References .
1. What Is Advertising? By William M. O' Barr 2. Advertising and Society: Global Perspectives by William M. O' Barr 3. Adler, Richard P. (1977), Research on the Effects of Television Advertising on Children. Washington, D.C.U.S. Government Printing Office. 4. Caron, Andre and Scott Ward (1975), -“Gift Decisions by Kids and Parents," Journal of Advertising Research, 15 (August), pp. 15-20 5. Pros & cons of commercials aimed at young children. First Amendment, ethical & health issues. Popularity of junk food, vulnerability of children to ad messages, products, research. 6. Tatiana Andreyeva, Inas Rashad Kelly,Jennifer L. Harris- Exposure to food advertising on television: Associations with children’s fast food and soft 02138 March 2011 drink consumption and obesity, national bureau of economic research, Cambridge, MA

7. Panchali Das-A Conceptual Review Of Advertising Regulation And Standards: Case Studies InThe Indian Scenario, International Marketing Conference on Marketing & Society, 8-10 April, 2007, IIMK 8. Anand Nawathe,Rohan Gawande,Sudhir Deth- Impact of Advertising on Children’s Health, Department of Management Sciences, University of Pune (Pumba)

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...oriented philosophy is so important. The phrase market-oriented is used in marketing conversations as an adjective describing a company with a marketing orientation. Market orientation more describes the company's approach to doing business. Market-oriented defines the company itself. If a company is market-oriented, its board and executive leadership believe that the best way to succeed is to prioritize the marketplace above products. This usually goes over well with customers, but the company also must have adequate research and development to provide what the market wants. Hence, a market-oriented organization is one whose actions are consistent with the marketing concept. Difference Between Marketing Orientation & Market Oriented by Neil Kokemuller, Demand Media Marketing is a management process and management support for marketing concept is very important element in success. If a company wants to be successful then it is market oriented. Marketing involves identifying the customer requirements and estimate the customer requirements in future. It requires planning which is very important process of marketing. To satisfy the needs the business should provide benefits – offering right marketing at right time at right place. Generally market based companies adopt strategic level marketing that defines the mission and long term objectives of the company. Market oriented...

Words: 716 - Pages: 3

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Words: 789 - Pages: 4

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...Assessment: MKC1 Market Environmental Variables Reading: Contemporary Marketing: Chapter 3 Questions: 1. How would you categorize Generation X using the five segments of the marketing environment? A: Competitive Environment B: Political-legal environment C: Economic environment D: Technological environment E: Social-cultural environment 2. Joe and Ryan both have storefronts in the local mall. Joe sells candies and Ryan sells pretzels. Are Joe and Ryan in direct competition with each other? A: Yes B: No Consumer Behavior and Marketing Reading: Contemporary Marketing: Chapter 5 Questions: 1. Rachel and Sarah’s parents always purchased groceries from the local Aldi marketplace. What is this type of behavior an example of? A: Cultural influences B: Social Influences C: Personal factors 2. Maryanne purchases Maxwell House coffee every two weeks from the grocery. What is this type of behavior an example of? A: Routinized Problem Solving B: Limited problem solving C: Extended problem solving 3. Aaron does research on several local colleges before applying to his first three choices. This is an example of: A: High – involvement purchase decision B: Low – involvement purchase decision Marketing Plans Reading: Contemporary Marketing: Chapter 2 + Ch. 2 Appendix Web sites: Questions: 1. Strategies are designed to meet objectives...

Words: 8933 - Pages: 36