...and offer Pcs. It was named Apple Inc. on January 9, 2007 to reflect its moved center towards buyer hardware. Its best-known fittings items are the Mac line of machines, the ipod media player, the iphone cell phone, and the ipad tablet machine. Apple has ceaselessly concocted imaginative items making it the most significant organization on the planet and abandoning all its rivals Samsung (Hangul: 삼성; hanja: 三星; Korean articulation: [sʰamsʰʌŋ ɡɯɾup]) is a South Korean multinational combination organization headquartered in Samsung Town, Seoul Samsung was established by Lee Byung-chul in 1938 as an exchanging organization. Throughout the following three decades, the gathering broadened into zones including sustenance transforming, materials, protection, securities and retail. Samsung entered the hardware business in the late 1960s and the development and shipbuilding commercial enterprises in the mid-1970s; these ranges would drive its consequent development. Emulating Lee's passing in 1987, Samsung was divided into four business bunches – Samsung Group, Shinseki Group, CJ Group and Hansel Group. Since 1990s, Samsung has progressively globalized its exercises, and gadgets, especially cell telephones and semiconductors have turned into its most vital wellspring of salary. Recent Political,...
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...Research Paper Sweden, Ivory Coast, India, North Korea, Singapore, and Brazil April 24, 2008 Research Paper: Sweden, Ivory Coast, India, North Korea, Singapore, and Brazil A country with a free economy have a higher standard of living than countries with poor economies. The standard of living can be determined by the overall economic standing, policy or reforms, political, social, and cultural conditions that a country displays. These factors can be measured in different ways such as the GDP, population, history, and various sources. In this paper, I will examine the economic structure of six countries and emphasize factors that contribute to the standard of living. Sweden Sweden is the world's 27th freest economy. According to the 2008 Index of Economic Freedom (IEF), it has an economy that is 70.4% free. Services, industry, and agriculture account for 59.8%, 38%, and 2.8% of GDP (World Factbook). It relies heavily on international trade, accounting for more than 50% of GDP. Main exports include paper products, machinery and transport equipment, and chemicals. The population is 9 million with a GDP of about $308.9 billion. Citizens are provided with a broad spectrum of public services and social welfare benefits that guarantee a minimum living standard and all residents are covered by national health insurance (Soldenberg). It is known to have one of the highest living standards in the world. Factors affecting economic freedom and living: 1. The ethics...
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...international ventures accounts for 20.1% of their total revenue which is estimated at $60 billion annually. The purpose of this paper is to select a company and discuss their business model. The company we will be looking at through out this paper is Wal-Mart. Wal-Mart’s slogan “Saving people money so they can live a better life” is what Wal-Mart’s business model is all about. Selling thousands of quality merchandise to low-income consumers at extremely low prices has been responsible for their success in the United States. Achieving success domestically is quite different from succeeding internationally. Doing business globally requires different business models. For a successful transition into the global environment, each business model must be designed to adhere to the preference or norms of each individual country. Both Wal-Mart and Ikea realized that success in the global market goes beyond offering low priced items when they moved into the global market. Its failure in Germany and South Korea made them realize that culture is a factor that must be considered when operating in international In this paper I will also look at some the factors affecting Wal-Mart and based on my opinion offer recommendations. Some of the factors that will be discussed are limited to governmental, economic, social and cultural factors. Introduction Globalization has been the corner stone of most large businesses around the world....
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...Economic Growth is the increase per capita gross domestic product (GDP). There is a distinction between nominal and real economic growth, where the first is the growth rate including inflation, while the second is the nominal rate adjusted for inflation. Moreover economic theorists distinguish short-term economic stabilization and long-term economic growth. The topic of economic growth is mainly related to the long run. Short-run variation of economic growth is termed the business cycle. The long-run path of economic growth is one of the central questions of economics. In 1377, the Arabian economic thinker Ibn Khaldun provided one of the earliest descriptions of economic growth in his Muqaddimah (known as Prolegomena in the Western world) (cited in Weiss, 1995): When civilization [population] increases, the available labor again increases. In turn, luxury again increases in correspondence with the increasing profit, and the customs and needs of luxury increase. Crafts are created to obtain luxury products. The value realized from them increases, and, as a result, profits are again multiplied in the town. Production there is thriving even more than before. And so it goes with the second and third increase. All the additional labor serves luxury and wealth, in contrast to the original labor that served the necessity of life. Economic growth is an important part of economic theory and one of the most significant problems economists tried to explain is the differences of growth...
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...consultants, examine strategic marketing alternatives available and recommend a suitable marketing strategic and realistic implementation plans that are consistent with the overall objectives of the organization ? Introduction World largest electronics company Samsung was began in 1969 in Suwon, South Korea as Samsung Electric Industries, originally manufacturing electronic appliances such as TVs, calculators, refrigerators, air conditioners and washers. The presented piece of work studies the performance of the SAMSUNG company in UK stock market, follows its progress and interesting events for the recent time as well as provides with financial statements, balance sheet and calculates figures required. First of all, the name and address of the company is presented. Secondly, they present the annual report of the company,share prices graphic in compare with other companies and share price graph for the past two years in his report company provided thelatest news and other information. Samsung Electronicsis the world largest electronic and technology company. Samsung make business of $117.4 billion in 2009. The headquartered of SAMSUNG is in SOUTH KOREA. It is the one of the largest South Korean company and the flagship subsidiary of the Samsung group. SAMSUNG Electronics is the global market leader in more than 60 products. The main products of Samsung company is flash memory and hard drives, digital displays such as LCD DISPLAYS. Home electronics like Television DVDs Players...
Words: 1996 - Pages: 8
...Indian market. Through the joint venture strategy in Indian market, Lincoln Electric has a chance of attracting wider market share in the region. The major consideration is done through extensive study of the market situation through various considerations. Market environment has a wide consideration depending on the factors such as political, social and economic integration. The basic considerations that Lincoln Company has to consider are directed in achievement in the market increase (Hastings, 1995). Concerning the Indian market structure, introduction of welding company is essential in reference to the technological improvement. The factors concerning the technology in the region, it covers the different aspects especially in developing market. While considering joint venture strategy in international market, the major considerations are made depending on business environment. This involves political, economic and social culture of the region. External environment Political status of the region helps in decision making regarding international marketing and business establishment. The major factors are on the risks that are involved while setting the business and the response from the market. The references are done in respect to the intention of the company and the level of investment...
Words: 2326 - Pages: 10
...Summary South Korea has been politically stable since becoming a democratic state. However, its relationship with North Korea continues to present a strong challenge. South Korea fell into a brief financial crisis in 1997 due to structural weakness in the banking sector, however strong economic and financial reforms quickly countered the downturn and put the country back on a growth path by the following year. With the opening up of markets after the financial crisis in 1997, the country became one of the largest technology markets in the world. As far as social issues are concerned, the country has low population growth and fertility rates, leading to an ageing population. Furthermore, the country has a highly qualified labor force, which makes it possible to both produce and commercialize advanced technologies. The country is also well equipped with extensive broadband network and telecommunication facilities. Legal procedures in the country are time consuming and complex, which makes it very difficult for foreign investors. The environmental scenario of the country is characterized by the breach of emission standards, which is reaching unreasonable limits in spite of its relatively small area and population in comparison to other countries. Republic of Korea: Country Analysis Report – In-depth PESTLE Insights © Datamonitor. This brief is a licensed product and is not to be photocopied Published 06/2008 Page 11 PESTLE analysis Political analysis Overview South Korea...
Words: 8071 - Pages: 33
...PESTLE analysis PESTLE ANALYSIS Summary South Korea has been politically stable since becoming a democratic state. However, its relationship with North Korea continues to present a strong challenge. South Korea fell into a brief financial crisis in 1997 due to structural weakness in the banking sector, however strong economic and financial reforms quickly countered the downturn and put the country back on a growth path by the following year. With the opening up of markets after the financial crisis in 1997, the country became one of the largest technology markets in the world. As far as social issues are concerned, the country has low population growth and fertility rates, leading to an ageing population. Furthermore, the country has a highly qualified labor force, which makes it possible to both produce and commercialize advanced technologies. The country is also well equipped with extensive broadband network and telecommunication facilities. Legal procedures in the country are time consuming and complex, which makes it very difficult for foreign investors. The environmental scenario of the country is characterized by the breach of emission standards, which is reaching unreasonable limits in spite of its relatively small area and population in comparison to other countries. Republic of Korea: Country Analysis Report – In-depth PESTLE Insights © Datamonitor. This brief is a licensed product and is not to be photocopied Published 06/2008 Page 11 PESTLE...
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...rationale for expansion at different stages of its existence. From the research carried out, it appears that HMC’s choices of specific internationalisation patterns at different stages essentially stemmed from: The dynamics of the relationship between HMC, the Hyundai business group and the South Korean economic and political environment; Political, social and nationalistic incentives deriving from the specificities of Chaebol management and later the influence of the Asian crisis on this management and decision taking processes; Korea’s initial factor dotation, i.e. the prevalence of certain factors over others which pushed the company to seek knowledge and resources abroad at a very early stage; The replication of Japanese strategies (Nissan, Mitsubishi, Toyota). - Due to the complexity of HMC’s environment, strategy over time cannot be illustrated using a single internationalisation framework. The report therefore discusses two different frameworks – namely Porter’s diamond and Dunning’s eclectic paradigm – to analyse the company’s strategy at different stages of its international development. 2 06/06/2013 Research project: Hyundai globalisation strategy Introduction Hyundai Motor Corporation (HMC) is a South Korean multi-national automaker which is part of the Hyundai Motor Group founded in 1967 by Chung Ju-Yung. HMC sells its vehicles in 193 countries through a network of over 6000 dealerships and showrooms. HMC operates the world’s largest integrated automobile manufacturing...
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...Telenor Company Profile Telenor PK is a wholly owned subsidiary of Telenor Group, a Norwegian company. The Telenor group operates in 11 markets across Europe and Asia and in additionally 19 markets through its 31.67 per cent ownership in VimpelCom Ltd. Telenor Group is among the largest mobile operators in the world with over 140 million mobile subscriptions (Q4 2011) and a workforce of 30,000. Telenor started out as a public company in 1855 and builds on more than 155 years of telecom experience. A Telenor is a global company it is always looking to expand in to untapped markets or where oppuruntities are available for expansion. Telenor acquired a license for providing GSM services in Pakistan in April 2004, and launched its services commercially in Karachi, Islamabad, and Rawalpindi on 15 March 2005; it expanded its services to Lahore, Faisalabad and Hyderabad on 23 March 2005. Telenor Pakistan’s Corporate Headquarters are in Karachi, with regional offices in Peshawar, Lahore, Faisalabad, Multan, Hyderabad and Islamabad. On 28 January 2005, Telenor established its first call centre in Karachi. TELENOR TOOK ADVANTAGE OF GRADUATES IN KARACHI BY OPENING ITS CALL CENTRE IN A CITY WITH HIGH LEVEL OF GRADUATES. As of January 2012, Telenor Pakistan had a reported subscriber base of 28.47 million, and a SIM market share of 24%. On October 2012, Telenor officially declared to have the customer base of 30 million. Competitors Its main competitors are Warid (UAE), Mobilink (Egypt)...
Words: 8545 - Pages: 35
...REVIEW QC1. FIELD of RESEARCH (FoR) PANEL to which this request is directed (tick one box only): 0806 Information Systems 1401-1499 Economics 1501 Accounting 1502 Finance 1503 Management 1504-07 Marketing/Tourism/Logistics 180105/1801025 Business and Taxation Law QC2. WHAT ABDC 2013 RATING DO YOU PROPOSE FOR THIS JOURNAL? A* A B C QC3. WHAT ABDC 2010 RATING WAS THIS JOURNAL ASSIGNED? A* A B C QC4. WHAT ERA 2010 RATING WAS THIS JOURNAL ASSIGNED? A* A B C not applicable QC5. NOMINATE “THE BEST” COMPARATOR JOURNAL (journal from the ABDC 2010 list that is most similar in research quality): ASIAN REVIEW OF ACCOUNTING QC6. JOURNAL INFORMATION Editor’s Name: PROF. DR NORMAH OMAR Web Address: http://ari.uitm.edu.my/mar.html Institution: UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MARA NATURE OF SUBMISSION QC7. Primary submitter type (tick one box only) Higher Education Institutional Submission (e.g. formal submission from Business Faculty/School) Peak Body Submission (e.g. AFAANZ, ANZAM) Individual Submission QC8. Primary submitter: PROF. DR SARDAR M. N. ISLAM Institutional Affiliation: Professor of Business, Economics and Finance; College fo Business, Victoria University, Australia QC9. Are there other signatories to this submission? Yes No If yes, how many signatories are there...
Words: 3679 - Pages: 15
...School of Marketing Curtin Business School Consumer Acceptance and Response to SMS Advertising Kyle Jamieson This thesis is presented for the degree of the Master’s of Philosophy of Curtin University 1 March 2012 DECLARATION To the best of my knowledge and belief this thesis contains no material previously published by any other person except where due acknowledgement has been made. This thesis contains no material which has been accepted for the award of any other degree or diploma in any university. Signed 25/03/2011 2 ABSTRACT The rising market penetration of the mobile phone and rapid increase in wireless technology represent significant opportunities for advertisers to reach consumers. Mobile phone advertising has emerged as one of the fastest growing advertising mediums in recent times, and this rise is being led by Short Message Service (SMS) advertising. Despite the growing number of worldwide companies adopting SMS advertising, very little is understood about consumer reactions to this medium. In particular, little academic research has been conducted on consumers’ acceptance of this medium and their behavioural responses to advertising messages. In addition, researchers have thus far been unable to identify the impact of culture on acceptance and response to SMS advertising. This research aims to bridge the gap between academic knowledge and advertising practice by testing...
Words: 45852 - Pages: 184
...MGMT6012 Management Perspectives Sydney Week 5 3/21/2016 Organisational Diversity 3/21/2016 Diversity What does “diversity” mean to you? How does it apply in the workplace? 3/21/2016 Introduction • Diversity is always a sensitive issue. • People who belong to a “minority” group often feel labelled, stereotyped, and marginalised in the workplace; • People who belong to the “majority” group are often unaware of the consequences of the collective action of the majority. 3/21/2016 Introduction • We all hold bias and prejudices simply because we notice difference and it is important not to try to obliterate difference and diversity in an attempt to redress prejudice. • Ignoring difference, for example, can be as damaging as highlighting it in a negative manner. 3/21/2016 Introduction • The literature around inclusiveness is the direction in which this field of study and practice is going. • The idea that we work towards an inclusive workplace for everyone, recognising everyone as a diverse member of the organisation is important, and leverages the strengths that differences bring in to the workplace rather than squashes them. 3/21/2016 What We Cover • The concepts of diversity, exclusion and inclusion • Different roots of diversity in the workplace • The experience of prejudice in the workplace and the limitations it places on organisational performance 3/21/2016 Objectives By the end of this module...
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...UBurger Goes to China UBurger is a fast-casual food chain that is committed to serving fresh high quality products to a discerning populace. They specialize in a selection of burgers topped with fresh produce and sauces with three choices of protein - beef, chicken, and vegetarian patties. In addition to their staple burgers, they also serve french fries and milkshakes. We would like to take UBurger to Shanghai, China to profit from the market for American fast food which has emerged in the industrialized country. UBurger is not the first to follow down this path; many others such as McDonald’s and YUM! Brands have done the same. We feel that these other brands have left an opportunity for a healthier line of food to strive. Given that UBurger does not have the same network of international support as these other brands, a joint-venture would be the best mode of entry to this new market. Real Kung Fu - China’s largest fast food restaurant - would become partners with UBurger in this new venture. As the UBurger Brand grows, we will open additional stores across the nation. Within three years, we will have opened a new location in Beijing and then spread out from there, eventually opening locations in the capitals of all of China’s provinces. UBurger serves signature burgers that are topped with a variety of fresh produce and sauces in its fast-casual food chain locations. The addition of and attention to this produce and these sauces creates separation from traditional fast...
Words: 8352 - Pages: 34
...what globalization is yet critics are constantly putting companies on the hot spot for damaging the environment, affecting the life of local communities, and inhuman working condition. Companies aren’t only held responsible for these social responsibilities in north American continent but everywhere they do business around the world. So what does globalization have to do with corporate social responsibility? Globalization is the unseen force that drives business to do cross border activities or it may just be an excuse for them to do so. Recent history shows that companies from the west or Europe have been moving their production facilities to the east—China and India—to take advantage of the cheap labor cost in those areas. There is mixed perception about globalization in the business world and, without leaning towards any side of the controversy, I believe that the governments is responsible for both the positive and negative sides globalization presents. However, both governments and companies should make effort to uphold corporate social responsibility and preserve the environment. First of all, globalization is a profit driven process which derives from businesses need to reduce costs and increase profit. Historically, contacts between nations were made for economic advantage through trades. Today globalization is no exception. In my opinion, in the business world, globalization is a code word for the exploitation of cheap labor from underdeveloped countries in foster profits...
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