Awesome Marketing Quotes
• 1. 101 Marketing Quotes @HubSpotTWEET EBOOK!
• 2. If you wait untilthere is anothercase studyin yourindustry,you will betoo late.SETH GODINKEYNOTE SPEAKERAUTHOR OF PERMISSION MARKETING TWEET EBOOK!
• 3. People share, read andgenerally engage more withany type of content whenit‟s surfaced through friends& people they know and trust. MALORIE LUCICH FACEBOOK SPOKESPERSON
• 4. No matter what,the very first piece ofsocial media real estateI‟d start with is a blog.CHRIS BROGANKEYNOTE SPEAKERFOUNDER, NEW MARKETING LABS
• 5. Instead ofone-way interruption,Web marketingis about deliveringuseful contentat just the precisemoment thata buyer needs it.DAVID MEERMAN SCOTTMARKETING STRATEGISTAUTHOR OF THE NEW RULES OF MARKETING AND PR
• 6. Increasingly, the massmarketing is turning intoa mass of niches.CHRIS ANDERSONAUTHOR OF THE LONG TAIL
• 7. Remarkable socialmedia content andgreat sales copy arepretty much the same—plain spoken wordsdesigned to focuson the needsof the reader, listener,or viewer.BRIAN CLARKFOUNDER, COPYBLOGGER
• 8. The next time you heara social media myth, question it.Ask for the proof,and ask out loud.DAN ZARRELLASOCIAL MEDIA SCIENTISTHUBSPOT
• 9. Bring the best of your authenticself to every opportunity. JOHN JANTSCH AUTHOR OF DUCT TAPE MARKETING
• 10. There are no magic wands,no hidden tricks,and no secret handshakesthat can bring youimmediate success,but with time, energy,and determinationyou can get there.DARREN ROWSEFOUNDER, PROBLOGGER Image Credit: Hryck
• 11. Your culture is your brand. TONY HSIEH CEO, ZAPPOS.COM TWEET EBOOK!
• 12. Focus on thecore problemyour businesssolves & put outlots of content& enthusiasm,& ideas about howto solve that problem.LAURA FITTONFOUNDER, ONEFORTY.COM
• 13. You can‟t just askcustomers whatthey want andthen try to givethat to them.By the time you get itbuilt, they‟ll wantsomething new.STEVE JOBSCEO, APPLE
• 14. The biggest mistake we see companies make when they first hit Twitter is to think about it as a channel to push out information.TIM O‟REILLY & SARAH MILSTEINCO-AUTHORS OF THE TWITTER BOOK
• 16. Don’t be afraid to getcreative and experimentwith your marketing.MIKE VOLPECHIEF MARKETING OFFICERHUBSPOT
• 17. You need the kind ofobjectivity that makesyou forget everythingyou‟ve heard,clear the table,and do a factual studylike a scientist would.STEVE WOZNIAKCO-FOUNDER, APPLE
• 18. …the Internethas turned whatused to be acontrolled, one-way messageinto a real-timedialogue withmillions.DANIELLE SACKSWRITER, FAST COMPANY
• 19. In today‟sinformation ageof Marketing andWeb 2.0, acompany‟swebsite is thekey to theirentire business.MARCUS SHERIDANAUTHOR OF THE SALES LION BLOGMARKETING SPEAKER
• 20. The way you can understandall of the social mediais as the creation ofa new kind of public space. DANAH BOYD SOCIAL MEDIA RESEARCHER MICROSOFT
• 21. DWhat makes content engaging isrelevancy. You need to connectthe contact information with thecontent information. GAIL GOODMAN PRESIDENT & CEO CONSTANT CONTACT
• 22. Give them quality.Thats the best kind of advertising. MILTON HERSHEY FOUNDER THE HERSHEY CHOCOLATE COMPANY
• 23. More contact means more sharing ofinformation, gossiping, exchanging,engaging—in short, more word of mouth.GARY VAYNERCHUKAUTHOR OF THE THANK YOU ECONOMY
• 24. For corporate marketers,podcasting is low-hanging fruit. PAUL GILLIN AUTHOR OF THE NEW INFLUENCERS
• 25. Institutions thatonce had to gothrough mediato deliverinformationare nowthemselvesmedia.ANDREW NACHISONFOUNDER, WE MEDIAImage Credit: chris.corwin
• 26. Before you create any more “great content,” figure out how you are going to market it first. JOE PULIZZI & NEWT BARRETT AUTHORS OF GET CONTENT GET CUSTOMERSImage Credit:cadfael1979
• 27. If you have more money than brains, you should focus on outbound marketing. If you have more brains than money, you should focus on inbound marketing. GUY KAWASAKI FORMER CHIEF EVANGELIST, APPLE CO-FOUNDER, ALLTOP.COMImage Credit: RangerRick
• 28. People shop and learnin a whole new waycompared to just a fewyears ago, so marketersneed to adapt or riskextinction.BRIAN HALLIGANCO-AUTHOR OF INBOUND MARKETINGCHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER, HUBSPOT
• 29. Image Credit: D notashamedUnderstand why and howyour audience uses technologyand then start trying to alignyour communications efforts.BRIAN REICH & DAN SOLOMONAUTHORS OF MEDIA RULES! D
• 30. Audiences everywhere are tough. Theydon‟t have time to be bored or brow beateby orthodox, old fashioned advertising.CRAIG DAVIS
• 31. The attention economy is not growing, which means we have to grab the attention that someone else has today. BRENT LEARY CO-FOUNDER, CRM ESSENTIALSImage Credit: Sidereal
• 32. Image Credit: Jeremy BrooksWe have embarkedupon the world‟slargest and longestcocktail party,and every issueimaginable is upfor grabs.GEOFFREY MOOREAUTHOR OF DEALING WITH DARWIN D
• 33. Social media are tools. Real time is a mindset. DAVID MEERMAN SCOTT MARKETING STRATEGIST AUTHOR OF THE NEW RULES OF MARKETING AND PRImage Credit: stockerre
• 34. Increasingly, search is our mechanism for how we understand ourselves, our world, and our place within it. JOHN BATTELLE FOUNDER FEDERATED MEDIA PUBLISHINGImage Credit:MicMacPics1
• 35. Either write something worth reading ordo something worth writing about.BENJAMIN FRANKLIN Image Credit: lhalstead
• 36. Search,a marketingmethod thatdidn‟t exist adecade ago,provides themost efficientand inexpensiveway forbusinesses tofind leads. JOHN BATTELLE JOURNALIST FOUNDER, FEDERATED MEDIA PUBLISHING
• 37. For the past 10years, corporationshave been trainedthat they should useall the differentmedia...But the Internet isbecoming theumbrella.LARRY WEBERAUTHOR OF MARKETING TO THE SOCIAL WEB Image Credit: D Unlimited
• 38. Doing well with bloggingis not about writing one keypost, it is about performing dayafter day and helping a fewpeople at a time. AARON WALL AUTHOR OF THE SEOBOOK BLOG
• 39. You can‟t expect to just write and have visitors come to you —that‟s too passive. ANITA CAMPBELL FOUNDER & CEO, SMALLBIZTRENDS.COMImage Credit: Aunt Owwee
• 40. Image Credit: winterofdiscontentWord-of-mouthmarketing hasalways beenimportant.Today, it‟s moreimportant thanever because of thepower of the Internet.JOE PULIZZI & NEWT BARRETTAUTHORS OF GET CONTENT GET CUSTOMERS D
• 41. In a way, the Web is like your Hollywood agent: It speaks for you whenever you‟re not around to comment. CHRIS BROGAN & JULIEN SMITH AUTHORS OF TRUST AGENTSImage Credit:gavinj1984
• 42. Image Credit: CarbonNYCFor business,our Internetlove affair wasa gift from thegods.GARY VAYNERCHUKAUTHOR OFTHE THANK YOU ECONOMY
• 43. Good contentshould be at theheart of yourstrategy, but it isequally importantto keep the displaycontext of thatcontent in mind aswell.TIM FRICKAUTHOR OF RETURN ON ENGAGEMENT Image Credit: Lee Ann L.
• 44. No matter what orwhom we‟re talkingabout, from moviesto chiropractors tobooks to financialplanners, theconsumer hankersafter specialization.SUSAN FRIEDMANNAUTHOR OF RICHES IN NICHES
• 45. To trust agents,hyperlinks are thetwenty-first-centuryequivalent of thename-dropper.CHRIS BROGAN & JULIEN SMITHAUTHORS OF TRUST AGENTS
• 46. Image Credit: Nisha AMarketers need to build digitalrelationships and reputationbefore closing a sale.CHRIS BROGANKEYNOTE SPEAKERFOUNDER, NEW MARKETING LABS
• 47. Image Credit: By PinkMoose…as you‟ve noticed,people don‟t want tobe sold.What people do want isnews and informationabout the things theycare about.LARRY WEBERAUTHOR OF MARKETING TO THE SOCIAL WEB
• 48. You want to invent new ideas,not new rules.DAN HEATHMARKETING SPEAKERCO-AUTHOR OF MADE TO STICK Image Credit: doug88888
• 49. Businesses shouldfollowand learn from others‟successes and failuresin order to betterunderstand and predicttheir own.BEN MEZRICHAUTHOR OF THE ACCIDENTAL BILLIONAIRES Image Credit: Menina Dedê TWEET QUOTE!
• 50. Companies are learning that it‟s much better to offer customers a place to give direct feedback at their virtual doorstep than to ignore complaints and let them crop up everywhere. BRIAN REICH & DAN SOLOMON AUTHORS OF MEDIA RULES!Image Credit: Artiii
• 51. To be successfuland grow your business andrevenues, you mustmatch the way you market yourproducts with the way yourprospects learn aboutand shop for your products.BRIAN HALLIGANCO-AUTHOR OF INBOUND MARKETINGCHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER, HUBSPOT
• 52. Image Credit: ZiębolSmartphones arereinventing the connectionbetween companiesand their customers.RICH MINERPARTNER, GOOGLE VENTURESCO-FOUNDER, ANDROID
• 53. Understand the key factors in the math behind viral marketing, and use those to figure out what it DAVID SKOK GENERAL PARTNER, takes to get viral growth. MATRIX PARTNERSImage Credit: Woodlouse
• 54. You‟ve probablygot a device onyou that can shootdecent video,so what‟s stoppingyou?Capture and sharesome moments.STEVE GARFIELDVIDEO BLOGGERAUTHOR OF GET SEEN Image Credit: KTVee
• 55. Think like a customer. PAUL GILLINAUTHOR OF THE NEW INFLUENCERS Image Credit: decafinat
• 56. Effectiveengagement isinspired by theempathy thatdevelops simplyby being human.BRIAN SOLISPRINCIPAL, ALTIMETER GROUPAUTHOR OF ENGAGE! Image Credit: EUSKALANATO
• 57. Image Credit: Franco Folini
• 58. We‟re all learning here; the best listeners will end up the smartest.CHARLENE LI & JOSH BERNOFFAUTHORS OF GROUNDSWELL Image Credit: dsassoi
• 59. Marketing isn‟t magic.There is a science to it.DAN ZARRELLASOCIAL MEDIA SCIENTISTHUBSPOT
• 60. Holding backtechnology topreserve brokenbusiness models islike allowingblacksmiths to vetothe internalcombustion engine inorder to protect their DON TAPSCOTT & ANTHONY D. WILLIAMShorseshoes. AUTHORS OF WIKINOMICS
• 61. Image Credit: greeka The future of business is social.EET EBOOK! BARRY LIBERT AUTHOR OF SOCIAL NATION CEO, MZINGA
• 62. Keep your eye out for hot topics and trends. The media is constantly looking for timely stories. JIM KUKRAL MARKETING SPEAKER AUTHOR OF ATTENTION!Image Credit: motograf
• 63. Traditional methodsof sales prospectingare grossly inefficienJILL KONRATHSALES KEYNOTE SPEAKERAUTHOR OF SNAP SELLING Image Credit: dominiqu
• 64. I can take what I learned from writing articles, educate a new audience with a new channel, and leapfrog other companies who aren‟t embracing this now. BRIAN J. CARROLL CEO, INTOUCHImage Credit: John Vetterli
• 65. By publishingcontent that showsbuyers youunderstand theirproblems and canshow them how tosolve them, youbuild credibility.ARDATH ALBEEAUTHOR OF EMARKETING STRATEGIESFOR THE COMPLEX SALE
• 66. Already, companiesthat speak in thelanguage of thepitch,the dog-and-ponyshow, are no longerspeakingto anyone.THE CLUETRAIN MANIFESTO Image Credit: Dottie Mae
• 67. Authenticity, honesty, and personalvoice underlie much of what‟ssuccessful on the Web. RICK CO-AUTHOR THE CLUETRAIN MAN
• 68. Your organizationis becoming hyperlinked.Whether you like it or not.It‟s bottom-up; it‟s unstoppable. DAVID WEINBERGER AUTHOR OF EVERYTHING IS MISCELLANEOUS
• 69. When all you‟ve got is a hammer, bad service looks like a nail. DOC SEARLS JOURNALIST CO-AUTHOR OF THE CLUETRAIN MANIFESTOTWEET EBOOK!
• 70. Take two ideasand put themtogether to makeone new idea.After all, what is aSnuggie but themutation of ablanket and arobe?JIM KUKRALMARKETING SPEAKERAUTHOR OF ATTENTION!
• 71. Recognizethatgiveawayitems serveas silentambassadors, reinforcingyour ExpertIdentity—choose themcarefully!SUSAN FRIEDMANNAUTHOR OF RICHES IN NICHES
• 72. Image Credit: BlakJakDavy DAVID SITEMAN GARLAND HOST OF THE RISE TO THE TOP Money follows passion— not the other way around. TWEET EBOOK!
• 73. For many businesses,the fear behind their social media reluctanceisn‟t just fear of failure but of blame andaccountability—both individual and collective.JAY BAER & AMBER NASLUNDAUTHORS OF THE NOW REVOLUTION!
• 74. Companies need to lighten up and takethemselves less seriously.They need to geta sense of humor.THE CLUETRAIN MANIFESTO
• 75. By listening,marketing will re-learnhow to talk.DOC SEARLS & DAVID WEINBERGERCO-AUTHORS OF THE CLUETRAIN MANIFESTO
• 76. Companies needconnections to theimarkets to createlong-term loyalty.CHARLENE LI & JOSH BERNOFFAUTHORS OF GROUNDSWELL
• 77. There‟s a lot of fear-mongering about“losing control” ofyour brand online,when, in fact, you‟vegot control over asmuch as you alwayshave: how youpresent yourbusiness and howyou act.JAY BAER & AMBER NASLUNDAUTHORS OF THE NOW REVOLUTION
• 78. Be passionateabout the culture andthe business, andremain positive,because it inspiresothers.BARRY LIBERTAUTHOR OF SOCIAL NATIONCEO, MZINGA
• 79. Good is the enemy ofgreat... The vast majoritof good companiesremain just that—good,but not great. JIM COLLI AUTHOR OF GOOD TO GRE Image Credit: Charles
• 80. Those who buildand perpetuate mediocrity…are motivated more bythe fear of being left behind. JIM COLLINS AUTHOR OF GOOD TO GREAT
• 81. …one way tosell a consumersomething inthe future issimply to get hisor herpermission in SETH GODIN AUTHOR OF PERMISSION MARKETINGadvance.
• 82. In this age ofmicrobloggingand two-secondsound bites,almost no onehas the attentionspan, or time, toread more than afew sentences.TIM FRICKAUTHOR OF RETURN ON ENGAGEMENT
• 83. Once you haveyour questionsand stories, mapthem to thebuying process—just as yourprospect willexperience them.ARDATH ALBEEAUTHOR OF EMARKETINGSTRATEGIES FOR THE COMPLEXSALE
• 84. What we really need isa mindset shift that willmake us relevant totoday‟s consumers, amindset shift from„telling & selling‟ tobuilding relationships.JIM STENGELFORMER GLOBAL MARKETING OFFICERPROCTER & GAMBLE
• 85. It no longer makes economic sense tosend an advertising message to themany in hopes of persuading the few.M. LAWRENCE LIGHTFORMER CHIEF MARKETING OFFICERMCDONALDS
• 86. When you break downall the fluff,there are two ways topromote and marketyour business: dumber,slower, andexpensive—or smarter,faster, and cheaper.DAVID SITEMAN GARLANDHOST OF THE RISE TO THETOP
• 87. RAND FISHKIN FOUNDER, SEOMOZThere is no black magicto successfully attractingcustomers via the Web