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Master Grae: A Short Story

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Prologue - “Have a seat Mr. Ores.” The boy took a tentative step into the room and then stopped. “Am I in trouble,” he asked. “Should you be?” The boy took a moment to decide how best to answer. To hide his smile, the scribe hid looked down at his notes. “No can’t think of anything.” The boy took a seat in the low backed chair set directly across from the scribe. His eyes scanned the room carved out for the Elder Scribe’s bedroom, study, and office. Stone from the local quarry made rough hewn walls upon which the scribe had hung a hand drawn map of the known world on one wall and a small illustration of the Heart of the Mother Cathadra in Chisten on the other. The back wall was dominated by overfull bookcases. “I have asked you here …show more content…
“Isn’t there a group test?” “You will not need to take the standard final examination, if that is your concern,” Master Grae said. The boy relaxed into his seat and after a sigh, the deep look of concern in his eyes disappeared. Grae smiled again. A knock on the door stopped Grae from continuing. A diminutive and pudgy boy in rough scribe robes stood with a scroll in hand. “Jovin, good! Please come in and assist me.” The young scribe came into the room, gave Grae the scroll he carried, and took a seat just behind Grae. “You haven’t met Jovin Kiln have you?” Ores shook his …show more content…
Dafo once said it is the ability to state the obvious that best displays the mind of man.” The boy furrowed his brow and cocked his head. “Is there a problem?” “Uh… I think it was… M something… Martok or Mouyin who said that.” Grae watched the young man intently, giving the young man no hints with his body language. “Mouyin, the boring one. He actually said that… I think.” “You have passed my first test. However Mouyin’s career as a scribe, while not as exciting as warrior poets Dafo and Martok , was far more eventful than you give him credit for. And I must say as a scribe I am pained by your answer, Mr. Ores.” Ores squirmed a little his seat. Grea then asked a series of mathematical questions, Avin was tripped up on the values of Plates and Ton (1,000 and 1,000,000 respectively) and again when having to quickly add, subtract, and then multiply. Then for the next hour, questions about geography, philosophy, and finally religion were asked. “Explain the Mother and Daughter to me,” Grae asked, walking back from his sink where he had poured a glass of ale for himself. Ores licked his lips as he eyed the

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