Masterseek is the largest B2B (business to business) search engine in the world, and now it’s ready to for international availability. The company has signed on with Thenberg & Kinde Fondkommission AB (based in Sweden) to finance the massive enterprise. Currently, this huge search engine offers listings for millions and millions of companies all around the world. This only leaves one last question: is the world ready for a global search engine of these proportions?
What is Masterseek?
Looking for information on a business? Want to obtain company profiles, contact information, product descriptions, other business data? Masterseek’s purpose is to allow buyers and suppliers to communicate with, contact and find each other with ease.
It’s the largest B2B search engine, with more than 45 million companies listed on the site. More than 75 countries are represented by the businesses displayed on Masterseek — and that’s a huge pool of resources. Using this site, consumers and business professionals can analyze the market, search for new investments and look for potential new contacts.
In essence, Masterseek doesn’t vary from search engines Internet users are more familiar with using on a daily basis. Simply type in your search string and start looking; Masterseek will list results in order of relevance. There are a few different options for those using the engine: standard search of the entire database, a specific product search, company searches and a people search. It’s also possible to look for businesses, and business professionals, by country. Results can be displayed in almost any language the seeker chooses.
How Does Masterseek Work?
Masterseek uses much of the same programming tools that other search engines employ to bring you results. The engine’s Web crawler continuously searches company information, compiling the data into easy-to-search