...identifying and eliminating waste through continuous improvement, flowing the product at the pull of the customer in pursuit of perfection. Lean manufacturing is a comprehensive approach to eliminating waste from your operation. It is a systematic methodology that uses various tools to achieve the goal of reduced waste. The principle of lean manufacturing is to reduce cost through continuous improvement that will eventually reduce the cost of services and products, thus growing more profits. Waste: Waste can be defined as a substance or a thing that is no longer useful in a process. Waste is in fact anything that adds cost, but not value to a product. Toyota executive Taiichi Ohno identified seven types of wastes in manufacturing system, namely: Overproduction- It is considered to be the worst of the wastes, as it multiplies the other 6 wastes and hides your true capability, thereby causing you to make bad decisions such as turn work away or invest in unnecessary additional capacity. Defects- It is also pure waste as poor quality is produced. Time, energy and materials are consumed needlessly, and even if the customer is not lost, you still need to do the work again. Inventory- It is the worst of all the 7 wastes. It ties up cash, requires labor, energy and fixed assets to manage it, and moreover it provides a false sense of comfort by hiding problems. Motion- In terms of ease of elimination and size of improvement impact, the waste of motion ranks very high and is...
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...HOGWARTS SCHOOL OF IMPROVEMENT INITIATIVES PPC PRODUCTION PLANNING & CONTROL Resource Person B.S.Subrahmanian bsstqm@gmail.com 0 HOGWARTS SCHOOL OF IMPROVEMENT INITIATIVES PPC Overview Production-Planning Hierarchy Aggregate Planning Master Production Scheduling Production-Planning and Control Systems 1 HOGWARTS SCHOOL OF IMPROVEMENT INITIATIVES PPC Capacity Planning, Aggregate Planning, Master Schedule, and ShortTerm Scheduling Capacity Planning 1. Facility Size 2. Equipment Procurement Long-term Aggregate Planning 1. Facility Utilization 2. Personnel needs 3. Subcontracting Master Schedule 1. MRP 2. Disaggregation of master plan Short-term Scheduling 1. Work center loading 2. Job sequencing Intermediate-term Intermediate-term Short-term 2 HOGWARTS SCHOOL OF IMPROVEMENT INITIATIVES PPC PRODUCTION PLANNING HIERARCHY Long-Range Capacity Planning Aggregate Planning Master Production Scheduling Production Planning and Control Systems Pond Draining Systems Push Systems Pull Systems Focusing on Bottlenecks 3 HOGWARTS SCHOOL OF IMPROVEMENT INITIATIVES PPC PRODUCTION PLANNING HORIZONS Long-Range Capacity Planning Long-Range (years) Aggregate Planning Medium-Range (6-18 months) Master Production Scheduling Short-Range (weeks) Very-Short-Range (hours - days) Production Planning and Control Systems Pond Draining Systems Push Systems Pull Systems Focusing on Bottlenecks...
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...Stream Mapping (VSM): – Special type of flow chart that uses symbols known as "the language of Lean" to depict and improve the flow of inventory and information. 2 Value Stream Mapping Purpose • Provide optimum value to the customer through a complete value creation process with minimum waste in: – Design (concept to customer) – Build (order to delivery) – Sustain (in-use through life cycle to service) 3 Why ? • Many organizations pursuing “lean” conversions have realized that improvement events alone are not enough • Improvement events create localized improvements, value stream mapping & analysis strengthens the gains by providing vision and plans that connect all improvement activities • Value stream mapping & analysis is a tool that allows you to see waste, and plan to eliminate it 4 What Is Value? • A capability provided to a customer – of the highest quality, – at the right time, – at an appropriate price, as defined by the customer. • "Value" is what the customer is buying 5 What Is Value Stream Analysis? Planning tool to optimize results of eliminating waste current state VSM future state VSM + + Lean Basics = 6 Value Steam Mapping Steps Next Future State Future State Current State Original State 7 Apply Five Simple Principles • Specify value from the standpoint of end customer • Identify the value stream for each product family • Make the product flow • So the customer can pull • As you manage...
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...for this research. ACM is a joint venture company based in Bukit Kayu Hitam, Kedah, Malaysia owned equally by The Boeing Company and Hexcel Corporation. The business of the joint venture is the manufacturer of flat and contoured primary (Aileron skins, spoilers and spars) and secondary ( flat panels, leading edge, trailing edge and MISC component) structure composite bond assemblies and sub-assemblies for aerospace industries. There are some waste activities identified during observation including unnecessary transportation, excessive motions, inventories and waiting. In order to reduce this waste, some of lean manufacturing tools are used. Examples are Just-in-Time manufacturing (kanban system, continuous flow and takt time production planning), 55, kaizen improvement, value stream mapping and production preparation process (3P). As a result of the use of these tools reduces lead time, increase efficiency of value added activities and eliminates some non value added activities. The tools suggested to be use in...
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...Republic of the Philippines Technological University of the Philippines Ayala Boulevard, Ermita Manila IM – 10: Production Management CHAPTER VIII. Production Process Improvement For Product Innovation Submitted by: Tugade, Erwin Benedict P. Liang, Dongping (Jessie) BAM – IM – 4LE Submitted to: Noel B. Hernandez, Ph. D. Topics to be discussed 1. Production Process. 2. Characteristics of A Production Process. 3. Importance of Continuous Process improvement. 4. Innovation Drivers of Change. 5. Reverse Engineering. 6. Kaizen. Objectives * To be able to know what is Product Innovation. * To identify the reason of Continuous Innovation. * To be able to enumerate different factors Necessitating Change in Process Design * To introduce some new ways of thinking about continuous improvement. * To understand innovation as drivers of change. * To discuss about Reverse Engineering and Kaizen. Introduction To win in manufacturing, not only do you need the ability to innovate, but you must also execute upon that innovation and deliver new product to market before your competitors do. That's true manufacturing agility, and it can't happen if your enterprise is burdened by isolated plant-based execution systems that lack coordination between headquarters, engineering and the shop floor. As Blanchard (2005) believes that innovation is the successful exploitation of new ideas. And companies’ success, for example...
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...to the Internet based information, discuss various strategic actions taken by this organization with regards to SCM to improve the finance and non- finance performance. 3 Introduction 3 Basic component Supply Chain Management 3 Plan 4 Source 4 Make 4 Deliver 4 Return 4 Supply chain management for logistic 5 Supply chain management for downstream 6 Tata Steel Strategic 6 Tata Steel supply chain logistic strategy 7 Tata Steel Supply Chain downstream strategy 8 Tata Steel finance improvement 9 Tata Steel non-finance improvement 9 Conclusion 11 Q2. Discuss various Supply chain activities (in relation to Lean Management) in a Toyota company in Danish Industries can learn and use for improved performance. 12 Introduction 12 What is Lean 13 Lean supply chain 14 Lean supply chain for Toyota Production System in Denmark 14 Value stream mapping 16 The VSM process 17 Performance improvement with implementation of VSM 17 Conclusion 19 Q1. Tata steel has taken various strategies in the SCM to improve the performance of the organization. With reference to the Internet based information, discuss various strategic actions taken by this organization with regards to SCM to improve the finance and non- finance performance. Introduction The Tata Group of Companies has always believed strongly in the concept of collaborative growth, and this vision has seen it emerge as one of India's...
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...rising customer’s demand for better and improved products, erratic demand, and competition in markets. There is no disbelief that the manufacturers are always embracing changes and improvements in their key activities or processes to cope with the ever growing challenges. To be more efficient is the only way to stay and earn profit in a global market. Industries are giving lot of attention to Lean manufacturing. Several industries are struggling to be world class. Principal adoption of lean manufacturing is still found to be complex. Lean Manufacturing is a set of techniques, which have developed gradually over a long period and are based on various minor to major breakthroughs that help in reducing cost and hence increase productivity. Lean is a philosophy of manufacturing that incorporates a collection of principles, tools and techniques into the business processes to optimize time, productivity, HR, and assets, while improving the quality level of products and services to their customers. LEAN MANUFACTURING Lean manufacturing is defined as to produce same and more than the mass production using less effort, lesser space, without any new inventory, better quality and lesser defects. Lean manufacturing improves operating performance by focusing on the quick and uninterrupted flow of products and materials through the value stream. To achieve this, the various forms of manufacturing waste must be identified and eliminated. Waste can include any activity, step or process that does...
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...Stream Mapping (VSM): – Special type of flow chart that uses symbols known as "the language of Lean" to depict and improve the flow of inventory and information. 2 Value Stream Mapping Purpose • Provide optimum value to the customer through a complete value creation process with minimum waste in: – Design (concept to customer) – Build (order to delivery) – Sustain (in-use through life cycle to service) 3 Why ? • Many organizations pursuing “lean” conversions have realized that improvement events alone are not enough • Improvement events create localized improvements, value stream mapping & analysis strengthens the gains by providing vision and plans that connect all improvement activities • Value stream mapping & analysis is a tool that allows you to see waste, and plan to eliminate it 4 What Is Value? • A capability provided to a customer – of the highest quality, – at the right time, – at an appropriate price, as defined by the customer. • "Value" is what the customer is buying 5 What Is Value Stream Analysis? Planning tool to optimize results of eliminating waste current state VSM future state VSM + + Lean Basics = 6 Value Steam Mapping Steps Next Future State Future State Current State Original State 7 Apply Five Simple Principles • Specify value from the standpoint of end customer • Identify the value stream for each product family • Make the product flow • So the customer can pull • As you manage...
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...capacity is used the total revenue can increase dramatically. These practice (YM) can be applied in diferentes industires like airlines, hotel, chains, rental car agencies, restaurants, etc. Value stream mapping A ‘Value Stream’ (VS) is all the actions (both value-added and non-value-added) currently required to bring a product through the main flows essential to every product. VSM is a mapping tool that maps not only material flows but also information flows that control the material flows (it links the information flow to the process flow). It allows to visualize the process flow from a systems perspective . Advantages of VSM VSM Provides a big picture perspective that helps focus on improving the whole process, not just optimizing bits and pieces. Other benefits of value stream mapping is that help to identify where the waste is in your business process. Also, makes it easy to make improvements to your business because relates the manufacturing process steps to other components of the supply chain viz. distributors, suppliers and production control, shows the linkage between the information flow and material flow and links Production Control and Scheduling (PCS) functions to Shopfloor Control. Disadvantages of VSM There some disadvatages of VSM, form example: - requires training on symbols and mapping techniques. - Lacks any economic measure for “value” - Fails to map multiple products that do not have identical routings - Fails to relate plant...
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...United States Environmental Protection Agency Solid Waste and Emergency Response (5302W) Policy, Economics & Innovation (1807T) EPA100-R-03-005 October 2003 www.epa.gov/ innovation/lean.htm Lean Manufacturing and the Environment: Research on Advanced Manufacturing Systems and the Environment and Recommendations for Leveraging Better Environmental Performance ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This report was prepared for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response (OSWER) and Office of Policy, Economics, and Innovation (OPEI). Ross & Associates Environmental Consulting, Ltd. prepared this report for U.S. EPA under contract to Industrial Economics, Inc. (U.S. EPA Contract # 68-D9-9018). DISCLAIMER The observations articulated in this report and its appendices represent Ross & Associates’ interpretation of the research, case study information, and interviews with lean experts and do not necessarily represent the opinions of the organizations or lean experts interviewed or researched as part of this effort. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) representatives have reviewed and approved this report, but this does not necessarily constitute EPA endorsement of the observations or recommendations presented in this report. Lean Manufacturing and the Environment: Research on Advanced Manufacturing Systems and the Environment and Recommendations for Leveraging Better Environmental Performance Table of Contents Executive Summary...
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...White Paper Lean Manufacturing Lean Manufacturing Table of Contents Executive Summary.......................................................................................................................................................................................2 Introduction .......................................................................................................................................................................................................4 Lean Manufacturing—So What? .................................................................................................................................................4 Objectives .................................................................................................................................................................................................6 The Manufacturing Challenge .................................................................................................................................................................7 Globalization and Competitive Pressure ................................................................................................................................7 Mass Production to Mass Customization ...............................................................................................................................7 Shortening Product Life Cycles........................................................................
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...An-Najah National University Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology Mechanical Engineering department Project of Industrial Plants Layout and management(67430) for AL-Hizam Company for Carton industry Team #6 :: Omar Rizq-allah ahmed Oday Amouri Abdul-qader salameh Jehad shamlouli Ahmed istatieh Tareq khrim Submitted to Dr. Mohammed Othman 29/11/2013 1.0 Introduction AL-Hizam Company for Carton industry specializes in carton industrial processes, such as cutting and printing. The factory faces some problems in arranging its machines, and also in storing raw materials and delivering it to the machines. As shown in the following figures. Finally, we get information and limitations for this specific project and take it as constraints, after that we compare our results with these constraints and make some recommendations. Fig (1): Al Hizam Company. Fig (2): Printing Machine. Fig (3): Store. 2.0 Description Department | Description | Area(m^2) | D1 | Printing | 33.15 | D2 | Pasted | 51.1 | D3 | Printing +cutting | 109 | D4 | Cutting | 60.8 | D5 | Shipping | 28 | D6 | Cutting | 41 | D7 | Printing +cutting | 49 | D8 | Pasted | 21.6 | D9 | Printing+cutting+pasted | 75.32 | D10 | Spline cutting | 34.8 | D11 | Striation | 33.89 | 3.0 Existing...
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...Journal of Engineering and Technology Innovation, vol. 3, no. 3, 2013, pp. 134-143 A Case Study Improvement of a Testing Process by Combining Lean Management, Industrial Engineering and Automation Methods Simon Withers1, Jose Arturo Garza-Reyes2,*, Vikas Kumar3, Luis Rocha-Lona4 1 2 3 4 Turbo Power Services, Bardon, UK. Centre for Supply Chain Improvement, The University of Derby, Derby, UK. Dublin City University Business School, Dublin City University, Dublin, ROI. Business School, National Polytechnic Institute of Mexico, Mexico City, Mexico. Received 04 April 2013; received in revised form 25 April 2013; accepted 26 May 2013 Abstract Increasingly competitive market environments have forced not only large manufacturing, but also smalland-medium size enterprises (SME) to look for means to improve their operations in order to increase competitive strength. This paper presents an adaptation and adoption by a UK SME engineering service organisation, of lean management, industrial engineering, and automation metods developed within larger organisations. This SME sought to improve the overall performance of one of its core testing processes. An exploratory analysis, based on the lean management concept of “value added” and work measurement technique “time study”, was developed and carried out in order to understand the current performance of a testing process for gas turbine fuel flow dividers. A design for the automation of some operations of the testing process was followed as...
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...| Supply Chain Analysis of Single Malt Whisky | BMAN70292: Global Supply Chain Management, Individual Assignment | Table of Contents 1. Introduction 3 2. Proposed Supply Chain Design and Justification 5 2.1 Proposed Design 5 2.2 The Flow of Materials 6 2.3 The Flow of Information 7 3. Whisky Supply Chain Management: the Strategies and Tactics for Improvement 9 3.1 Strategy of the Whisky Supply Chain 10 3.2 Proposed Improvements and Practical Application 10 3.2 Performance Objectives 12 4. Conclusion 13 5. References (in Order of Appearance): 14 1. Introduction Scottish Whisky is amongst the World’s most famous alcoholic beverages. Famous for its complex flavours, aromas and its amber hue, it has been enjoyed in British Isles for centuries. In the past decade, due to the rapid growth of new markets in countries such as China and Venezuela, the popularity of whisky has spread throughout the world and it has become a major export commodity (Whittam and Danson, 2001). Within the emerging markets, it replaced many traditional drinks (such as Venezuelan rum) as the preferred option. Government regulations concerning alcohol production, etc. Government regulations concerning alcohol production, etc. The finest whisky takes a long time to mature before it is ready for consumption. The production process is a very complicated one, and requires a lot of time. The Glenmorangie story of turning ‘Water to Whisky’ shows...
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...the operating structure of cyclone furniture. Draw a structure diagram and discuss the improvements that can be made. Answer - operating structure of cyclone furniture has three broad categories: 1. Domestic furniture 2. Export furniture 3. Office furniture Each section has its own dedicated setup. Semi-finished furniture from these dedicated setups moves to single furnishing unit where activities like staining and polishing are performed by specialists. However, workers in three manufacturing units are interchangeable. STRUCTURE DIAGRAM OF CYCLONE FURNITURE /-- Domestic Furniture O \ V -- Export Furniture O --- Finishing O Upholstery O V C \-- Office Furniture O / V= stock; o= operation; /= direct to next operation/customer IMPROVEMENTS Instead of three separate manufacturing unit it is more efficient to have single manufacturing unit for all three sections. This will result in economy of scales both in term of machinery and manpower. When all operations will be performed under one space than spare leased plant and machinery can be given back to lessor and cost can be saved to some extent. b) What do think is the real cause for the cash flow problem at cyclone? what actions can be taken improve the situation? Comment on rangi management of factory. Answer- main reason for temporary cash flow problem is high level of stock of raw material and finished good then required as it is evident from rangi statement have about three...
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