...Activity 3 Section 3: Research Problem The title for Chapter 3 in your text is �The Problem: The Heart of the Research Process.� Locating a researchable doctoral level research problem is a critical first step in the dissertation process. This course is devoted to that step in the process; and in a developing a researchable Statement of Problem, that is to be refined throughout much of the entire dissertation process. The following is a sample of a common issue for purpose statements from the OAR. Please read carefully to avoid making these common errors. Sample Problem Statement DirectionPlease provide further explanation of your purpose statement see the direction from the DRF below. Problem Statement (approximately 250 to 300 words) Note: Articulation of a concise problem statement is key to a successful proposal/dissertation manuscript. The problem statement is a brief discussion of a problem or observation succinctly identifying and documenting the need for and importance of the study. | 1. Present general issue/observation that in theory or practice leads to the need for the study (in most cases citations within the last 5 years should be included). | 2. Present focused problem that leads to the need for a research response. For some degree programs (DBA, PhD) the problem identified might be a practical problem or issue. | Clearly describe and document the problem that prompted the study. Whose problem is it? What are the potential negative consequences...
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...1. KEUNTUNGAN APAKAH YANG DIDAPATKAN STARWOOD HOTELS DARI PENGENALAN AKAN TEKNOLOGI TOUCH-SCREEN DARI KASUS DI ATAS? KELEMAHAN APAKAH YANG MUNGKIN MUNCUL? BERIKAN MASING-MASING CONTOHNYA. Keuntungannya yang didapat dengan menggunakan teknologi layar sentuh : seorang tamu hotel pada contoh kasus diatas adalah bisa mendapatkan pelayanan dari “penerima tamu virtual” melalui layar komputer di lobi. Tamu tersebut dapat memanipulasi peta, mengedit foto, memilih menu restoran maupun informasi jadwal teater. Hal tersebut membuat komunikasi menjadi lebih efisien dan cepat yang mungkin akan mempengaruhi loyalitas pengunjung karena pengunjung merasa puas dengan pelayanan hotel tersebut. Sistem pada hotel tersebut juga mampu diprogram untuk mendukung berbagai bahasa sehingga penggunaannya memudahkan para tamu dari berbagai macam bangsa yang berlainan bahasanya dapat dengan mudah berkomunikasi. Selain itu dengan jumlah peralatan layar sentuh yang cukup atau koneksi dari kamar maka hotel tersebut akan mampu melayani para tamu dengan jumlah yang lebih banyak secara bersamaan. Permasalahan yang akan timbul apabila ada permintaan dari tamu yang cukup kompleks dan banyak maka sistem ini tidak akan mampu melakukan pelayanan secara maksimal seperti pelayanan yang di lakukan oleh manusia (pelayan). Selain itu banyak dana yang harus dikeluarkan/dihabiskan untuk investasi pada perangkat lunak, perangkat keras, pemeliharaan program dan sistem, dan dukungan pengguna. Selain itu sumber daya manusia menjadi...
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...Problem:The Critical Step to Realizing Opportunities “The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them.” —Albert Einstein Defining the Right Problem the Right Way Defining the right problem the right way is both the most difficult and the most critical step in problem solving. One can go through a comprehensive problem-solving process, including generating a complete set of goals to use for evaluation, generating a broad set of alternatives, identifying and assessing risks, and carefully evaluating alternatives against the goals, and yet not effectively solve the problem or realize potential opportunities. If the right problem or opportunity has not been identified, the best solutions cannot be identified. And if the problem has not been stated in a way that enables one to identify a solution, it may not get solved at all. Guideline for Developing a Problem or Opportunity Statement Developing a problem statement that will enable a leader to create value requires patience, energy, and focus. And it will take time. There are five simple guidelines that can help you define the right problem the right way. These guidelines are described below, and the use of these guidelines is illustrated in a simple scenario that follows. 1. Scan the Environment Thoroughly with the Intent to Move Forward and Create Value: Before you write the problem statement for any business or personal scenario or situation, scan the internal...
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...Innovation Assignment 2: Creative Problem Solving Assignment Group Members: 9231315 Ivonne Milano 101088515 Jeffrey Vanderveen 101123348 Raja Sekhar Ravi 100856384 Isaac Husain Aditya Vaggani 1 Executive Summary Visitors, particularly international travellers to regional Victoria are often unaware of and are illprepared for the fire hazards posed by the dry Australian country side. Early warning and response are critical in improving the chance of escape and survival from a bushfire event. Previous bushfire events including the recent fires in the Cape Otways, Great Ocean Road, Victoria (December 2015/January 2016) caused widespread devastation and impaired access into and out of the main towns. Many visitors to these areas were caught in the event and were unsure as how best to respond and what action to take. This report presents the findings from the investigation into the observed problem of the lack of awareness of bushfire hazards and risks amongst visitors of regional Victoria. The report describes how the Group has come to a better understanding of the problem through the use of various Design Thinking and Lean UX tools and approaches. The application of the tools has identified invaluable insights into the customer’s needs which provided the Group with the confidence to better define the problem statement. The process also assisted in the identification of key metrics that the Group can use to drive an optimum problem-solution fit. These metrics...
Words: 3689 - Pages: 15
...MATLAMAT DASAR PENDIDIKAN KEBANGSAAN ADALAH UNTUK MENGERATKAN PERPADUAN PELBAGAI KAUM DAN ETNIK. HURAIKAN STRATEGI –STRATEGI YANG TELAH DI RANGKA DAN DILAKSANAKAN UNTUK MENCAPAI MATLAMAT INI Dasar Pendidikan Kebangsaan lahir atas kesedaran tentang mustahaknya diadakan satu sistem pendidikan kebangsaan untuk mengganti sistem pendidikan penjajah dan bagi memenuhi kehendak negara. Matlamat Dasar Pendidikan Kebangsaan adalah untuk memenuhi keperluan tenaga manusia di negara ini untuk jangka pendek dan panjang, melahirkan masyarakat yang bersatu padu, berdisiplin dan melahirkan insan yang berilmu, berakhlak, seimbang, dan harmonis yang boleh mencapai kesejahteraan diri dan memberi sumbangan kepada keharmonian dan kemakmuran masyarakat dan negara. Objektif dasar dinyatakan dalam pendahuluan kepada Akta Pelajaran, 1961, iaitu: "BAHAWASANYA dasar pelajaran scpeti yang disytiharkan dalam Ordinan Pelajaran, 1957 adalah untuk menubuhkan satu sistem pendidikan yang akan dapat memenuhi keperluan negara dan menggalakkan perkembangan kebudayaan, agama, ekonomi dan politiknya.......” Objektif ini dinyatakan secara am tetapi dalam melaksanakannya, Kementerian Pelajaran dengan berpandukan kepada Penyata Razak 1956_ dan Laporan Rahman Talib 1960 telah mentafsirkannya sebagai menyatupadukan murid-murid sekolah berbilang kaum dan menyediakan tenaga kerja bagi keperluan ekonomi. Seterusnya, objektif-objektif ini diperkhususkan...
Words: 1656 - Pages: 7
...Guidelines for Preparing Your Executive Report Contents 1. Title Page: the title should clearly and succinctly communicate the central focus of the paper. The name of every person who is to receive credit for the project must appear on the title page. No name, no credit. 2. Table of contents: List of each of the major sections, including references and appendices, and specify the page on which they begin. (-5 points) 3. Executive Summary: Provide a 100-150 word summary of the purpose and outcome of the project. This goes on a separate page that follows the table of content. Bullet points can be highly effective to summarize findings. (-5 points) 4. Body: The structure for the body of the report is described in detail below. 5. References: Whenever you use someone else’s idea or work in developing an argument or providing an explanation, you must cite the author(s). To do otherwise is plagiarism. You can impress yourself, your instructor and client by citing material from CMST 311. (-5 points) 6. Tables and Figures: You may have numerical data or illustrations that you need to present. If so, these things go after the references; tables first, figures second. If it has numbers on it, then it is a table. If it is a graphical illustration, then it is a figure (e.g., pie chart). Number and title each table/figure so that you can easily refer to them in the text of your paper. For example, “As Table 1 shows…” 7. Appendices: This is where all of the materials...
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...Activity 3 Section 3: Research Problem The title for Chapter 3 in your text is �The Problem: The Heart of the Research Process.� Locating a researchable doctoral level research problem is a critical first step in the dissertation process. This course is devoted to that step in the process; and in a developing a researchable Statement of Problem, that is to be refined throughout much of the entire dissertation process. The following is a sample of a common issue for purpose statements from the OAR. Please read carefully to avoid making these common errors. Sample Problem Statement DirectionPlease provide further explanation of your purpose statement see the direction from the DRF below. Problem Statement (approximately 250 to 300 words) Note: Articulation of a concise problem statement is key to a successful proposal/dissertation manuscript. The problem statement is a brief discussion of a problem or observation succinctly identifying and documenting the need for and importance of the study. | 1. Present general issue/observation that in theory or practice leads to the need for the study (in most cases citations within the last 5 years should be included). | 2. Present focused problem that leads to the need for a research response. For some degree programs (DBA, PhD) the problem identified might be a practical problem or issue. | Clearly describe and document the problem that prompted the study. Whose problem is it? What are the potential negative consequences...
Words: 544 - Pages: 3
...Introduction I remember the first day that I left my son with a sitter in order to go to work. My wife was a trauma nurse who worked three twelve hour shifts starting at 7:00pm and ending at 7:00am. In order for her to get rest, we needed to find a sitter. The funny thing is I remember distinctly not feeling comfortable with leaving my son in this persons care, even though the references she provided were solid. To make a long story short, my intuition proved correct and the situation did not work. I fired the caregiver, perhaps hastily, and now had to figure out what to do about childcare. The hospital my wife worked at had a childcare facility and luckily, they had one opening that would allow us to enroll our son. The facility was clean and bright, very well staffed, and very open and inviting. The trade-off was that the “tuition” was a bit much for a young couple, but we agreed the safety and development of our son was much more important than the cost. Reflecting back on this with knowledge I now have, it is an absolute certainty that the daycare had a formalized system in place; however, I cannot identify which method. This “system” is the distinguishing factor between the two examples provided above. In one case, the caregiver assumes the role of guardian. The responsibility, if taken seriously, is to protect the child from harm and provide for the child’s basic needs. Robert Furman recognized in 1966 that caregivers are in a unique position to do something...
Words: 2105 - Pages: 9
...Example of Outline for Quantitative Research Paper (must be APA formatted) Abstract: (this is done after the whole paper is finished – 250 word max) 1. Problem statement / Limitations of literature 2. Purpose of study 3. Methods 4. Overall results 5. Conclusion Introduction: (500-750 words) 1. General phenomenon 2. Problem statements 3. Limitations of existing literature 4. Statement of Purpose Review of Literature (2000-3000 words) 1. Description of theory/model a. includes definitions b. Strengths of theory/model c. Weaknesses of theory/model 2. Comparison to other theories/models (strengths and weaknesses) 3. Hypotheses (outcomes contained within hypotheses) or model proposition (figures) 4. Assumptions (if any) Methodology: (500-1000 words) 1. Sample and Procedure a. Sampling method b. Procedure of how data was collected i. Time and location c. Instructions to sample d. Human subjects sentence (if applicable) e. Description of sample i. Size, demographics, 2. Instruments a. Description of questionnaire (if applicable) i. Rationale for scale (if applicable ii. Modifications (if any) b. Number of items c. Example of wording of items d. Item format e. Previous reliability values f. Previous validity values 3. Data analysis a. Technique b. Formulae (if necessary) c. Rationale (if necessary)  Results (500-1000 words) 1. Measurement model (if applicable) a. Reliability b. Validity 2. Measures of magnitude and dispersion (Means, percentages...
Words: 359 - Pages: 2
...Pengembangan sistem baru | | Brief Statement Of Problem, Opportunity, Or Directive (attach additional documentation as necessary) | Untuk mencapai tujuan perusahaan yaitu memaksimalkan profit, maka diperlukan pengembangan sistem di dalam departemen keuangan. Namun, dalam sistem bisnis perusahaan kami terdapat masalah terutama dalam Departemen Keuangan, dimana pencatatan masih dilakukan secara manual dan tidak terdapat pemisahan tugas antara yang memegang uang dengan yang mencatat. | | | | | | | | | | Brief Statement Of Expected Solution | Solusi yang diharapkan dari pengembangan sistem yaitu : | Adanya sistem untuk pencatatan yang terpusat dan terkomputerisasi | dilakukannya pemisahan tugas antara yang melakukan pencatatan dengan yang menerima uang | | | Action (Rp Office Use Only) | Feasibility assessment approved | Assigned to Maria Magdalena Nepi | Feasibility assessment walved | Approced Budget Rpxx | | Start Date ASAP | Deadline ASAP | Authorized Signatures : | | | | | | | Manager | Project Executive Sponsor | * Problem Statement | | | | | | | | Problem Statements | | Project | : | General Ledger and Reporting Cycle | Project manager | | : | Maria Magdalena Nepi M | Created by | : | | Last updated by | | : | | Date created | : | 21-Mar-16 | Date last update | | : | | | Brief Statements of...
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...PENGGUNAAN BAHAN MANIPULATIF DALAM MEMBANTU KONSEP KEFAHAMAN OPERASI TOLAK DI KALANGAN KANAK-KANAK TABIKA 6 TAHUN DI HULU SELANGOR Oleh Nurfarahin Binti Shamsudin Abstrak Kajian tindakan ini bertujuan untuk melihat keberkesanan penggunaan bahan manipulatif dalam membantu kebolehan operasi nombor dalam kalangan kanak-kanak enam tahun di tabika. Pengkaji memilih dua orang kanak-kanak tabika yang berumur enam tahun sebagai kumpulan sasaran. Tinjauan awal telah dilakukan dengan menganalisis lembaran kerja yang dilakukan keatas pemerhatian keputusan ujian pra. Berdasarkan analisis lembaran kerja yang dilakukan oleh kanak-kanak dalam operasi tolak menunjukkan tiga daraipada mereka mempunyai masalah dalam menyelesaikan operasi tolak dalam lembaran kerja yang diberikan guru. Melalui keputusan Ujian Pra yang diperolehi oleh kanak-kanak amat tidak memuaskan kerana kanak-kanak tersebut mendapat 2 markah kebawah iaitu sebanyak 20% Perbandingan keputusan sebelum aktiviti dijalankan dengan selepas aktiviti dijalankan amat memberangsangkan. Perbezaan skor antara Ujian Pra dan Ujian Pos yang amat ketara bagi dua orang kanak-kanak membuktikan penggunaan bahan manipulatif ini amat signifikan dengan kemahiran kanak-kanak dalam menyelesaikan operasi matematik tolak dengan aktiviti penggunaan bahan manipulatif. Kanak-kanak didapati lebih suka dengan tindakan inovatif dengan menjawab soalan yang diberikan oleh guru dan ini merupakan intipati dalam kajian tindakan ini menjawab persoalan yang...
Words: 3906 - Pages: 16
...9-201-028 REV: APRIL 26, 2004 BENJAMIN ESTY Airbus A3XX: Developing the World's Largest Commercial Jet (A) Aviation is a great business to be in, provided you have limitless money at your disposal, limitless confidence in your ability to get everything right the 1 first time, and limitless resolve and iron nerve. EADS (Airbus) is betting the company on this aircraft. 2 On June 23, 2000, Airbus Industrie’s Supervisory Board approved an Authorization to Offer (ATO) the A3XX, a proposed super jumbo jet that would seat from 550 to 990 passengers, have a list price of $216 million, and cost $13 billion to develop. Before the Board would commit to industrial launch, the point at which significant expenditures would begin, it hoped to secure orders for 50 jets from as many as five major airlines. While Airbus had been courting potential customers for many years—in fact, development had been underway since 1990—the ATO gave the sales force permission to begin taking firm orders for the plane with delivery starting in 2006. Airbus management announced the first orders for the A3XX at the bi-annual Air Show in Farnborough, England, in July 2000. Noël Forgeard, Airbus’ CEO, reported that Air France, Emirates Airlines, and International Lease Finance Corporation had agreed to order ten, seven, and five jets, 3 respectively, and that there were another 30 orders lined up. The initial orders were a positive, though not unexpected, sign. The real question, however...
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...7 â¤Ã§¡Òà WTO Watch (¨Ñº¡ÃÐáÊͧ¤ì¡ÒáÒäéÒâÅ¡) ËéͧàÅ¢·Õè 14 ªÑ¹ 4 ¤³ÐàÈÃÉ°ÈÒʵÃì ÁËÒÇÔ·ÂÒÅѸÃÃÁÈÒʵÃì é àÅ¢·Õè 2 ¶¹¹¾ÃШѹ·Ãì ࢵ¾Ãй¤Ã ¡ÃØ§à·¾Ï 10200 â·ÃÈѾ·ì 0 2613 2470 áÅÐ 0 2623 5510 â·ÃÊÒà 0 2623 5510 โบอิ้งกับแอร์บัส : กรณีพพาททางการค้าระหว่างสหรัฐฯกับสหภาพยุโรป ิ ¢é͵¡Å§¡ÒäéÒàÊÃÕÊËÃÑ°ÍàÁÃÔ¡Ò สุ น ทร ตั น มั น ทอง àÍ¡ÊÒÃà˵ءÒó컨¨Øº¹ËÁÒÂàÅ¢ 7 Ñ Ñ â¤Ã§¡Òà WTO Watch (¨Ñº¡ÃÐáÊͧ¤ì¡ÒáÒäéÒâÅ¡) ä´éÃѺ·Ø¹Íش˹ع¨Ò¡Êӹѡ§Ò¹¡Í§·Ø¹Ê¹ÑºÊ¹Ø¹¡ÒÃÇԨѠ(Ê¡Ç.) โบอิงกับแอร์บส : ้ ั กรณีพิพาททางการค้าระหว่างสหรัฐฯกับสหภาพยุโรป สุนทร ตันมันทอง àอกสารเหตุการณ์ปัจจุบันหมายเลข 7 เมษายน 2550 ได้รับทุนอุดหนุนจากสำนักงานกองทุนสนับสนุนการวิจัย (สกว.) โครงการ WTO Watch (จับกระแสองค์การการค้าโลก) àÍ¡ÊÒÃà˵ءÒó컨¨Øº¹ËÁÒÂàÅ¢ 7 Ñ Ñ âºÍÔ§¡ÑºáÍÃìºÊ : ¡Ã³Õ¾¾Ò··Ò§¡ÒäéÒÃÐËÇèÒ§ÊËÃѰϡѺÊËÀÒ¾ÂØâû é Ñ Ô ¼Ùàé ¢Õ¹ Êع·Ã µÑ¹Áѹ·Í§ ¨Ó¹Ç¹ 63 ˹éÒ ISBN 978-974-7334-38-8 ¾ÔÁ¾ì¤ÃÑ駷Õè˹Öè§ àÁÉÒ¹ 2550 ¨Ó¹Ç¹ 1,000 àÅèÁ ÃÙ»àÅèÁ ÂØÇ´Õ ä¢ÁÕྪà à¨éҢͧ â¤Ã§¡Òà WTO Watch (¨Ñº¡ÃÐáÊͧ¤ì¡ÒáÒäéÒâÅ¡) ËéͧàÅ¢·Õè 14 ªÑ¹ 4 ¤³ÐàÈÃÉ°ÈÒʵÃì ÁËÒÇÔ·ÂÒÅѸÃÃÁÈÒʵÃì é àÅ¢·Õè 2 ¶¹¹¾ÃШѹ·Ãì ࢵ¾Ãй¤Ã ¡ÃØ§à·¾Ï 10200 â·ÃÈѾ·ì 0 2613 2470 áÅÐ 0 2623 5510 â·ÃÊÒà 0 2623 5510 E-Mail: lekkygood@yahoo.co.th www.thailandwto.org ä´éÃѺ·Ø¹Íش˹ع¨Ò¡ Êӹѡ§Ò¹¡Í§·Ø¹Ê¹ÑºÊ¹Ø¹¡ÒÃÇԨ (Ê¡Ç.) Ñ ªÑ¹ 14 ÍÒ¤ÒÃàÍÊàÍçÁ·ÒÇàÇÍÃì é àÅ¢·Õè 979 ¶¹¹¾ËÅâ¸Թ á¢Ç§ÊÒÁàʹ¹Í¡ ࢵ¾-Òä· ¡ÃØ§à·¾Ï 10400 ¾ÔÁ¾ì·èÕ âç¾ÔÁ¾ìÁËÒÇÔ·ÂÒÅѸÃÃÁÈÒʵÃì ·èÒ¾ÃШѹ·Ãì â·Ã. 0 2224 7357-9 ÈÙ¹ÂìÃѧÊÔµ â·Ã. 0 2564 3105-11 ¤³Ð¡ÃÃÁ¡ÒùâºÒÂâ¤Ã§¡Òà WTO...
Words: 5434 - Pages: 22
...April 2014 Eli Talmor Luiz Henrique Spinardi Campos Steven Stolk Cetip and Advent International: Private Equity in Brazil It was a typically balmy summer afternoon on 9 March 2012 on busy Faria Lima in São Paulo, Brazil. Patrice Etlin and Mario Malta of Advent International, a global private equity firm, were meeting a former colleague, Martin Escobari, for lunch (see Exhibit 1 for bios). The conversation between them soon turned to the recent stock price performance of Cetip SA, Brazil’s largest custodian for private debt, and an investment they had worked on together for Advent. The stock had traded at R$33 per share throughout the day, well above the R$25.50 for which Advent had sold its remaining stake to IntercontinentalExchange (ICE) only nine months previously. Advent had first contacted Cetip in early 2007, before the outbreak of the global financial crisis, seeking to acquire a stake in the company. Two years later, following a failed IPO and having fended off competition from several other private equity players, Advent completed its investment. During its two years of ownership, Advent helped Cetip in its transition from a non-profit mutual organisation, with more than 600 financial institutions as members, into a listed business with a strong growth profile. Following its demutualisation in 2008, the company reinforced its management team, implemented best-practice corporate governance, instilled a culture of innovation and performance improvement and subsequently...
Words: 10851 - Pages: 44
...说明 1. 本资料来源于英文版《How to get into the top MBA programs》,作者为Don Martin. 2. 第一部分为115份真实的ESSAY, 分别来自于17个不同背景的申请人. 3. 第二部分为对21个常见ESSAY问题的分析,包括问题的关键,常见错误,正确的回答方式. 个人认为这一部分比真实的ESSAY更重要. 4. 由于文件采用扫描和文字识别方法输入, 可能存在一些错误. 5. 此文件仅供CHASEDREAM网友参考使用, 请尊重原书版权, 切勿用于商业用途. Xiearmyxiearmy 零四岁末于美国穷乡僻壤 Chapter I Application Essay Examples INTRODUCTION This appendix contains 115 actual essays written, by 17 different applicants, for leading MBA programs. They address dozens of different essay topics. The applicants and their essays have been selected to give you the widest possible range of materials from which to profit. The first four applicants all applied to the University of Chicago. They were chosen by Chicago’s admissions director, Don Martin, according to my desire that they be from four very different people and of average quality for those admitted. In other words, these essays will show you exactly what you are competing against. They are of perfectly acceptable quality, but they should not discourage you. If you follow the lessons of this book you should be able to surpass each of these efforts. The second set of three applicants—Melissa, Doreen, and Carol—is taken from Columbia University’s files. Columbia’s admissions director, Linda Meehan, was asked to supply several applications, again from people of widely differing backgrounds, but this time of superior quality. I think that this group’s applications...
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