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Maya Angelou's Essay: Why People Are Better Than Words

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Maya Angelou once said “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” I agree with her because I’ve gone through this many times. Many people think they’re better than someone, but they don’t show it. If you’re going to say something then the point is to prove it. The way you act will always prove more than what you say. Actions speak louder because what you do proves half of the person you are. The way you treat someone will show how you feel about them. For example, if you treat someone in a mean way it will prove you don’t like them. On the other hand, if you’re nice to someone it will show you like them. Besides if you do something you’re not suppose to, you may lose some friends. Some of them might not even trust you anymore. Actions hit harder than words. Because people will forget what you said, but they aren’t going to forget what you did. …show more content…
I got in a fight with a girl because she kept saying things about me. She would always say “I can beat her if we ever fight.” or “She has nothing on me.” Of course I didn’t say anything at first because my parents showed me better. I decided to just keep my mouth shut because I only fight I don’t “talk”. I let it go, I didn’t even bother to tell her to stop. If she wanted to dream she could because I can’t stop her from dreaming. A few days past, and she got annoying. I couldn’t stand her anymore, so I told her that instead of talking to prove it. She seemed so confident about herself, but I knew she wouldn’t be able to beat me. I didn’t say anything though instead I decided to show it. If she really wanted to fight, she could have told

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